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Here's where you can make your voice heard to help protect the communities and the environment from the destructive impacts of mining, digging and drilling.

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Current Actions

Don’t Frack the George Washington National Forest

Don’t Frack the George Washington National Forest

Please tell Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who oversees the Forest Service, that the agency must stand firm.

The US Forest Service is under intense pressure by the gas industry to abandon its proposal to prohibit horizontal drilling on more than one million acres on the George Washington National Forest. 

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Don’t let Congress fast-track natural gas exports

Don’t let Congress fast-track natural gas exports

Tell Congress fracking is not in our public interest

Not satisfied with simply fracking for domestic use, politicians in Washington are tripping over themselves to frack our communities even more to ship fracked gas overseas.

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Protect clean water, stop the Regulatory Fairness Act

Protect clean water, stop the Regulatory Fairness Act

Congress is trying to strip the EPA of some of its Clean Water Act authority.

Tell Congress to say NO to the Regulatory Fairness Act of 2014 and protect clean water.

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Protect our homes and communities from frackquakes

Protect our homes and communities from frackquakes

States like Texas and Oklahoma where earthquakes used to be rare are shaking.

It's time to make the ground shake in the halls of power and call on our elected officials to stop the frackquakes!

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To Stop Climate Change We Must Stop Methane Leaks

To Stop Climate Change We Must Stop Methane Leaks

Methane is worse for climate than CO2, it's time to take action!

Tell the Obama Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Interior (DOI) to prevent wasteful methane leaks, and to protect clean air. Tell them to directly regulate methane.

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Say NO to Dirty Gold!

Say NO to Dirty Gold!

Don't tarnish your love with dirty gold.

Take the pledge to say NO to dirty gold.

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Infinito Gold: Repect the Vote, Don’t Sue Costa Rica

Infinito Gold: Repect the Vote, Don’t Sue Costa Rica

Canadian mining company Infinito Gold didn't like it when Costa Ricans voted against their plan to mine.

Now the company is suing in order to overturn the vote of the people, the ruling of the supreme court and the national ban on open-pit mines.

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Tell Congress: support the Frack Pack!

Tell Congress: support the Frack Pack!

It's time for frackers to play by the rules.

The Frack Pack, five bills recently introduced in Congress, would finally force the oil and gas industry to follow many of the same environmental laws as other industries and help protect our clean air and clean water.

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We want renewable energy now!

We want renewable energy now!

President Obama: lead us to a renewable energy future!

Increased oil and gas development is part of the climate change problem, not the solution.

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Reopen the fracking investigations

Reopen the fracking investigations

We need answers

Tell President Obama and Administrator McCarthy to uphold their responsibility to us, our health, and our drinking water and reopen the investigations into the dangers of fracking.

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Tell Macy’s to say NO to dirty gold!

Tell Macy’s to say NO to dirty gold!

Because gold jewelry should mean *I love you*, not *I poisoned someone's drinking water*.

Gold jewelry demand accounts for over 80% of annual global gold mine production. So jewelers speaking out against dirty gold are essential to put a stop to irresponsible gold mining.

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Largest jeweler should protect largest wild salmon fishery

Largest jeweler should protect largest wild salmon fishery

Urge Signet to pledge not to buy gold from the Pebble mine

Signet Jewelers, Kay & Jared Jewelers' parent company, is the world's largest jewelry retailer.  Jewelry represents 80% of annual global mined gold production. Urge them not to buy gold from a mine that threatens the Bristol Bay salmon fishery.

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On Twitter

@noahbrenner And fracking money or nothing is a false choice.
@noahbrenner @Patrick_Madden I realize that's a joke, but #oilandgas industry PR so framed in false choices that it's not funny. #fracking

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