Fracking Infrastructure is Carving Up Pennsylvania | Food & Water Watch
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I volunteer for Food & Water Watch because I get to have a real impact on important campaigns. I know that every time I come out to help out at a table, a public event or activist meeting that what I'm doing is really making a difference.
Anne Bertucio
December 18th, 2013

Fracking Infrastructure is Carving Up Pennsylvania



The Marcellus Shale lies beneath much of the Allegheny Plateau, which boasts the largest unbroken expanse of forest in Pennsylvania. Drilling and fracking for shale gas in the Marcellus region is fragmenting the state’s forests with each new road, well site and pipeline. Absurdly, proponents of shale gas development argue that pipelines can benefit landowners by providing new recreation areas and better habitat for wildlife. These arguments would be laughable if they weren’t so emblematic of the oil and gas industry’s insidious greenwashing efforts.