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[ - ] So disappointed - just got rejected for a loan after having found the perfect house... 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Why rejected? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
:-( [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Sorry. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
[ - ] How do you know if you have a good nanny if you have very young dc? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Make a play date with a SAHM with a kid the same age as yours. She can give you the scoop. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Nannycam [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:39 PM Flag
[ - ] My dcs are mixed white and Asian and their school is super diverse, with a huge population of Middle Eastern kids, Indians, Asians, North Africans, and some Latino and African-American kids. In ds's class of 30, I think there are about 5 white kids. Would this bother you? I know this is racist and I wish I didn't care, but I wish the demographics were different. 9 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Wow just wow [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Nope but I'm black. I wish my kid could avoid people like you. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
OP: I know it's horrible. I'm ashamed and would never admit this to anyone. I do want some diversity, but I wish there were more kids like mine in the school. But since this is anonymous and you hate me anyway, just curious--do you care about the racial (or maybe economic) demographics of your dcs' school? Or does it not matter? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
It would bother me. Move to a better neighborhood. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Aka more white [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Just out of curiosity? Which country in Asia are you from? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
OP: Not me. DH is Chinese-American (raised here). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Socio-economics are way more important than race. The fact that you are in the same area means you are one of them.... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
We are not in NY, but my DSs go to a very diverse parochial school. Last year, my older son was one of maybe 3 white kids in a class of about 18. Strangely, the other classes in that grade had more white kids, but for whatever reason this is how they sorted out the classes. He never seemed to notice or care, so I didn't think about it either. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:39 PM Flag
[ - ] This site is a hot little ball of anger and negativity. No judgment, that's kinda why I'm here. But will I feel better if I never look again? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Probably yes. I agree. It's amazing how even uncharged issues get people worked up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
ita [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
[ - ] Is there someone you know (not you or dh) who really seems to have got a raw deal in life. What happened to them? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
I know someone whose son didn't make it to a year. About as raw of a deal as you can get. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
so sad [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
I know two women who's babies died in the first few hours. Just awful. On has gone on to have a couple healthy children. She's mostly living life. The other is having a harder time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Her DH was fired and then her green card was in jeopardy. Thereafter, her child got cancer. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
[ - ] Planning on making chicken fingers for DCs--looking for recipes suggestions as a substitute for the Perdue type (e.g. what will seem closest to them). 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
Buy tenders, dredge in flour, egg then breadcrumbs and bake or fry [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:32 PM Flag
+1, that's what we do. Just bake in the oven for 20 or 30 minutes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
+1 but I add spices to the flour & breadcrumbs. Either a mix or just garlic salt, paprika and pepper [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
[ - ] I am ESL and am confused. What is the rule for using that vs who? Is it DH THAT pays or DH WHO pays? I was at a school open house last night and I noticed that the principal who used to be an English teacher often said that in places where I thought who is more appropriate. Like children that go to this school... I would expect children who go to this school. Can grammar moms explain to me what I am missing. TYIA 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
You are correct, but many people, including principals, are sloppy about who and that. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
she was an English teacher too. crazy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
Colloquially, it's interchangeable. It may not follow exact grammar rules, but it's acceptable. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
[ - ] SAHMs with young dcs, do you plan to go back to work, and if so, in what field? And would it be for the money or for another reason? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
I don't know. I think about this ALL THE TIME. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
At this point I don't plan to go back, but I'm sure that could change. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
[ - ] This is racist, but I have a serious question to get off my chest: WHY ON EARTH do (presumably well-educated) NYC parents hire surly, unsmiling, unpleasant, Caribbean nannies to watch their children all day? Are they all like this--of course not. But SO many of them are, let's face it. I see them all day long. These are the last people on earth I would want with my toddler all day. Is it really that hard to do better? Signed, exasperated SAHM 15 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:26 PM Flag
I wonder this too [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
I don't get it either. This is even more racist but I think that its some sort of perception of big black women being nurturing like in the south during slavery. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
These nannies are not black Americans they are from the Caribbean. Sorry sometimes people on this board say the dumbest things. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
They look the part. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Because they don't act surly when mom is around? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
I'm sure the nannies are unpleasant and unsmiling in front of the employers, (rolls eyes). Tell your friends if you think their nanny is no good. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
They probably don't act surly and unpleasant at the job interview or when the parents are around. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
I don't think that's it because I interviewed quite a few and they were all very surly. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Yes. A lot of these women seem incapable of even pretending to seem happy and pleasant. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
The surly thing is culturally their idea of good child rearing. So I don't think they would hide it from the parents. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Wonder this too! Can't help but think they just don't want the competition for mom figure. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Hadn't thought of that. That's so sad for the kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
I think a lot of the parents want a certain type of "tough love" for their dcs (as opposed to they typical white-parent coddling), and they think these nannies will provide it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
No funny. I think one of the reasons ds loves the nanny is when he says he doesn't want to go to the playground she says yes. She is Filipino [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
I think some parents like the idea of someone stern. They think it creates disciplined kids. At least this is what my SIL thinks about her very surly carribean nanny. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:39 PM Flag
[ - ] What should I wear for family pictures this Sunday? Me, DH, 2yo and 3yo. Always pics something that doesn't photograph well. Please help! 11 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:21 PM Flag
we're getting pictures soon too! photographer recommended like colors (not necessarily matching, but keep it in the same family…i.e. blues & greens…reds & pinks, etc. with neutral denim/brown/gray consistent too.) and she said no stripes or patterns. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:25 PM Flag
Go with a similar look--all of you wear jeans and sweaters in a similar color palette (for example). Solid colors are better than prints. The best family pic we ever took was in jeans and we each wore a gray sweater. The shades of gray were different, as was the style of sweater (cardigan, pullover, sweater jacket), but it came out really well. We all wore white shirts underneath the sweater. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
I'd take inspiration from Destiny's Child [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
Riding boots, Jeans, Blazer that is camel colored, a color undernath like red, and get a blowout. wear lip gloss. wear earrings that are shiny and/or contrast with your hair color (example wear pearls if you have brown hair). Or a necklace. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
this sounds ugly and fly-overy. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
haha ok whatever! I live in the west village and am in my late 20s soooooo yeah not flyover. OP, why dont you wear black jeans, rag and bone booties, a leather moto jacket, and your hair super straight. and make a duck lips face in the picture. Also make sure to not cut your boys hair ever. These steps will guarantee you do not look flyover. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
no, it sounds like Ralph Lauren styled it [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Please don't wear matching white button down shirts and jeans. Begging you. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
All dark colors is nice. Solids - no prints. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
All 4 of you should wear matching hanna anderson pjs [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
[ - ] What are the good preschools on the lower UWS? 60's - 70's preferably. 13 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:21 PM Flag
Do you want religious affiliation or no? Narrow it down for us - there are a lot [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:26 PM Flag
No religious affiliation - so not the JCC or Rodelph(?) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
Rodeph is too far north anyway. Look at Dwight for preschool (on Riverside Blvd). Mandell is another on-going. IPS. There's also a bunch of very small ones that families like, ie First Friends. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
Mandel is much further north [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Rodeph is south of mandell and dwight?! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:35 PM Flag
No. The ongoing Dwight and Mandell are uptown. The Dwight preschool is in the 60s on Riverside Blvd. Mandell preschool is on 66th and Amsterdam. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
had no idea. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:39 PM Flag
PCDS [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
What do you mean by good? The 2 school with good exmissions on the UWS are WSMS & Montclare. Then there are many great neighborhood schools that send a handful of kids to privates but most to public. So really depends on what you are looking for. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
I listed the schools above. But ITA that "good" needs to be defined. ITDA that all other schools besides WSMS and Montclare are mostly public-focused. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
WSMS exmissions are due to legacy and siblings. not such a great school. overcroweded and chaotic [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:36 PM Flag
There are none. Parents commute uptown. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Brownstone [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:37 PM Flag
[ - ] Time to quit UB. Today I called my SIL a cunt. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:20 PM Flag
Why? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
She made me eat koos-koos. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:32 PM Flag
Yet here you are. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
You told her she was a cunt? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
So she could hear you?! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
[ - ] Couples therapists on UES? 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:17 PM Flag
Stephen stein [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:22 PM Flag
[ - ] Would anyone even consider sending their kids to IPS (International Preschools)? Just wondering how empty the class rooms are these days. 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
NY Schools 11.06.14, 07:17 PM Flag
we havent toured yet so trying to reserve judgement. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:18 PM Flag
What's wrong with you people? The classrooms are far from empty, but if you don't want to send your kid there dont [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:19 PM Flag
Why are you starting another IPS post. Tour the school and make a decision [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:20 PM Flag
Are they under-enolled there? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
[ - ] i have frizzy/wavy hair that I usually straighten, but on days like this it will just be a frizzy mess. What products should I use to wear it natural? Feel like I have tried everything and it still looks like a jew fro. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:14 PM Flag
Check out the Curly Girl book - you need the right cut (no short layers, but def remove bulk), you need to apply lots of leave-in conditioner while your hair is still soaking wet, DO NOT wrap it in a towel or scrub at it, you need to comb it through with your fingers and then LEAVE IT ALONE. Don't keep touching, don't brush, you can scrunch a little with damp fingers and a little oil if necessary but don't toss it around a lot. Just use more conditioner than you think you need to seal the shaft. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:20 PM Flag
Ouidad [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:24 PM Flag
Only wash hair about once a week. The rest of the time just use a cleansing conditioner. I also like the aveda products for frizz control. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:24 PM Flag
embrace the jew fro [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
I like the chaser product from drybar (available I think at sephora too. brand is drybar) but that said, my hair is not in that bad of shape. its like a creamish thing you kind of rub on your hair once its dry. Also the moroccan oil inense conditioner that has the orange top. Also Its a 10 shampoo and condiitonr WITH KERATIN. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:34 PM Flag
[ - ] Incoming middle school parents and those who've been through the process in the past 2 or 3 years, what do you think of Manhattan East and ICE? 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:14 PM Flag
ICE is great. DC is not there, but I know 5-6 dcs who are. Strong humanities curriculum. Lots of emphasis on writing. For self-starters, not dcs who need a lot of structure. D2 parents tend to discount it because so many other choices, but for years it has been a godsend for DCs in Brownstone Brooklyn, where there aren't as many good middle schools. It's also safe travels for dcs coming on their own from Brooklyn. Most of the dcs I know stayed for HS; the ones who left did so because they wanted more advanced math/science. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:15 PM Flag
[ - ] Finally understand the whole "living well is the best revenge" philosophy. Ex cheated on me and living with his younger gf. Our DCs were very young at the time (5 and 2). Although hard, I really tried to go on with my life and create as much joy for us as possible. That included some travel and recreational activities. The other day, ex pointed out in an not pleasant way how we have been able to travel, ski, attend pro sporting events, etc. Had to hide my smile that getting on with our lives may actually get under his skin. 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:11 PM Flag
Not sure what he said? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:13 PM Flag
Sorry for not being clear. He seemed to be resentful that we have done these things. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:17 PM Flag
Nice. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:14 PM Flag
I think his point is that he thinks he's paying for these trips and excursions. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:13 PM Flag
As he should, if he cheated on her and left the marriage and left her with responsibility of 2 young kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:16 PM Flag
What he pays barely pays their monthly food bill. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:17 PM Flag
+1 what did he say? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:16 PM Flag
Good for you! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
I'm not following this post at all. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:32 PM Flag
You are not living well yet if you still care about his opinion. Let it go. The best revenge is to actually be so happy with your life that you don't want revenge anymore. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:33 PM Flag
[ - ] I have signed up my DC for krav maga so next time your bully asshole kid tries to do something it will learn a lesson it never forgets. 28 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:11 PM Flag
I love how we teach kids these ridiculous self defense class stuff as if they lived in sierra leone during their civil war or something. Your kids live on the UES and attend private school. They don't need to be masters of kung fu to protect themselves from imminent danger. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:15 PM Flag
lol ita [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:24 PM Flag
How do you know that OP lives on the UES. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
Fine, UWS. I hear there are projects there. Maybe he does need to learn assault skills. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
A man should know how to defend himself. Mommy or the nanny won't always be there. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
I am curious whether those classes really teach kids to fight. I'm sure they're great for confidence and assertiveness, which is probably enough to deter bullies, but it seems unlikely kids who have never actually fought anyone are actually learning to fight, or that a tiny little black belt could really kick a big huge bully's ass. Keep us posted! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:17 PM Flag
krav maga is about combat and self-defense. it's not about stupid belts and trophies so mommy can be happy that junior is now brown level. and yes, they teach kids how to physically disarm a bully. it's very effective. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:18 PM Flag
a lot of bullying is online [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:23 PM Flag
my DC isn't online yet, too young [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:24 PM Flag
Np maybe. Ds has been taking classes for over a year. It might mean he can but my kid won't, just not his personality. They can't change a kids personality [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:23 PM Flag
It can turn a shy kid into a bully. BTDT [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:25 PM Flag
I know what krav maga is and if your ds is getting the same training IDF soldiers are getting I'm sure he'll be able to disarm a bully. If he's learning the moves but not actually fighting, it's going to be less useful. Sorry. DH used to fight and purposely pulled our dc out of a class that purported to teach self-defense. Neither of us wanted our kids actually fighting and he believes strongly that teaching kids they know how to fight when they've never actually done it is setting them up to fail. You can practice the moves 1000 times, but the first time you get punched in the face it's still a shocker. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:25 PM Flag
^Also, despite what all the teachers say, a lot of winning a fight is size and strength. Again, these classes are great for confidence building and assertiveness training and with luck nobody's dc will ever need to fight. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:25 PM Flag
What the hell kind of school do your kids attend where this is necessary to protect yourself against bullies? Getting punched in the face, needing to "disarm an attacker", being trained like a soldier? JFC. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
This. My DH grew up in a bad neighborhood and he said the most important thing about surviving a fight is being able to take a punch. If you can't do that you're toast. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:27 PM Flag
Yeah, OP. Make sure you send your kid to a karate class where he'll get punched in the face. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
I'm sure there are classes like this smart ass. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
At my child's martial arts class they let the children punch each other so they will know what it is like to get hit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
this is hilarious. i bet some kid told OP's kid he smelled funny, and that is what constitutes the bullying he is learning to fight back to. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
disarm? are they coming at your kid with a machete or something?? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:26 PM Flag
In Africa they come at you with a machete and ebola. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:26 PM Flag
better teach him proper handwashing along with machete skills!!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:28 PM Flag
My co-worker said one of her neighbors was attacked with a machete (outer borough). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
OP, you sound like a bully. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:25 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:29 PM Flag
ok, if you say so. how's your bully child doing? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:31 PM Flag
he's not learning to assault other kids in a class intended for soldiers, that's for sure. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:30 PM Flag
we don't teach DC to hit. we teach self-defense. whole different story. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 11.06.14, 07:38 PM Flag
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