
The Parkinson Report

  • 3
    Solar shocker - the network defence against solar PV

    Solar shocker – the network defence against solar PV

    A church in Queensland recently installed a 22kW solar system and was shocked to find its next electricity bill was 15% higher, even though its consumption had fallen by one third. Welcome to the murky world of network tariff regimes, and why battery storage will take off.

  • 13
    Big Coal takes control of the US Congress

    Big Coal takes control of the US Congress

    Tony Abbott probably feels he has friends in high places. Or at least those that agree that the climate is not worth fighting for, or that coal is anything other than good for humanity. On Tuesday night in the US, Republicans – and particularly those who reject climate science and despite renewable energy, won big […]

  • 40
    Germany looks to fast-track exit from coal, as well as nuclear

    Germany looks to fast-track exit from coal, as well as nuclear

    Germany is looking to achieve exactly what Australia says is not possible – and wean one of the world’s largest manufacturing economies off coal – as well as shutting down nuclear.

  • 15
    Emissions soar as carbon price dumped, more coal burned

    Emissions soar as carbon price dumped, more coal burned

    Greg Hunt says the carbon price didn’t work. But two new studies show that coal generation and electricity emissions have jumped sharply since the carbon price was dumped by the government 100 days ago.

  • 16
    IPCC warning to Australia: Wrong way, go back

    IPCC warning to Australia: Wrong way, go back

    The United Nations and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has delivered a stark warning to Australia that its climate and clean energy policies are at direct loggerheads with scientific consensus, and what the world needs to do to address climate change.