
Fracktivists launch rapid response after Cuomo remarks

Gov. Andrew Cuomo earlier on Thursday said didn’t know if the climate change issue would play into currently ongoing studies about the potential health and environmental impacts of hydrofracking, were it to occur here in New York. Noting that he’s not a scientist, Cuomo said “I’m leaving it to them,” referring to those conducting the […]  More »

Cuomo talks ‘Republican wave,’ low turnout

In his first interview since being re-elected governor Tuesday, Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday a wave of Republican support across the nation and a low voter turnout played a factor in the outcome of the elections. Speaking on WCNY’s The Capitol Pressroom, Cuomo compared the “Republican wave” to that of 1994, when the Newt Gingrich-led […]  More »
SUNY's color purple

RPI administrator gets SUNY finance job

The State University of New York Board of Trustees on Thursday appointed Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute fiscal administrator Eileen G. McLoughlin as SUNY’s new vice chancellor for finance and chief financial officer. McLoughlin will be in charge of the university system’s budget, now at $12 billion, as well as strategic infrastructure management and operations. McLoughlin is […]  More »
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Siting board will discuss casino proposals Monday

The Gaming Commission’s casino siting board plans to meet on Monday in New York City to privately discuss the 16 bids for casino licenses, according to commission staff. The session is expected to be similar to last month’s meeting of the Gaming Facility Location Board, at which the five members reviewed the financial data of […]  More »
Cameras not unlike these are an issue in a PEF grievance (Star Ledger)

State worker surveillance still being grieved

I had a piece a while back about complaints by employees of the Dept. of Environmental Conservation about cameras they contend are being used to keep tabs on their comings and goings, which would be a violation of a contract prohibition on punching in and out of work. DEC claims the cameras are instead being […]  More »

Chancellor’s vision for an Albany home outlined

A story in the Times Union on Thursday shows the plan that State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher proposes for her Albany residence. The State Street brownstone cost more than $1 million to buy and refurbish in 1992. Those expenses were picked up by the Research Foundation of SUNY, according to a SUNY […]  More »

A.M. Roundup: With GOP Senate, Cuomo keeps a powerful role

Good morning! What went right for Republicans and wrong for Democrats in the battle for the state Senate? Democrats were routed in areas where Gov. Andrew Cuomo won markedly less support than he did in 2010. Voting returns suggest that people frustrated with the governor simply stayed home, hurting the party’s chances down the ballot. (TU, CapNY) […]  More »

SAFE Act opponents declare victory

Opponents of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s SAFE Act gun control law have been agitating for more than a year now and while their anger over the measure didn’t turn the governor out of office, they did point to some upstate GOP Senate victories as proof that unhappiness with the law remains strong, especially upstate where there […]  More »

Enviros remind Cuomo that fracking is still an issue

Environmental Advocates is out with a sort of “Congratulations but don’t forget we’re still watching” message to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, focusing on the still-unresolved question of hydrofracking. They want him to start yet another study of the practice. It’s one of several issues that Cuomo as well as lawmakers will likely be navigating come January […]  More »

Skelos looking forward to a chat with Klein

Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos is looking forward to talking to his Majority Coalition co-leader Jeff Klein of the Independent Democratic Conference. The GOP’s 32-seat majority in January means Klein’s services are no longer required, at least not to secure control of the chamber. “I haven’t spoken to Jeff — I think he’s going to […]  More »
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Work will start soon on Springfield, Mass. MGM casino

Massachusetts voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a measure to repeal the law that allowed for casinos in the Bay State. MGM expects to start work immediately on an $800 million project about 90 minutes from Albany in Springfield, Mass., a spokeswoman for the Las Vegas company said. In New York, the state Gaming Commission’s siting […]  More »

Ballot proposal React-O-Mat™ (updated)

Voters approved all three proposals on the backside of the ballots in yesterdays election, and already some are weighing in on what their passage means. First, about the proposals and their passage, my colleague Kenneth C. Crowe II reports: State voters were supporting all three ballot propositions, according to unofficial returns from the Board of Elections on […]  More »

A.M. Roundup: Victory for Cuomo; GOP takes state Senate

Good morning! “Thank you for four more years,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo yelled Tuesday night after winning his bid for a second term. “We’re going to do more great things. We’re going to take this state even higher. You ain’t seen nothing yet!” Cuomo is the first Democratic governor to win reelection in New York since […]  More »
(Lori Van Buren, Times Union)

GOP takes Senate free and clear

Republicans took sole control of the state Senate on Tuesday, with candidates from the Hudson Valley to Rochester picking up enough wins to attain the required 32-vote majority, according to preliminary returns. In the 46th Senate District running from Montgomery County down to Ulster County, GOP challenger George Amedore secured a comfortable victory over incumbent […]  More »
Can you feel the love tonight? Cuomo appears via pre-taped video at the WFP convention in May. (Hans Pennink, AP)

WFP to Cuomo: Thanks for nothing

If the relationship between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Working Families Party was a play, it would have to be written by Edward Albee. Here’s Working Families Party Director Bill Lipton’s statement responding to tonight’s election results and Cuomo’s decision to create the Women’s Equality Party: Governor Cuomo promised to take back the State Senate. […]  More »
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