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Agriculture Cleantech Leaders (Zayed Future Energy Prize Videos & Call For Applications)

Published on July 3rd, 2014 | by Zachary Shahan


Cleantech Leaders (Zayed Future Energy Prize Videos & Call For Applications)

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July 3rd, 2014 by Zachary Shahan 

There are a lot of cleantech leaders out there. Numerous cleantech industries are growing in leaps and bounds, and numerous people and companies are to thank for that. I don’t envy the Zayed Future Energy Prize panels who have to narrow down numerous applications to choose just a handful of winners each year. But I do thoroughly enjoy attending the annual Zayed Future Energy Prize Awards (sort of like the Academy Awards of cleantech) and watching the presentations highlighting the excellent work of selected leaders.

After the 2014 Zayed Future Energy Prize Awards Ceremony*, I chased down the videos created for each of the finalists, so I could share them with you. While many of the names are familiar, there were some new ones in there for me. Then there’s also the global high schools category that highlights cool stuff happening in various high schools around the world. Below are the videos of the 2014 Zayed Future Energy Prize finalists.

However, before sharing the videos, note that 2015 Zayed Future Energy Prize applications are open until July 14th.

Large Corporations

If you’re interested in reading more about these companies’ cleantech and sustainability efforts, visit the following links:





Abellon Clean Energy


Clean Power Finance



Fraunhofer ISE

Practical Action

World Resources Institute

Lifetime Achievement Prize

Wang Chuan-fu

High Schools

Fun stuff. I can’t wait to see who the 2015 Zayed Future Energy Prize finalists are!

*Full Disclosure: Masdar covered my transportation to and accommodation at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2014, which included the 2014 Zayed Future Energy Prize Awards.

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About the Author

spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as the director/chief editor. Otherwise, he's probably enthusiastically fulfilling his duties as the director/editor of Solar Love, EV Obsession, Planetsave, or Bikocity. Zach is recognized globally as a solar energy, electric car, and wind energy expert. If you would like him to speak at a related conference or event, connect with him via social media. You can connect with Zach on any popular social networking site you like. Links to all of his main social media profiles are on

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