Why Should You Opppose Genetically Modified Foods? | Food & Water Watch
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Paul Keleher

Genetically Modified Foods

Why Should You Oppose GMOs?
Genetically Modified foods:

  • are often untested
  • frequently require dangerous chemicals in their farming
  • may be a threat to organic foods and to the environment

For the latest news on the fight to label GE foods, check out our blog.

Read more in our report, Genetically Engineered Food: An Overview

Learn about Monsanto, a chemical corporation that specializes in genetically modified seeds and herbicides.

Take Action: Sign the petition to Let Me Decide

Genetic engineering modifies the DNA of crops to display specific traits, such as a resistance to pesticides and herbicides. Genetically engineered (GE) crops are often also referred to as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or biotech crops. In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration began paving the way for approval of GM animals, such as salmon. The first genetically modified animal approved for human consumption, supporters of GM salmon claim it grows at twice the normal rate. The approval of GM salmon could open the floodgates for GM cows and pigs, which biotech companies are waiting in the wings to finally commercialize after years of research and development.

Not to be outdone by the FDA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been busy for several years approving more GM crops. In 2010, the department announced it would allow unrestricted growing of GM alfalfa, which blocks farmers from the export market, since many countries won’t accept GMO-contaminated crops. The USDA has also “partially deregulated” GM sugar beets and approved a new type of GM corn that is designed to be facilitate ethanol production, and is considering GM crops that are designed to work with more aggressive types of herbicides.

Learn how the chemicals used on genetically modified crops are creating dangerous superweeds, harming the farmers and the environment.