Sign the Petition to Ban Fracking Now!

Help us reach our goal of 15,000 signatures!

Progress: 59%
Progress: 59%
Alerts Taken: 8869     Goal: 15000

Fracking is a type of gas drilling that injects millions of gallons of hydraulic fluids — a mixture of chemicals, water and sand — into a well to create pressure that cracks open rock underground, releasing natural gas. This process can deplete and contaminate local water, damage the environment and threaten public health.

Please sign the petition below. We'll deliver your signature and additional message directly to your elected officials.

Learn more about fracking

Fracking and other unconventional methods of extracting oil and natural gas come with intensive drilling and mining, massive amounts of toxic waste, air pollution and pervasive infrastructure that threatens our essential food and water resources.

To frack a well, operators mix millions of gallons of water with tens of thousands of gallons of chemicals, including some known to cause cancer, and then pump it all into the earth at extreme pressure to try to break up rock formations so oil and natural gas might flow.

Drilling and fracking:

  • require millions of gallons of water for each well, competing with farmers for local water supplies.
  • produce massive amounts of toxic and even radioactive waste with no good disposal options.
  • contaminate sources of drinking water as a result of disposal problems and the thousands of leaks and spills every year.
  • can lead houses and water wells to explode, due to contamination from methane and other harmful gases.
  • bring untold costs to local communities, from declines in agriculture, real estate and tourism to road damage, public health problems and increased demand for social services.
You can find more information in our reports and fact sheets on our site:

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President Obama and U.S. Congress:

Please support a national ban on fracking. 

I urge you to protect our drinking water by implementing a federal ban on hydraulic fracturing, or natural gas fracking.

The toxic results of using hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas have led to the contamination of drinking water, cattle being quarantined, and dangerous explosions in states across the country, among other issues. In order to protect our essential water resources, we need a national ban on fracking.

I urge you to protect your constituents by calling for a national ban on hydraulic fracturing.

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