Work will start soon on Springfield, Mass. MGM casino

Massachusetts voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a measure to repeal the law that allowed for casinos in the Bay State.

MGM expects to start work immediately on an $800 million project about 90 minutes from Albany in Springfield, Mass., a spokeswoman for the Las Vegas company said.

In New York, the state Gaming Commission’s siting board is mulling 16 applications from bidders seeking up to four upstate casino licenses. The closest project to western Massachusetts would be in East Greenbush.

The siting board intends to reveal the finalists this fall and is expected to disclose the ratings on each project.

Opposition initiatives against the referendum to repeal the 2011 law that allowed for legalized gambling in Massachusetts received millions of dollars in financial backing from three casino companies that have projects planned — MGM, Wynn Resorts and Penn National.

  1. The die is cast; les jeux sont faits.
    Everybody come pay and play.
    Where once the mills employed the masses
    In factories that spewed no gasses
    Today all hope’s unwisely bet
    On gambling halls we’ve not seen yet
    Revive a town or reverse the tide
    Of Northeast cities’ downward slide.
    Even Trump has distance put
    From his casinos that went kaputt.

  2. Tired of the 1% says:

    Nice, us up-staters who are sick of NY but stuck here will have a place to go where we don’t line the pockets of the crooks we get stuck with from downtate voters.

  3. paleandpasty says:

    Why don’t people understand the difference between trying to create a gambling mecca with numerous casino like Atlantic City and having one local small casino.

    Casinos in Atlantic City failed because of the expense of creating the casino and sharing the limited market. In Nevada they have small casinos far away from the strip that are successful, alternatively if there were 10 small casino in the same area most would fail.

  4. Jim Flanigan says:

    The Saratoga Gaming and Raceway people keep pushing their claim that they are closest to the Springfield casino site. The reality is that the difference in distances between East Greenbush vs. the City of Rensselaer to Springfield is less than three miles. The proximity to Springfield should be a minor consideration compared to the zoning problems faced by the East Greenbush site. The Town Zoning Board of Appeals pushed through a resolution that is contrary to both State law ant the Town’s own Zoning Ordinance. That decision is now being challenged with an Article 78 action. If the State Gaming Facilities Location Board selects the East Greenbush site, they will, no doubt, become a party to that suit. One would think the State’s interests are better served by selecting a casino site that is ready to start construction, rather than spending the next two years in court.

  5. NO EG CASINO says:

    The majority of East Greenbush residents do not want a casino. The Northeast market was already saturated.

  6. Council 82 says:

    North New Jersey,Pennsylvania,Connecticut,Canada and now Massachusetts are in the Casino business and in competition with NYS. Maybe we could provide 25 year tax free casino zones throughout NYS. I am glad that other States are more than willing to compete against Andrew Cuomo and James Featherstonaugh. Some racino owners have to be questioning James Featherstonaugh’s motives.

  7. Bob Brown says:

    As all or most of the States, that Council 82 listed, are permitting new or expanded casinos, and there are already the Native American casinos complaining about some of the locations proposed, as well as existing racinos, you have to question the wisdom of more than 3, if any, new casinos. The amount of competition in such a small physical area will not work out very well. Especially if you factor in the economy of NYS, where these new casinos will be built. They will provide jobs, but will it amount to anymore than making a ding in the economy and the true unemployment numbers? NO. As 30 other States prosper economically, from the benefits of hydrofracking, and production exceeds the brightest predictions, right over the Southern Tier border, NYS is going to shine with casinos. LOL. And the amounts of natural gas also exceeds expectations, meaning that it will be an ongoing boom, for 20 to 30 years, some even saying 50 to 100. But, if it is 10 to 20 years, or even less, it will be the boost to the NYS economy that will give time to build a master plan to restore manufacturing and construction to NYS, and lower the costs for business, in NYS, with those new tax streams. The science is out there, supporting safe hydrofracking, all elements of it, and the gas is right there in the ground. All it takes is a little common sense and logic, to truly turn around the economy anf the future, for all of NYS, not just the NYC metro area. Speak up, make your voice heard, and let the Governor know if you support hydrofracking. His contact information is on his website. What do you want for NYS, more of the same, or the thriving, prosperous NYS that use to be? Let the Governor know, so he realizes their are rational people, that out number all of those little groups of protestors that nip at his feet, everywhere he goes.

  8. Grafmil says:

    Keep this up and before you know it casinos will outnumber Walmart Supercenters around here.

  9. August says:

    A local, regional casino is nothing more than a regressive tax on its own. Such a casino will not bring in tourist and dollars from somewhere else but will simply suck money out of its own local economy. There is a reason why in Aruba natives of Aruba are not allowed to gamble in the casinos. The casinos are only an economic stimulus if the tourists spend their money, not the local’s. Nobody, from anywhere, is going to travel to gamble in East Greenbush, Rensselaer or Schenectady. Those are not tourist destinations. Sure, maybe during the first two years when the casino is new but after that its nothing but a local problem.

  10. gino says:

    A fool and his money are soon parted. The casinos proposed in the Albany area are like vacuum cleaners sucking money out of the local economy, at the expense of area restaurants and other entertainment options. They should put a cluster of casinos in a tourism destination, like Niagara Falls and the Catskills. Putting a casino in rensselaer or East Greenbush makes zero sense.

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