
Beyoncé Rep Confirms Her Leaked Tracklist Was A Hoax

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Beyonce (Buda Mendes/Getty Images)

Beyonce (Buda Mendes/Getty Images)

By Marissa G. Muller  

Beyoncé fans are not to be underestimated. In case you needed more proof of the Beyhive’s passion, that tracklist that was circulating earlier this week has now been confirmed as fake. Maybe the fan who came up with it was trying to will it into happening?

Lee Anne Callahan-Longo, the general manager of Queen B’s Parkwood Entertainment told Billboard, “It’s completely made up. After all the hubbub this weekend, we kind of said, ‘Well, let’s just put it out and say what it is.’ It’s funny, I got a bunch of calls over the weekend and I would say, ‘It’s exciting to know people are excited.’ Even if they’re reporting it wrong, and that people would take their time to go and create a fake one-sheet — right down to using a Columbia logo on it. I would love to know who did it. They clearly knew what a line sheet used to look like – they don’t look like that anymore.”

Whoever did it was dedicated enough to do their research, and then some. The tracks listed on it “Donk” and “Cherry” were registered with ASCAP (the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) in recent weeks. Plus, even though they were completely made up, “KO,” “Good In Good Bye,” “Sensation of Pain,” and “Renouncement (Featuring Justin Timberlake)” don’t seem that far off for Beyoncé song titles.

”You could never have imagined their creativity. So seeing some of those [song] names, that was so fun and exciting,” said Callahan-Longo. 

Still, would Bey spring another album on us again? According to Callahan-Longo we can sleep peacefully knowing probably not. “You can only be first once, so I’m not sure we’d want to do it again. We typically at Parkwood like to look at projects where, if it isn’t unique or different in some way, it’s really not interesting to us.”

Phew. We can look forward to Beyoncé’s next, very much planned, release–the platinum edition box set for her 2013 album—on Nov. 24.

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