Southwest Airlines to make Beats Music available on flights

This Southwest Airplanes touts the new Beats Music service that it’ll offer on board flights.. 

Southwest Airlines announced Monday that it will offer free music to passengers through the Beats Music service.

Southwest chief marketing officer Kevin Krone said Southwest offers movies, free television, Internet access and text messaging through its onboard Wi-Fi service.

However, “it’s missing one really critical element and we’re happy today to announce we’ve fixed that missing part of the puzzle,” Krone said.

The service is free. A passenger gets three songs to listen to. If he or she wants to hear more, they must submit their email address to Beats and then can continue listening.

The service will provide playlists from which customers can choose their music or select music by genre, artist or song.

Krone said the new service isn’t a response to extensive music offerings available on other carriers like Virgin America. But customers have told the airline that they want the ability to hear music on flights, he said.




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