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Postmatic - WordPress Subscriptions & Comments by Email

Postmatic lets your readers subscribe to comments or new posts by email. And leave a comment by simply hitting reply. No forms. No browsers. Easy.

What’s the one thing people all over the world do a gazillion times a day? Check their email. So that’s how Postmatic gets your content in front of your readers. It's the easiest way for readers of your WordPress blog to see your content and interact with you. And each other.

Use Postmatic to let your users subscribe to comments. Instead of just being notified, they add a reply right from their inbox.

Send newsletters and posts in a beautiful mobile-ready template and let your subscribers send back a comment just by writing an email.

Read our faq, play with a demo, and find out what you can do with Postmatic at gopostmatic.com.

Postmatic is in limited-release beta

We are releasing a few hundred api keys per week. Download and install the plugin to join the waiting list, or jump right over to our site to join the list immediately.

Post Subscriptions

Your content gets delivered to readers in an email. And they can comment just by hitting reply. No accounts. No forms. No browsers.

Commenting by email

Hit reply on any Postmatic email to comment on that post. You can send a reply on an existing post, too.

Subscribe to Comments

Email notifications for new comments? Sure! And just hit reply to leave a response. Everyone is in the loop—mobile and desktop. Or maybe just in Thunderbird.

Intelligent Invitations

Send subscription invitations to your existing commenters. Or, you can import your list from Feedburner, Mailchimp, Subscribe2 or Mailpoet.

Mobile-Ready Template

Your post will arrive in users' inbox as a beautiful, mobile-ready email. With support for images, galleries and shortcodes. You can even assign a header image and up to 3 native WordPress widgets for a totally customized footer.

Total Compatability

Postmatic comments are fully compatible with your existing WordPress discussion management workflow. Moderation, spam detection, comment voting and gravatars work right out of the box.

Requires: 3.9 or higher
Compatible up to: 4.0
Last Updated: 2014-10-24
Downloads: 248


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