Basic Information

position Vice President of Policy and Legislative Affairs - America's Natural Gas Alliance
industry Lobbying

Law Clerk - Keogh, Cox and Wilson, Attys at Law, 2001
Law Clerk - Tayler Porters Brooks & Phillips, LLP, 2001
Legislative Correspondent - rep. Bob...

polluter #194

Tom Hassenboehler

position Vice President of Policy and Legislative Affairs - America's Natural Gas Alliance

Law Clerk - Keogh, Cox and Wilson, Attys at Law, 2001
Law Clerk - Tayler Porters Brooks & Phillips, LLP, 2001
Legislative Correspondent - rep. Bob Riley (R-AL), 2002
Executive Recruiter - The Direct Impact Company, Alexandria Va, 2003
Legislative Assistant - rep. Billy Tauzin (R-LA), 2003-2004
Counsel for Joe Barton (R-TX) – House Energy and Commerce Committee 2004-2008
Minority Counsel for ranking member James Inhofe (R-OK) - Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works 2008-2010
Vice President of policy development and legislative affairs - America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) 2011 - present


Hassenboehler was paid $138,289.44 by the Federal Government in 2010

Hassenboehler supported climate denier James Inhofe’s trip to Copenhagen, where Inhofe hoped to prove that climate change was the “the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the separation of church and state.”

Hassenboehler played a major role in working to derail efforts by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and former Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) to pass a cap-and-trade bill in 2008. “He joined just before Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade bill hit the floor and was instrumental in working to defeat it,” Matt Dempsey, Inhofe’s spokesman, said.

As a counsel on the House Energy and Commerce Commitee for rep. Joe Barton, Hassenboehler made several trips funded by the natural gas interests he now represents as a lobbyist.

Hassenboehler wrote a letter to the EPA opposing the Waxman-Markey climate legislation and questioning the existence and science behind global warming.

Hassenboehler’s current employer is America’s Natural Gas alliance (ANGA), which is an alliance of 31 independent natural gas companies.  ANGA was formed in March 2009 because industry executives feared climate legislation would disadvantage the fuel compared with competitors. The group beefed up lobbying in the Senate after the House-passed climate bill gave a boost to coal-fired power plants.

ANGA has hired multiple high level republican staffers since the 2010 election, which gave republicans control of Congress.



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