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Welcome to TobaccoTactics

Photo credit: Oleg Golovnev (via Shutterstock)

TobaccoTactics is a unique academic resource that explores how the tobacco industry influences policy and public health in the UK, the EU, and internationally.

The site details the tactics and techniques the tobacco industry and its allies employ to stall tobacco control measures, such as the introduction of plain packaging in the UK or Australia. It explores topical health issues too: the growing involvement of the industry in promoting e-cigarettes for instance, or its complicity in tobacco smuggling.

TobaccoTactics also contains profiles of people, organisations and allies of the tobacco industry, charting their involvement in the smoking and health debate. This is important as the industry often uses supposedly-independent third parties to lobby politicians or to push its message in the media.

Visit the Key Topics section to view our research on current tobacco-related issues, or the What’s New section to get updated on the latest developments, or search for a specific topic in the Search Bar on the left side of the screen.

For more information on TobaccoTactics and the Tobacco Control Research Group, see our About Us page.

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Key Topics

TobaccoTactics explores the techniques the tobacco industry utilises to influence policy and public health. Click on the links below to access more information on key topics related to tobacco industry monitoring and current tobacco control debate. If you are looking for information on something specific, you can also use the search bar on the left of the screen.

Tell us what you think!

The TobaccoTactics team wants to hear your feedback and suggestions. Feel free to contact us with appropriate requests and thoughts at

Plain packs proposed by the UK Government Source: UK Gov website

What's New on TobaccoTactics?

2 November 2014:

20 October 2014:

14 October 2014:

6 September 2014:

13 August 2014:

Editorial Oversight

TobaccoTactics is a project of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the Department for Health at the University of Bath and is overseen by two managing editors, Eveline Lubbers and Andrew Rowell. TobaccoTactics has a policy of Strict Referencing.

Disclaimer. Some of the research for TobaccoTactics was funded by Cancer Research UK Limited and Smokefree South West, and more recently with an award from the ESRC Knowledge Exchange Opportinities scheme. These funders have had no input into the research reported on this website or its conclusions. They are not responsible for the content or the publication, nor do they necessarily endorse it. Published by the University of Bath. Read the General Disclaimer.

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