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President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data

PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread
RCP Average10/23 - 11/5--42.053.2 -11.2
Gallup11/3 - 11/51500 A4153 -12
Rasmussen Reports11/3 - 11/51500 LV4652 -6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl10/30 - 11/11200 RV4252 -10
Reuters/Ipsos10/26 - 10/301288 A3954 -15
The Economist/YouGov10/25 - 10/27696 RV4157 -16
FOX News10/25 - 10/27734 LV4154 -13
CBS News10/23 - 10/271269 A3951 -12
CNN/Opinion Research10/24 - 10/261018 A4553 -8
ABC News/Wash Post10/23 - 10/26758 LV4256 -14
USA Today/PSRAI10/23 - 10/261210 A4450 -6

All President Obama Job Approval Polling Data

RCP Poll Average
President Obama Job Approval
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Polling Data

PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread
RCP Average10/23 - 11/5--42.053.2 -11.2
Gallup11/3 - 11/51500 A4153 -12
Rasmussen Reports11/3 - 11/51500 LV4652 -6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl10/30 - 11/11200 RV4252 -10
Reuters/Ipsos10/26 - 10/301288 A3954 -15
The Economist/YouGov10/25 - 10/27696 RV4157 -16
FOX News10/25 - 10/27734 LV4154 -13
CBS News10/23 - 10/271269 A3951 -12
CNN/Opinion Research10/24 - 10/261018 A4553 -8
ABC News/Wash Post10/23 - 10/26758 LV4256 -14
USA Today/PSRAI10/23 - 10/261210 A4450 -6
Reuters/Ipsos10/18 - 10/221760 A3856 -18
The Economist/YouGov10/18 - 10/20699 RV4157 -16
Associated Press/GfK10/16 - 10/20968 LV4059 -19
Pew Research10/15 - 10/202003 A4351 -8
FOX News10/12 - 10/14831 LV3953 -14
Reuters/Ipsos10/11 - 10/151722 A3953 -14
The Economist/YouGov10/11 - 10/13710 RV4553 -8
ABC News/Wash Post10/9 - 10/12629 LV3957 -18
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl10/8 - 10/121000 RV4252 -10
Reuters/Ipsos10/3 - 10/71651 A3953 -14
CBS News10/3 - 10/61260 A4250 -8
The Economist/YouGov10/4 - 10/6695 RV4452 -8
Reason-Rupe/PSRAI10/1 - 10/61004 A4350 -7
Reuters/Ipsos9/28 - 10/21526 A4052 -12
FOX News9/28 - 9/30845 LV3953 -14
The Economist/YouGov9/27 - 9/29697 RV4355 -12
Associated Press/GfK9/25 - 9/29958 LV4258 -16
CNN/Opinion Research9/25 - 9/281055 A4452 -8
Gallup9/25 - 9/271500 A4253 -11
McClatchy/Marist9/24 - 9/29884 RV4651 -5
Reuters/Ipsos9/19 - 9/231686 A3756 -19
The Economist/YouGov9/20 - 9/22685 RV4256 -14
CBS News/NY Times9/12 - 9/151009 A4050 -10
The Economist/YouGov9/13 - 9/15690 RV4255 -13
Reuters/Ipsos9/10 - 9/141582 A3856 -18
FOX News9/7 - 9/9833 LV3857 -19
The Economist/YouGov9/6 - 9/8715 RV4058 -18
CNN/Opinion Research9/5 - 9/71014 A4355 -12
ABC News/Wash Post9/4 - 9/7RV4254 -12
Pew Research9/2 - 9/92002 A4250 -8
Reuters/Ipsos9/3 - 9/71758 A3953 -14
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl9/3 - 9/71000 RV4054 -14
Reuters/Ipsos8/30 - 9/31811 A3856 -18
The Economist/YouGov8/30 - 9/1729 RV4156 -15
GWU/Battleground8/23 - 8/281000 LV4451 -7
The Economist/YouGov8/23 - 8/25683 RV4356 -13
Reuters/Ipsos8/20 - 8/241497 A3854 -16
USA Today/Pew Research8/20 - 8/241501 A4250 -8
The Economist/YouGov8/16 - 8/18709 RV4452 -8
Reuters/Ipsos8/13 - 8/171798 A3955 -16
FOX News8/10 - 8/121001 RV4249 -7
The Economist/YouGov8/9 - 8/11732 RV4353 -10
Reason-Rupe/PSRAI8/6 - 8/101000 A4352 -9
McClatchy/Marist8/4 - 8/7806 RV4052 -12
Reuters/Ipsos8/2 - 8/61716 A3757 -20
The Economist/YouGov8/2 - 8/4702 RV4254 -12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl7/30 - 8/31000 A4054 -14
CBS News7/29 - 8/41344 A4150 -9
The Economist/YouGov7/26 - 7/28699 RV4256 -14
Associated Press/GfK7/24 - 7/281044 A4059 -19
Reuters/Ipsos7/20 - 7/241640 A3858 -20
FOX News7/20 - 7/221057 RV4252 -10
CNN/Opinion Research7/18 - 7/201012 A4255 -13
The Economist/YouGov7/19 - 7/21696 RV4454 -10
Reuters/Ipsos7/12 - 7/161689 A3756 -19
The Economist/YouGov7/12 - 7/14694 RV4253 -11
Pew Research7/8 - 7/141805 A4449 -5
The Economist/YouGov7/5 - 7/7681 RV4256 -14
The Economist/YouGov6/28 - 6/30700 RV4651 -5
Quinnipiac6/24 - 6/301446 RV4053 -13
Reuters/Ipsos6/24 - 6/282050 A3756 -19
FOX News6/21 - 6/231018 RV4154 -13
CBS News/NY Times6/20 - 6/221009 A4054 -14
The Economist/YouGov6/21 - 6/23670 RV4454 -10
Reuters/Ipsos6/15 - 6/191703 A3658 -22

All Commentary & News Stories

- The End of the Obama Dream - John Kass, Chicago Tribune

- Arrogant Obama Has Learned Nothing - Jonathan Tobin, Commentary

- After Defeat, Obama Must Try Harder - The Guardian

- Mr. Obama's Offer to Republicans - New York Times

- Obama, Chastened But Uncompromising - Washington Times

- Dems Have Fallen Far Under Obama - George Condon, National Journal

- Obama's Chance for a Decent Legacy - Charles Gasparino, New York Post

- Obama Isn't Listening to Voters He Claims to Hear - Ron Fournier, NJ

- How Obama and the Democrats Lost the Election - Gloria Borger, CNN

- Obama Turns Conciliatory -- Mostly - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast

- Barack Obama Is Now a Toxic Brand - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

- No Signals That President Obama "Gets It" - Ed Rogers, Washington Post

- The Sobering Message for Obama - David Gergen, CNN

- McConnell, Obama Size Up Relationship - Huey-Burns & Simendinger, RCP

- Obama Unrepentant After Losing Senate - Barron-Lopez & Ferris, The Hill

- Obama's Failure to Communicate - David Corn, Mother Jones

- Obama Seems Numb to Latest Shellacking - Dana Milbank, Wash Post

- Obama Left Fighting for His Own Relevance - , New York Times

- Obama Has Lost Nearly 70 House Seats - , The Hill

- After Rout, Obama Says He Got Message - , Washington Post

- A President Left Fighting for His Own Relevancy - Peter Baker, NY Times

- An Election About a Failed Presidency - Ben Domenech, The Federalist

- Dems Make Mistake Running from Obama - Jonathan Capehart, Wash Post

- Obama Will Leave the Dems in Shambles - Michael Barone, DC Examiner

- Blacks, Obama and the Election - Charles Blow, New York Times

- What Tuesday's Outcome Will Mean for Obama - Alexis Simendinger, RCP

- Senate Dems Can't Break Free of Obama - Bland & Roarty, National Journal

- Obama Deserves More Credit Than He's Getting - The Observer

- How Obama Lost America - Ross Douthat, New York Times

- Bracing for GOP Takeover, Obama Eyes Last 2 Years - Baker & Shear, NYT

- How a Liberal Hero Got Dragged So Far Down - Julian Zelizer, Daily News

- Obama's Extraordinary Damage to His Party - Peter Wehner, Commentary

- Obama's Wrong About Stay at Home Moms - Mollie Hemingway, Federalist

- Obama's ISIS Strategy: Doomed for Failure - Robert Merry, Natl Interest

- The Obama Drag on Democrats - Amy Walter, Cook Political Report

- Voters' Love Affair With Obama Ends - Erick Erickson, RedState

- Obama's Incoherence on Ebola Quarantines - Richmond Times-Dispatch

- It Won't Be Obama's Fault If Dems Lose - Brian Beutler, The New Republic

- The End of the Age of Obama - Jay Cost, Weekly Standard

- With a Friend Like Obama..... - New York Daily News

- Time Running Out for Obama on Syria - Jamie Detmer, The Daily Beast

- What a Chickensh*t Knows About Lame Ducks - Zev Chafets, FOX News

- Obama is Costing Democrats the Senate - Josh Kraushaar, National Journal

- What Obama Could Learn From Bush - David Rothkopf, CNN

- Obama Soaks the Rich, Drowns the Middle Class - Kyl & Moore, WSJ

- Why America Is Over Obama - Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph

- Obama's Postponed November Surprises - Washington Times

- Where Is Obama's Soaring Rhetoric Now? - Charles Hurt, Wash Times

- Where Was President Obama? - Michelle Malkin, Townhall

- Obama to Stump for Blue State Dems - Alexis Simendinger, RealClearPolitics

- The Ghost of Obama's Presidency Will Linger - Sherman Frederick, LVRJ

- On Trail, Dems Move to Pin Losses on Obama - Martin & Davis, NY Times

- Why Liberals Were Suckers for Carter & Obama - Thomas Frank, Salon

- President Obama's Raw Deal - Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

- Obama's Half-Hearted Fight Against ISIS - Washington Post

- Why Obama Won't Fire Staff After Election Day - George Condon, Natl Jrnl

- Are Dems Losing Confidence in Obama? - Clarence Page, Changing Lanes

- Can Obama Find Thumpin' to Say? - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal

- Obama's Gift to Republicans - Peter Wehner, Commentary

- Obama and the End of Greatness - Jeff Shesol, The New Yorker

- Dems Run, But Obama Won't Let Them Hide - Ed Rogers, Washington Post

- How Obama Can Tidy Up a Messy World - Armitage & Bue, USA Today

- Why Is Obama Always Surprised? - James Oliphant, National Journal

- Obama, the Pariah President - Dana Milbank, Washington Post

- How Obama Can Salvage Last Two Years - Thomas McLarty, Wall St. Jrnl

- Obama Giftwraps Another Soundbite for GOP - Aaron Blake, Wash Post

- Obama's Ebola Czar Is a Dangerous Mistake - Steve Forbes, Forbes

- Obama Is "Seething" Over His Ebola Response - Sherman Frederick, LVRJ

- NYT: Obama Is Angry at WH Incompetence! - John Hinderaker, PowerLine

- Obama's Midterm Dilemma - Justin Sink, The Hill

- The President Who Cried Wolf - Erick Erickson, RedState

- We Don't Know What the White House Is Hiding - Ed Rogers, Wash Post

- Hispanics Souring on Obama Dems - Michael Barone, Washington Examiner

- Let Obama and Frieden Do Their Jobs - Joe Conason, National Memo

- Paging Dr. Obama - New York Daily News

- How Presidents Handle Pandemics - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast

- Obama's Spectacular Incompetence Turns Deadly - Joe Curl, Wash Times

- President Obama's Ebola Problem - Justin Sink, The Hill

- Obama Steps Up Ebola Response - Alexis Simendinger, RealClearPolitics

- Obama Refusal to Impose Travel Ban Is Crazy - Tucker Carlson, FOX News

- A President Lacking Menace - Richard Cohen, Washington Post

- Obama Now Phoning It in -- Literally - Joseph Curl, Washington Times

- Barack Obama: From Comedy to Farce - Victor Davis Hanson, PJ Media

- Like Bush in '06, Obama Is a Drag on His Party - George Condon, Natl Jrnl

- President Obama's Midterm Malaise - Jim Acosta, CNN

- Appetite, Bill and Barack - Frank Bruni, New York Times

- Move Over Barack, Hill & Bill Taking Over - John Heilemann, Bloomberg

- Obama and Commodus - Jakub Grygiel, The American Interest

- The Americans President Obama Has Left Behind - Katie Pavlich, The Hill

- How Obama Saved His Presidency - Ezra Klein, Vox

- Disintegration of the Obama Presidency - Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard

- Ignore the Haters: Obama Helped Save the Economy - Danny Vinik, TNR

- Obama's No-Win Attorney General Decision - Tim Mak, The Daily Beast

- Obama Exposed as Professor-in-Chief - Jonathan Alter, The Daily Beast

- Barack Obama's French Revolution - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

- Obama's Remarkable Dispassion - Kathleen Parker, Washington Post

- Why Losing Senate Could Help Obama - Philip Bump, Washington Post

- Obama Ties Dem Hopes to His Failed Policies - Investor's Business Daily

- Obama's Scandal-Ridden Legacy - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

- Voters Have Turned Decidedly Against President - Ed Rogers, Wash Post