
Currency Converter

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Currency Table

Currency Last Day High Day Low % Change Bid Ask
GBP/USD 1.5828 1.5848 1.5814 -0.01% 1.5828 1.5832
GBP/EUR 1.2766 1.2800 1.2760 -0.18% 1.2766 1.2771
USD/EUR 0.80665 0.80860 0.80639 -0.19% 0.80665 0.80652
GBP/JPY 182.38 182.71 182.19 +0.02% 182.38 182.46
GBP/CHF 1.5369 1.5419 1.5365 -0.24% 1.5369 1.5386
GBP/AUD 1.8427 1.8524 1.8408 -0.35% 1.8427 1.8438

Sterling at 5-week high vs euro as ECB keeps easing options open

LONDON, Nov 6 - Sterling rose to a five-week high against the euro on Thursday after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi affirmed the bank's balance sheet will be expanded to 2012 levels and emphasised ECB policymakers were unanimous in backing further easing measures.

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Stock Search
FTSE 100 6,602.02 +50.87 +0.78%
DAX 9,406.62 +29.21 +0.31%
CAC 40 4,235.75 +8.07 +0.19%
TR Europe 159.84 +0.08 +0.05%
GBP/USD 1.5828 -0.01%
GBP/EUR 1.2766 -0.18%
EUR/USD 1.2397 +0.19%
Gold 1,144.90 +2.60 +0.23%
Oil 77.94 +0.03 +0.04%
Corn 369.50 -1.75 -0.47%

GLOBAL MARKETS-Euro hits two-year low, Wall St at record after Draghi

* European stocks finish slightly higher * Dow and S&P 500 hit record closing highs * ECB's Draghi promises more easing * Dollar regains traction, oil remains under pressure (Adds U.S. market close) By Chuck Mikolajczak NEW YORK, Nov 6 - The euro stumbled to a two-year low and European government bond yields dipped on Thursday after European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi reiterated plans to revive the struggling euro zone economy by increasing the ECB's balance