Post Carbon Cities

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Post Carbon Cities Guidebook

Post Carbon Cities cover

Post Carbon Cities: Planning for Energy and Climate Uncertainty

by Daniel Lerch
2008 (2nd printing), 113 pages

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Post Carbon Cities fills an important gap in the resources currently available to local government decision-makers on planning for the changing global energy and climate context of the 21st century. It is a guidebook on peak oil and global warming for people who work with and for local governments in the United States and Canada.

Post Carbon Cities provides a sober look at how these phenomena are quickly creating new uncertainties and vulnerabilities for cities of all sizes, and explains what local decision-makers can do to address these challenges.

"Post Carbon Cities is an exceptionally clear and comprehensive call-to-action to those who actually work in the trenches of city governance. We don't have any more time to waste getting ready for an energy-scarcer future, and for those who remain dazed and confused, this book is an excellent place to start."
  - James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency and The Geography of Nowhere

"How will we cope with a future of energy scarcity? As a policy maker I look to other communities for inspiration and ideas, but there's been a lack of information on what local governments are doing to adapt to Peak Oil. Post Carbon Cities fills this gap: herein lies the roadmap plotted by the cities that are leading the way. Enthusiastically recommended!"
  - City Council President Dave Rollo, Bloomington, Indiana

"Post Carbon Cities will be very helpful to people involved in transportation and land use planning as they attempt to re-think land use patterns and the movement of people and goods for the economic, environmental and social well being of the planet. The timing could not be more critical!"
  - Alan Falleri, Community Development Director, Willits, California

© 2009 Post Carbon Institute

Post Carbon Cities: Helping local governments understand and respond to the challenges of peak oil and global warming.
Post Carbon Cities is a program of Post Carbon Institute, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in the United States.