Obama’s rift with Senate Democrats exposed

(© Joshua Roberts / Reuters / REUTERS)

DEBRIEF | Reid staffer accused Obama of paying “lip service” to concerns about fundraisingm and said the president was an anchor that took down Democrats across the country, costing them the majority.

Latest Politics News

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Go call the police, go call the Clark County Board of Commissioners

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In 2012, Democrats won the popular vote but lost the House. Not this year.

2016 promises to be a key cycle for theories of House control.

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Breaking down WaPo’s authoritative look at the campaign.

How bad was Tuesday for Democrats? Just look at their campaign chairmen.

All three experiences losses close to home.

Why Anthony Brown lost in Maryland

Why Anthony Brown lost in Maryland

THE FIX | In the Va. Senate race, it was turnout for Mark Warner. It was a different story for Brown.

One woman’s political race in Kansas

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Democrat Amber Versola was “out-Republicanned” in her bid for the state legislature.


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Independents didn’t decide the midterm election

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Many of these “independents” were Republicans anyway.

What’s next for the marijuana movement

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Veterans Choice Cards are in the mail today. So what are they?

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Border stat posted, and then removed

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GOP improves standing among Hispanic voters

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Republican gains foreshadow the Democrats’ challenge in retaining Latino support in 2016.

The Senate just got a lot younger

The Senate just got a lot younger

At least by the mossy standards of the U.S. Senate. Among the 11 new members, eight are under 60 and one is just 37.

After rebuke, Obama ready to break gridlock

After rebuke, Obama ready to break gridlock

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Party switch hands W.Va. legislature to GOP

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Obama’s rift with Senate Democrats exposed

Obama’s rift with Senate Democrats exposed

DEBRIEF | Reid staffer accused Obama of paying “lip service” to concerns about fundraisingm and said the president was an anchor that took down Democrats across the country, costing them the majority.


For some Democrats, unemployment now a bigger issue

For some Democrats, unemployment now a bigger issue

To the victors go the jobs, which will mean some turnover on Capitol Hill staffs in a couple of months.

Russia to skip 2016 Nuclear Security Summit

Russia to skip 2016 Nuclear Security Summit

The gathering initiated by President Obama was a key component of his nonproliferation agenda.

Justices consider the case of the missing grouper

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Federal prosecutors used a portion of the law to tackle a commercial fisherman who threw some back.

8 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

8 things you didn’t read today (but should have)

Elections, losers and surprises.

Angus King and Joe Manchin are sticking with the Democrats. Because, of course.

Angus King and Joe Manchin are sticking with the Democrats. Because, of course.

Party-switching is a really fun D.C. parlor game with little basis in reality.


D.C. Mayor-elect Muriel Bowser talks to reporters at the National Press Club

D.C. Mayor-elect Muriel Bowser talks to reporters at the National Press Club

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) talks to reporters at the National Press Club on Wednesday following her win over David Catania (I).