Join the movement to quit coal

Across America, people are living in the shadow of the coal industry.

We have created Quit Coal Community Forums as a tool to help you organize in your community to fight coal and demand clean energy.

Once you’ve joined an existing Community Forum, you can connect with others who are interested in the same issues, learn more, and post news and resources.



Your story can educate a person, inspire others, spread a great idea, or help you connect with someone else standing up to the coal industry.

Your story is more powerful than you think and we want to hear it.

Mountain Top Removal to get coal is the most devastating thing i can think of. It\'s when we have gone really way off the tracks as a society when we allow that to happen. I do everything in my power to make sure I do not consume electricity in my own home that is made by coal. I have switched to green power in my home for many years now and am delighted that there are more and more wind farms popping up in my state. I hope people realize that there is a choice and become active and aware of what they are using to power their lives. I also want my daughter\'s planet to be habitable.

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