Would You Want to Be a Space Tourist?

Related ArticleCredit Johnny Sampson
Student Opinion - The Learning NetworkStudent Opinion - The Learning Network

Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

Last week’s crash of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, killing one test pilot and seriously injuring the other, was a new setback for commercial spaceflight. Still, the prospect of space tourism seems quite real.

Would you want to be a space tourist?

In the Op-Ed “Not a Flight of Fancy,” Sam Howe Verhovek writes:

… In recent years I have interviewed a wide array of people involved in the private space industry, including both pilots involved in the crash on Friday. Almost universally, they viewed themselves as pioneers at the dawn of an era of exploration whose apogee is beyond our generation’s imagination. Just as the Wright brothers did not have a precise image in mind of jumbo jetliners ferrying people around the world so routinely and so safely at more than 500 miles per hour that we have long since stopped considering it a miracle, we can’t really know where we’re headed in space.

But, they insist, we certainly need to go there. “I think it is actually very important that we start making progress in extending life beyond Earth and we start making our own existence a multi-planetary one,” Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX (its goal: “enabling people to live on other planets”) once told me. He called the venture a “giant insurance policy” for the survival of our species. Seen in this light, the first round of space tourism is simply seed capital for something much grander. It’s possible that tomorrow’s budget-minded space travelers will thank today’s 1-percenters, just as you can credit early adopters of expensive, behemoth mainframe computers for your $250 desktop.

One could argue, of course, that space tourism is more grandiose than grand. After all, one of the enduring ironies of the initial space age is that we spent all those billions of dollars to produce, among other things, magnificent and iconic remote photographs of Earth that fired the environmental movement to focus on protecting our lonely, beautiful, fragile blue island of a planet.

And as a general matter, we are less excited about the possibilities of space exploration than we were a half-century ago. But if we are ever to reach Mars, or colonize an asteroid or find new minerals in outer space, today’s work will prove to have been a vital link in the chain.

Students: Read the entire article, then tell us …

– Would you want to be a space tourist? Why?

– Is space tourism a frivolous endeavor? Is it a waste of money and human ingenuity, plus dangerous to boot? Or, is it a worthwhile venture, much like the pioneering efforts with early flying machines many decades ago?

– Does last week’s crash of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo sway your opinion about space tourism in any way?

– Will space tourism ever become a reality for anybody but the superrich?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.


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I think the idea of space travel for tourist is a great idea. I think it is because it will give us greater knowledge of the world around us. Also it will give us a chance to see the earth from space as well as seeing other planets. Keep it

I like the fact that going into space can be something for people to do. It is a good idea for education purposes.

I don’t think this would be a good idea. The price way to high and it’s not safe to begin with. When you finally get up there you’d be able to have a short experience.

Its cool,but i wouldnt do it becuse it seems scary.

I like the idea of goin to space. Because I think I have fun in space

I think this is a bad idea, to take tourist to space. If they take to many trips, then it will sooner or later become a tax for the citizens. People will then get angry and more poor, if they aren’t already.

Yes, I want to be a space tourist. I think it’s an amazing matter for the common people who always watch dream about different places out of the world. Peoples of the world continuously want to know lots of different things. We know that, it’s not easy but possible. Space tourism can be spontaneous, peaceful and adventure but we must have known everything about the risks being space tourism. We should more research out of the world about space tourism. A lot of peoples want to be space tourism. But sometimes they have not enough money and they are very worried about the risks or dangers. Some peoples think that, that journey is time pass and waste their money. About last week’s crash of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo sway, my opinion is that they should have use more technology and teach very tightly about the journey out of the world.

If we have an experiment with a half glass of water and with some students, one student who is always depressed of his life may answer that the glass is empty while from another student’s point view we can say that there is a little water in it. People can hardly agree with each other on an issue. Many people may have negative point of views about the space tourism while I have a great deal of fantasy with it. Because I would like to be see the world from outside. With the development of modern science, space tourism is a valuable encroachment. However, an accident has not been taken any effect on my opinion as the accident is considered as an act of God. Money is not the obstacles for the space tourism.
