The Rapid Industrialization of Frac Sand | Food & Water Watch
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I long ago stopped believing that most corporations and politicians had the good of the public in mind. We need independent groups like Food & Water Watch to raise awareness and advocate for ethical, environmentally positive laws.
Elise Zuidema
February 11th, 2014

The Rapid Industrialization of Frac Sand



The swift proliferation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has brought a host of environmental and public health impacts, including those associated with the increased demand for industrial silica sand. Frac sand is an essential component in the fracking process; it is combined with large quantities of water and toxic chemicals, which are injected underground at high pressure to crack dense rock and release oil and gas. The sand holds open the fractures to allow the oil and gas and escape. Typically, two to five million pounds of frac sand — enough to fill approximately 25 railcars — is needed to fill a single well.