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  • Ryan Boren 1:42 am on November 6, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment  

    Dev Chat Summary, November 5th 




    • Beta 1
    • Feature plugin merge window


    • Extend the feature plugin merge window to Friday, or later.
    • Tag Beta 1 on Friday, or later.
    • Do a scrub of enhancement tickets this week, particularly customizer tickets. 1600 UTC tomorrow (Nov. 6) was suggested.
    • Hook recursion, #17817, will be discussed further after beta 1 with the aim of having it ready for early 4.2.
    • Pending the final call of @ johnbillion, the full UI for the session manager will come later (and will be moved into a plugin in the plugin repository). @jorbin will work up a patch that adds a “Sign out everywhere else” button along with killing all other sessions on password change and capturing data for a future UI.

    Uncertainties, Ambiguities, Do Betters

    • Shiny Updates may be punted in whole or in part. The necessary folks are preoccupied.
    • The Session Manager UI was debated and will likely change for 4.1.
    • “We need guidelines for how we handle feature plugins. It’s been really haphazard, and it has affected our ability to get the features in front of a lot of people.”
    • There is skepticism that merge and Beta 1 will happen this week.


    • @markjaquith will do a merge request post for Focus on make/core.
    • @jorbin will work up a patch that adds a “Sign out everywhere else” button along with killing all other sessions on password change and capturing data for a future UI.
    • @nacin will leave feedback on #29395
    • @drew will look at #21483

    Links Mentioned



















    drew [15:10]
    Seems like there’s more than a few Customizer-related enhancements. @celloexpressions: ya’ll have an idea about what could be close and what might need to be punted?

    celloexpressions [15:10]
    Most of the customizer stuff has been ready for/waiting for commit or further feedback for a while

    celloexpressions [15:11]
    A couple aren’t quite there, but we want to get in if we can because they enhance Twenty Fifteen

    Hook Recursion

    #17817: do_action/apply_filters/etc. recursion on same filter kills underlying call


    drew [15:18]
    This is quite likely 4.2-early, but could use eyes-on for unit test coverage and regression testing,

    jbrinley [15:19]
    To _briefly_ answer (as well as I can), the three questions in the agenda:

    jbrinley [15:19]
    Is there enough unit test coverage?

    I don’t know.

    jbrinley [15:19]
    Does it break plugins which interact with $wp_filter and $wp_actions directly (eg accessing the nested arrays)?

    The patch doesn’t touch $wp_actions. $merged_filters is removed. The $wp_filter array will contain WP_Hook objects instead of nested arrays. Those objects can still be accessed as an array, albeit with some of the quirks that come with the ArrayAccess interface (e.g., you can’t indirectly set elements).

    Does it “fix” any existing behavior which could be seen as a regression?

    Currently, let’s say you have a callback at priority 10. In that, you set another callback with priority 1. The latter ends up running after the former. This patch would change that. Similarly, if you have something at priority 10 and something at priority 11, but the priority 10 callback end up calling the hook recursively, the priority 11 callback won’t run for the outer loop. This patch would change that.

    nacin [15:20]
    As this is definitely not 4.1 (sorry @jbrinley! though I know you know that), can we sit on this until after beta is out and then chat more later this month? This is a good briefing of things as it stands, and I hope a few of us can pick it up soon, but there are lots of other things on everyone’s plate at the moment.

    drew [15:21]
    yep, sounds good @nacin



    drew [15:23]
    @mark: Any update on posting the merge request update on make/core?

    mark [15:23]
    Got sidetracked yesterday. Will do that now.

    Since it’s such a visual thing, I’m just gonna make a video that shows it off and talks through some of the decisions.

    drew [15:24]
    Great. Sounds like the patch is looking pretty good too.

    azaozz [15:25]
    yes, patch is good. May need some more around interactions with the old DFW

    boren [15:25]
    Has it been flow tested on mobile lately, to make sure it doesn’t break anything?

    azaozz [15:26]
    New DFW is pretty much disabled on mobile because of the screen size

    janneke [15:26]
    azaozz: Right, I work on that. Also maybe move the button out.

    janneke [15:26]
    Yeah, it’s disabled…

    psoluch [15:26]
    joined #core

    ginsterbusch [15:27]
    @drew + @mark Hope it doesnt break a11y

    janneke [15:27]
    Don’t think so, but please test. :simple_smile:

    boren [15:28]
    A visual record of a mobile flow would demonstrate that it is indeed disabled for mobile.

    mark [15:28]
    We addressed keyboard accessibility. But please do advise if we missed something.

    azaozz [15:28]
    It doesn’t change anything for accessibility.

    mark [15:28]
    We addressed keyboard accessibility. But please do advise if we missed something.

    azaozz [15:28]
    It doesn’t change anything for accessibility.

    azaozz [15:28]
    For the UI outside of the editor

    boren [15:29]
    A feature plugin shouldn’t break mobile or accessibility the moment it lands.

    boren [15:30]
    I’m not too worried about mobile with Focus, but we don’t have a good record here and I’d like to improve it.

    azaozz [15:31]
    Ryan, right, DFW v2.0 is not loaded on mobile and on old browsers, IE < 9 (edited)

    gokejnr [15:31]
    joined #core

    boren [15:31]
    Someone tell me that with a visual record.

    boren [15:31]

    mark [15:31]
    We just need to verify that for sure. Yup.

    mark [15:32]
    I learned you can tether an iPhone and record video on its screen, so I’ll try that.

    boren [15:32]
    Screenshots would probably be good enough for mobile in this case, but cool.

    ginsterbusch [15:33]
    @mark a11y is not just about keyboard. its also eg. about folks not being able to quickly shift *their* focus (viewing field) to something else. and reading through the ticket doesnt really indicate its an automated or a “click this button to”-feature right now.

    janneke [15:33]
    The button still needs to be removed I think, but I mentioned before I’ll redo that. :simple_smile:

    Sessions UI

    #30264: Users should have a UI for managing sessions


    jorbin [15:41]
    For #30264@johnbillion is supposed to be working up a patch. I’ll check with him and if he needs help, will take over. Otherwise I think the only piece we are waiting on is the API on wordpress.org that @nacin is still working on.

    jorbin [15:42]
    User testing of the feature at WCSF only identified some enhancments we can do to make it more mobile friendly, otherwise it was very well received. Note that it still works fine, but the experience on mobile can be made better (edited)

    drew [15:43]
    @jorbin: Were there still UI concerns with the single vs many sessions problem?

    boren [15:43]
    I know it is a small feature, but this thing wasn’t really a feature plugin. It’s not in the plugin dir, the slug collides with an existing plugin, and hearing “the experience on mobile can be made better” is a bit aggravating.

    jorbin [15:44]
    Not that I know of, but if there are it seems like something we can iron out in beta

    boren [15:44]
    Iron it out before merge.

    boren [15:45]
    Otherwise these aren’t feature plugins, they’re blobs of code on github that are merged without criteria.

    nacin [15:45]
    I’m still kind of tempted to bring it in as a single “Sign out of other sessions” button with no extra UI for 4.1, and continue to play with it for 4.2.

    nacin [15:45]
    Identifying browsers and locations is no small thing.

    jorbin [15:46]
    I hate that idea. I think it adds a button without any context for people to understand “why”

    mark [15:46]
    Context could be added.

    jorbin [15:46]
    The context is the other sessions

    nacin [15:46]

    • Sign out all other sessions *

    Lost your phone? Left yourself logged in on a public computer? Need a way to sign out everywhere except your current browser? This is for you.
    [ Sign out all other sessions ]

    mark [15:46]
    Was going to point to Slack, yeah.

    drew [15:47]
    That’s also not say that you can’t just specify the number of other session without spitting out the fine-grained details.

    mark [15:47]
    And the context could additionally be “You are signed into this site in %d other locations.”

    drew [15:47]

    chriscct7 [15:47]
    Yeah I like that idea

    drew [15:48]
    Either way, I agree with @nacin that continuing to flesh out the UI/plugin for a future release might be the smartest way to go. (edited)

    nacin [15:48]
    I think an actual number is possibly more confusing, because we can’t tell them context, and would consider just showing the Slack-like UI if it’s > 1.

    jorbin [15:48]
    That seems confusing to me. %d doesn’t really help me as nacin is pointing out

    jorbin [15:48]
    ok, so is the decision that we punt?

    nacin [15:49]
    I’m not advocating punting necessarily, I just saw an opening that would allow us to provide immediate user benefit and try to further improve the overall UX and data we can provide.

    mattheweppelsheimer [15:49]
    +1 to a Slack-like explanation without %d sessions, in 4.1

    drew [15:49]
    I think punt is still up to @johnbillion, but as it is now, that would be my recommendation (in terms of the detailed UI)

    georgestephanis [15:49]
    I’d like to see some user testing sessions on the ux of it to see if / how much it is confusing to normal users.

    stephdau [15:49]
    on the +1 side too. Seems the friendliest, while addressing an immediate need.

    nacin [15:50]
    Also, I’d suggest: “If you think you were compromised, you should change your password. This will also sign you out everywhere.” (And on password change, I don’t know if we clear out all of their sessions, but we should, since they’re dead at that point.)

    jorbin [15:50]
    If we go that route, we should start capturing the UA string and other data in 4.1 so that we have less “unknowns” displayed

    drew [15:50]
    @jorbin: Can you possibly work on a patch for the alternate approach?

    nacin [15:51]
    As a replacement for %d, something like this, perhaps something like this, so as not to completely terrify them: `<small>You are signed into this site in %d other locations. This could be a different browser on your computer, your phone, or another computer.</small>”

    nacin [15:51]
    I’m not against capturing more data now.

    boren [15:51]
    This is the correct repo, yes? https://github.com/johnbillion/wp-session-manager

    Contribute to wp-session-manager development by creating an account on GitHub.

    drew [15:51]
    @boren yes

    chriscct7 [15:51]
    boren: yes

    boren [15:51]
    Last updated 23 days ago?

    jorbin [15:51]
    I can work up the alternate patch based on this discussion

    georgestephanis [15:51]
    @nacin: Or the same browser that had its cookies purged, even.

    boren [15:51]
    Not in the plugin repo.

    boren [15:51]
    Why are we even talking about it?

    chriscct7 [15:51]
    name conflict on it

    chriscct7 [15:51]
    its a feature plugin for 4.1

    georgestephanis [15:51]
    So let’s give it a different slug.

    georgestephanis [15:52]
    +lots to getting these things into the repo as early as possible.

    georgestephanis [15:52]
    Better discoverability for feature plugins would be super-handy.

    mark [15:53]
    We need guidelines for how we handle feature plugins. It’s been really haphazard, and it has affected our ability to get the features in front of a lot of people.

    jorbin [15:55]
    @johnbillion will need to make the final call, but it sounds like the decision is: Full UI will come later (and will be moved into a plugin in the plugin repositroy), I will work up a patch that adds a “Sign out everywhere else” button along with killing all other sessions on password change and capturing data for a future UI. Any objections to this plan?

    sabreuse [15:55]
    I’ve thought about session-by-session, and I agree that it feels plugin-like to me.

    sabreuse [15:55]
    But +1 for an easy “sign me out everywhere else”

    drew [15:55]
    @jorbin I think that sounds reasonable. If it’s not where we need it to be by Friday, we can wait.

    mark [15:55]
    If a feature plugin effort just results in a well-crafted plugin, that’s not a terrible outcome.

    stephdau [15:55]
    @mark @georgestephanis : we could at least use a standard prefix, to “ensure” slug uniqueness: wpf- or something

    Shiny Updates

    Smooth installation and updating of plugins and themes


    drew [15:57]
    It’s my understanding the decision was made at WCSF to go with shiny installs and leave shiny updates for later

    nacin [15:57]
    Correct. Updates can already be done in bulk, while installs cannot.
    However, all of the people most familiar with the updates code are tied up right now. Beta 1 is unlikely for what we want.

    It’s possible some stuff can be aligned by next week, and that’s up to John if he wants to accept some discrete changes.

    drew [15:58]
    @nacin: OK. So are you thinking punt for the whole thing?

    nacin [15:59]
    Right now, I’m not thinking about it. I may have a better idea come Friday.

    FS Credentials Modal

    #29820: Smooth installation and updating of plugins and themes


    #29395: Site Language: Install translations on the fly


    nacin [16:01]
    FS credentials is tied into updates/installs more than language.

    nacin [16:02]
    While it’s nice-to-have for language, if language installs can only happen with ‘direct’, I’m not going to cry.

    drew [16:02]
    Can you leave some feedback to that effect on 29395?

    nacin [16:05]
    Sure. @ocean90 is it already good to land, otherwise?

    ocean90 [16:06]
    If we can ignore the FS credentials, yes

    Taxonomy Roadmap


    #5809: Updating a term in one taxonomy affects the term in every taxonomy


    boone [16:09]
    I also created some new tickets and dug up some oldies to reflect next steps in the extended Taxonomy Journey

    drew [16:09]
    @boone: Is there a specific report where people can follow progress on that roadmap?

    drew [16:09]16:09
    Or just the Taxonomy component?

    boone [16:09]
    No. Taxonomy component is best for now.
    In the next week I’ll write up a make/core post with some updates and some thoughts about the future

    boone [16:10]
    that’ll have links to relevant tickets

    nacin [16:11]
    some of the stuff that went into this had to do with properly handling DB replication lag and such, just to give you an idea.

    mark [16:11]
    Yes, this is the equivalent of us building a rocket to go to McDonalds and then disassembling it while in flight.

    Twenty Fifteen

    drew [16:14]
    Apparently we’re looking pretty good as we approach beta.

    iandstewart [16:14]
    It’s looking pretty good
    we have one milestoned bug with expanding widgets that we’re still trying to figure out
    and there are some template tag and customizer enhancements that’d be nice to have solid
    but it’s in good shape
    @obenland: did you want to chime in on template tags?

    obenland [16:16]
    Sure. So there are only very few pieces left after a very productive few days at wcsf

    obenland [16:17]
    One is #29890 which @helen is looking at

    #29890: Make menu descriptions available to be displayed on the front-end


    obenland [16:17]
    Then we have #29808 with two proposed patches

    #29808: Post/paging navigation template tags


    obenland [16:18]
    https://core.trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/29808/29808.8.diff fixing some some bugs and simplifying bits, as well as changing the screen reader text to an h2 as requested by the a11y team (edited)

    obenland [16:18]
    And https://core.trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/29808/29808.9.diff which would add parity between post and comment navigation template tags (edited)
    Between 29808.9.diff and 29890 we could remove two callbacks from Twenty Fifteen
    and have a nice set of theme api improvements in 4.1

    iandstewart [16:22]
    #29988 would also be a nice improvement that depends on a few other patches outside of the theme (edited)

    #29988: Twenty Fifteen: Use JS/postMessage to update the color scheme instead of triggering a page refresh


    ocean90 [16:25]
    For the record, 29988.patch will not land in. We have new tickets for this where some are already fixed. But still needs some work. Or a review by me. (edited)

    westonruter [16:25]
    That’s right. The existing patch on 29988 is a standalone proof of concept.

    Bug Scrubs

    drew [16:27]
    We had kind of lackluster effort on the Friday bug scrubs the last couple of weeks due to WCSF/summit stuff.

    As discussed a little bit ago, I’d like to do an enhancement scrub tomorrow morning-ish to see if we can’t clear out some of those outstanding tickets. Any takers for probably 11:00 am EST tomorrow in here?

    drew [16:29]
    I guess 16:00 UTC

    Open Mic

    kraft [16:32]
    Would still love to see feedback on this UI adjustment for default categories: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/26268 :simple_smile:

    #26268: Add UI to Category page to indicate default category

    drew [16:32]
    I think @helen had some feedback on 26268 but she had to go. I’m not convinced that’s ready for primetime in terms of flow.

    chriscct7 [16:34]
    If a core committer has a couple minutes, got a running list of tickets that are ready to be committed here: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/11/03/open-update-thread/#comment-20901

    celloexpressions [16:35]
    #21483 would also benefit from feedback. In addition to UI and code, could use docs help from @drew, has an audio/video issue for @wonderboymusic

    #21483: Refactor Customizer Upload, Image, and Background Image controls to leverage the media library/modal


    drew [16:37]
    @celloexpressions: OK, I can take a look.

  • Drew Jaynes (DrewAPicture) 7:23 pm on November 5, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment
    Tags: ,   

    Agenda for today’s dev chat in the #core channel on slack (November 5 2014 21:00 UTC):

    • Beta/Merge Window@johnbillion would like to extend the merge window and tagging the beta to Friday
    • Hook Recursion #17817: @jbrinley is requesting some eyes on it (likely 4.2-early). Three main issues:
      1. Is there enough unit test coverage?
      2. Does it break plugins which interact with $wp_filter and $wp_actions directly (eg accessing the nested arrays)?
      3. Does it “fix” any existing behavior which could be seen as a regression?
    • Focus #29806: Patch for editor focus v2 looks good. @markjaquith will be posting a merge request update on make/core. @johnbillion will decide whether to merge on Thurs/Fri
    • Sessions UINeeds a ticket, #30264 decision for merge will be Thurs/Fri
    • Shiny Updates #29820: Decision at WCSF was to go with shiny installs, leave shiny updates for a later release. Awaiting feedback from @pento/@nacin/@melchoyce about whether this still has a chance of getting done in time for merge
    • FS Credentials Modal #29820: Also affects #29395 (installing languages from general settings screen)
    • Taxonomy Roadmap@boone is on fire
    • Twenty Fifteen – Some discussion around smaller issues with the new template functions and color schemes, nothing that can’t be iterated upon during beta
    • Bug Scrubs – Continuing weekly bug scrubs on Friday this week, likely a mixture of a11y and 4.1 tickets
  • Ryan Boren 8:15 pm on November 3, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment
    Tags: open-update-thread   

    Open Update Thread 

    What’s going on in your core development world this week? Drop a comment. Let it OUT.

  • Ryan Boren 7:36 pm on November 3, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment

    Dev Chat Summary, October 29th 



    • Beta 1
    • Feature plugin merge window



    Links Mentioned













    Focus 2

    I think Focus v2 is ready to be turned into a core patch and be merged in. Over the last few days we have been working on making it less “twitchy” and narrowing the circumstances under which focus mode is triggered, so we are sure the user is focused on composition when it happens, instead of transiently moving through the editor or absentmindedly clicking.

    Session Manager

    I think the session manager is ready with some minor UI tweaks (simplifications, really) and use of the geo IP API.

    Yes the session management UI is in a similar position

    I’m hoping to get that in patch form and ready to merge before the weekend

    Select 2

    @helen @ericlewis Do you have time to look into the touch problems before Friday? I am very tempted to punt this if we can’t get this merged by early next week, and highly visible touch support problems will prevent it being merged

    I think we can circle back Friday during the bug scrub and make a decision

    i am having bad gut feelings myself.

    I think the work @helen and @ericlewis have done is great, but there are too many unknowns (edited)

    I side with withholding it for just one release. The benefits of waiting (potentially better codebase, more room to test accessibility, etc) far outweigh the benefits of including now (almost certain rewrites in the very near future, for one)

    I’d say cut it. It’s a minor improvement, not a make-or-break feature.

    And with so many other things about to come in, it’s pulling resources in different directions a bit.

    “just one release” – i’ve been tinkering with this since february.

    Fair point, very fair point

    but i am not worried about cutting it for 4.1. it is frustrating, but not worrisome.

    Ok unless the situation with touch support changes in the next few days, we should consider this punted. I have also just been informed that there is a licensing issue which I was unaware of

    Twenty Fifteen

    Twenty Fifteen is steaming ahead

    @obenland @lancewillett @iamtakashi Anything of particular note you’d like to mention?

    It’s looking good

    @celloexpressions just did a great review

    and doubled our ticket numbers :simple_smile:

    Well, that was just as much as I could do in an hour :simple_smile: but it’s pretty good overall, no huge issues. I’m still thinking about the color schemes implementation

    Not much to report on beyond the update here https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/10/28/twenty-fifteen-chat-summary-october-28/
    Make WordPress Core
    Twenty Fifteen Chat Summary October 28
    Notes for our weekly chat about Twenty Fifteen: Twenty Fifteen continues to feel pretty robust — thanks to everyone who’s been testing the theme, reporting bugs, and contributing to patches with co…

    We had some new template tags land yesterday, I started a ticket for the new `title-tag` support and will publish a post on that later today

    Also working on adding support for the navigational template tags

    Plugin and Theme Install

    Lastly from me, the proposed updates to the plugin and theme install and update process haven’t had much traction lately, as I’ve already noted, due to @nacin @melchoyce @pento @avryl being busy on other things, but we have mockups and that group are going to plow through it starting this afternoon

    So that is still scheduled for 4.1

    Feature Plugins

    Feature plugins need to be in the beta list. Only one of those discussed here is listed, Focus. /wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=beta

    @boren: Roger.

    Does that page have a .org analog?


  • Ryan Boren 6:49 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment  

    Nightly Builds for Feature Plugins 

    Notion: All feature plugins should be present in the plugin repository, kept up-to-date, and kept free of testing blockers. Delivering in-development interfaces to beta testers via WP’s built-in update mechanism is good ecosystem dogfooding.

    With the Beta Tester plugin, I am able to update my sites to the latest nightly build of core WordPress automatically. Feature Plugins should endeavour to do the same. A script for deploying from git to the .org plugin repository exists and seems a good place to start.

    While the tooling is worked out, I’d like to commit to making weekly releases of feature plugins, at the least.

    • Samuel Wood (Otto) 7:00 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      There is a Plugin Beta Tester too. Perhaps the main Beta Tester plugin should be updated to also download selected feature plugins in the same manner.

      • Helen Hou-Sandi 7:03 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

        I think there is more of an issue of things being developed in other places (typically GitHub) but not regularly getting synced over to .org for more typical users to be able to install.

        • Samuel Wood (Otto) 7:11 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

          That’s not really an issue. You can make a plugin do an update from anywhere. Including Github, if you really want. Github can build and send ZIP files, I’m pretty sure.

          We don’t typically allow plugins to enable external updates like that in the plugin directory, but for official projects and plugins slated for core, it would be perfectly fine to do that, in order to assist with development and testing. Exceptions to every rule and so forth.

          • Helen Hou-Sandi 7:13 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            I think that’s missing the point – those plugins still won’t be available in the Beta Testing tab for plugin install. I don’t really want to make update exceptions for them.

            • Samuel Wood (Otto) 7:16 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink

              Okay, so, if you don’t want them to update from Github (or wherever), then you sync them back to plugins.svn on a regular basis (like weekly) and use code like the Plugin Beta Tester (but put into the main BT plugin) to download them from there.

              This seems like a problem which is easily solvable with about 40-60 lines of code and some whitelisting, is what I’m saying. All that would need to be maintained is the list of “feature plugins” somewhere.

          • WraithKenny 7:16 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

            If I understand your suggestion, a very skilled person will make a plugin that will update other plugins from github, rather then say testers trying to write code to pull updates from github, right? I’m all for some very skilled person handling that, as it’s not a novice or intermediate level task.

            • Samuel Wood (Otto) 7:20 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink

              Basically, yes, except it isn’t that difficult. I’m at an airport bar and getting on a plane in a couple hours, but I’ll try to write up an example this weekend for you. You just have to hook into the update process and replace the API response with your own update information with whatever you want. As long as you can give it a URL to a working ZIP file, the built in core updater code will happily do an update from any URL. It’s not fixated on the plugin directory.

              I’m thinking that the Beta Tester plugin currently allows people to download trunk versions of core. There’s no reason it can’t be expanded to also allow them to download the latest versions of the known feature plugins slated for that same release. Yes, the BT plugin would need to be updated to do that, and to know/get the feature plugins list. That’s not a big issue, really.

            • Gary Jones 8:12 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink

              Already done, and fairly stable: https://github.com/afragen/github-updater

    • Joe Dolson 7:01 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      +1 to that – locating feature plugins and knowing when they’re functional is one of the big barriers I find in doing testing.

    • Michael Arestad 7:25 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I know we have a plugin we use for alpha testing that allows you to stay up to date with the latest version on Github. It’s really not recommended for production, but it sure makes it easy to try and keep up with the bleeding-edge latest changes.

    • Ryan Boren 7:29 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      Some background: The plugin installer has a “Beta Testing” tab that features Feature Plugins. At the moment, only one of the feature plugins being considered for 4.1 is in that tab.


      That page needs an analog on wordpress.org so that we have something linkable.

    • Ryan Boren 8:07 pm on October 30, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

    • jmdarts007 11:21 am on November 2, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply

      I think that’s missing the point – those plugins still won’t be available in the Beta Testing tab for plugin install. I don’t really want to make update exceptions for them.

    • Ryan Boren 6:38 pm on November 3, 2014 Permalink | Log in to Reply


      Sounds like the plan is to locate that script at wordpress/plugin-directory-github-sync where @helen and @markjaquith can add their changes.

  • Konstantin Obenland 10:57 pm on October 29, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment
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    Title Tags in 4.1 

    For over three years we have been trying to make it easier for plugins and themes to manage the document title. Kubrick didn’t necessarily set a great example to theme authors by appending the blog name to wp_title(), a practice we have been trying to correct ever since.

    #18548 was created to find a solution to that problem, but after initial excitement hasn’t seen any noteworthy action until a few weeks ago. Yesterday @johnbillion committed a first step towards a brighter future in [30074], introducing a forward compatible way to make document titles fully customizable.

    Adding titles to themes

    Starting with 4.1 and Twenty Fifteen, the recommended way for themes to display titles is by adding theme support like this:

    function theme_slug_setup() {
       add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'theme_slug_setup' );

    Support should be added on the after_setup_theme or init action, but no later than that. It does not accept any further arguments.

    By declaring support like this, themes acknowledge that they are not defining titles on their own and WordPress can add it safely without duplication.

    To maintain full forward compatibility, plugins can not check for theme support of title tags, and are discouraged from building functionality around it just yet. The long term plan is to enable users to manage document titles from their admin, independent of which theme they’re using. At that time it will also become more plugin friendly. To make sure this can be achieved however, it was important to rule out backwards compatibility concerns as much as possible.

    While there is no consensus on how the final implementation will look like yet, this should be a good way to get themes started to opt into a more user friendly way. It will also make any future changes that much more impactful when the final version ships.

    Backwards compatibility

    To enable support in existing themes without breaking backwards compatibility, theme authors can check if the callback function exists, and add a shiv in case it does not:

    if ( ! function_exists( '_wp_render_title_tag' ) ) :
    function theme_slug_render_title() {
    	echo '<title>' . wp_title( '|', false, 'right' ) . "</title>\n";
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'theme_slug_render_title' );

    This would also be the place to optionally add a filter to enhance the document title, along the lines of what recent default themes have been doing.

  • Pascal Birchler 8:21 pm on October 29, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment

    WordPress Core Weekly 

    Hi everyone!

    It’s this time of the week again: WordPress Core Weekly is here. This updates covers all commits since last week up to to today, October 29th.

    In case you missed it, the new default theme, Twenty Fifteen, is coming along very well, the feature plugins planned for 4.1 are being tested extensively and the Customizer JavaScript API is getting more and more complete.

    But there are many more things going on behind the scenes and Core has even passed revision [30,000]! Let’s have a look at this week:


    • Add labels to the Personal Options input fields on the user profile editing screen. [30027] #30101
    • Editor: Use <button> instead of <a> for the Visual/Text buttons, make them focusable. [30002] #27553
    • Customizer: Add the ability for a customizer control to render its controls via a JavaScript template. Switches the default color picker control to a JavaScript template. [30014] #29572


    • Twenty Fifteen: If the sidebar is taller than the viewport scroll it with the content, if it’s shorter keep it fixed. [30025] #29979
    • Introduce a new means of outputting a <title> tag in the theme head. Requires a theme to add support by calling add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ). [30074] #18548
    • Introduce some new template functions for navigation [30065] #29808
      • get_the_post_navigation() and the_post_navigation() for navigation to the next and previous post.
      • get_the_posts_navigation() and the_posts_navigation() for navigation to the next and previous page of posts.
      • get_the_pagination() and the_pagination() for paginated navigation between pages of posts.
      • Uses paginate_links(). This reduces the need for themes to define their own sets of navigation functions.


    • Deprecate admin_created_user_subject() [30005] #29915
    • Introduce an edit_form_before_permalink action which gets fired after the title field but before the permalink fields. [30028] #29691
    • In wp_link_pages(), only output link separators between actual pagination links. [30030] #24940
    • Rename _wp_password_hint() to _wp_get_password_hint() to bring it inline with core terminology. [30033] #21243
    • Don’t add sticky class in get_post_class() if ignore_sticky_posts query var is set. [30036] #18035
    • Don’t display Standard post format twice in the meta box if the theme unnecessarily mentions it in the add_theme_support() call. [30038] #16555
    • Add comment_reply_link_args filter for get_comment_reply_link() arguments. [30039] #10569
    • Allow slug param of get_terms() to accept an array. [30042] #23636
    • Introduce orderby=include support for get_terms(). [30052] #23261
    • Remove UNIQUE key from slug column of terms table. [30056] #22023
    • Add wp_json_encode(), a wrapper for json_encode() that ensures everything is converted to UTF-8. Change all core calls from json_encode() to wp_json_encode(). [30055] #28786
    • Introduce wp_is_trusted_network(). A first step to establish concepts around trusted and untrusted networks. [30071] #30145
    • Don’t hardcode height for videos – this was a workaround for MediaElement internals causing problems. Responsive videos now work properly and don’t cause extra whitespace. [30082] #30078
    • Introduce some actions and filters which aid plugins in revisioning post meta. [30091] #20564


    • Allow ORDER BY in WP_Comment_Query::query() to be disabled. [30004] #29902 DisableORDER BY by passing boolean false, an empty array, or the string none to the orderbyparameter. This mirrors the behavior of WP_Query.
    • Accept orderby=include in WP_User_Query. [30016] #30064 This lets the results of a user query be sorted manually by the value of the include param.
    • Fix count in WP_Comment_Query when using meta_query. [30026] #23369
    • Optimize site query when performing network database upgrades [30029] #30097
    • Improve WP_Tax_Query param sanitization for empty strings. [30031] #30117
    • Support multiple status values in WP_Comment_Query. [30084] #29612

    Thanks to @peterwilsoncc, @iamtakashi, @nacin, @mnelson4, @afercia, @psycleuk, @rianrietveld, @davidakennedy, @celloexpressions, @DrewAPicture, @jipmoors, @ipm-frommen, @mattwiebe, @avryl, @heshiming, @desaiuditd, @ankit-k-gupta, @captaintheme, @marcosf, @obenland, @tmtrademark, @briandichiara, @tareq1988, @jakub.tyrcha, @johneckman, @kosvrouvas, @ptahdunbar, @nacin, @pushplaybang, @joedolson, @aaroncampbell, @jfarthing84, @dlh, @danielbachhuber, @wpsmith, @hotchkissconsulting, @JustinSainton, @jwenerd, @wonderboymusic, @tollmanz, @chrisbliss18, @joostdevalk, @TobiasBg, @nofearinc, @karpstrucking, @ebinnion, @boonebgorges, @mattheu, @adamsilverstein, @momo360modena, @tareq1988 for their core contributions!

    Revisions covered: [29995] to [30093]. For the complete list of commits to trunk, check out the log on Trac.

    Interested in joining in? Write or test a patch for 4.1.

  • John Blackbourn 12:24 am on October 29, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment
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    Modernising our real-time communication 

    The WordPress project is testing out Slack as our main real-time communication platform, replacing IRC and ad hoc Skype chats.

    chat.wordpress.org is our new information hub for Slack. All wordpress.org users will be able to access WordPress Slack with immediate effect.

    This change was announced by Matt during his State Of The Word presentation at WordCamp San Francisco this weekend, and was overwhelmingly positively received. In fact, it was so well received that this week’s dev chat (October 29 2014 20:00 UTC) will be hosted in the WordPress #core channel on Slack, rather than in the #wordpress-dev channel on IRC.

    There will be volunteers hanging out in #wordpress-dev to inform users that the dev chat has moved to Slack. For those of you who don’t want to leave IRC just yet, you can connect to WordPress Slack using the IRC gateway.

    The #core and #announcements channels on Slack have just surpassed 1,000 users, which is five times as many as we’ve ever had in the channels on IRC. Join us at chat.wordpress.org!

  • Ian Stewart 5:52 pm on October 28, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment  

    Twenty Fifteen Chat Summary October 28 

    Notes for our weekly chat about Twenty Fifteen:

    Twenty Fifteen continues to feel pretty robust — thanks to everyone who’s been testing the theme, reporting bugs, and contributing to patches with code or comments. We’re in good shape.

    The biggest change in the past week for a lot of people will have been the closing of #29979. Scrollbar is no longer a plural in Twenty Fifteen. :)

    We’ve also had lots of great accessibility improvements.

    In todays weekly chat we reviewed the remaining tickets for the theme. We’ve entered a phase of cleanup and nice-to-haves, with one remaining blocker, activation in older versions of WordPress. We’ll follow the lead of previous default themes with a back compat check.

    Customizer-related tickets that could use more eyes:

  • Aaron Jorbin 4:50 pm on October 28, 2014 Permalink | Log in to leave a Comment
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    WordCamp San Francisco User Testing Results 

    WordCamp San Francisco, @johnbillion and I conducted some user tests.  We focused on three feature plugins planned for 4.1: Focus, Author Select, Session Manager.  When possible, we created an editor account for users and had them participate on there own device.  When they didn’t have a device, they participated on one of our laptops.

    Below are the notes.

    Dan – developer. using a macbook

    “Wow” was first reaction to focus. Kind of felt like it was shocking and he needed some frame of reference. Maybe keep 5px or so of menu so you know you can go back to it. Fading of buttons kind of make it feel like they are disabled.
    Author select – Immediately knew what to do. super natural
    “Where are you logged in” – knew to go to profile page, found the panel right away.

    Michelle – designer/developer. using a macbook

    It’s disconcerting not to see all the things. “If the point of things is to be distraction free, it’s weird not to see publish since that is what people want to do”. Fading of buttons seems a bit weird. Not sure she like automatically going into distraction free. It’s jarring.
    Author select -didn’t search, just selected.

    Janneke – Developer. using an iPad mini

    Author select on iPad mini – Super hard to use. Can’t really scroll down. Not at all intuitive.
    Profile manager – Looks horrible on iPad mini
    Focus – She is building it, so I didn’t test it :)

    Josh – Developer. using a macbook

    Likes not having the sidebar menu. Losing the meta boxes seems odd. Might be weird for some people.
    Author select. Select 2. Using display name instead of user name. Seems odd.
    First looked to tools to find where he was logged in.

    Joe – Developer. using a macbook

    Lag on the editor screen makes things feel slow and confusing.
    Author – Not used to to having it enabled by default is different. Seems to be able to use

    Cory – WP business owner. using his macbook

    Loves the focus. Seems super natural.
    Author – Very usable.
    Profile – Didn’t quite understand question at first, but once he did, made it and found that info right away.

    Mel – designer. using our laptop

    Focus – It’s weird that it’s not centered. Less things on the page makes it harder to focus.
    Author – “I heart Select2″

    Jen –  Freelance writer and photographer. Has her own blog, using a MacBook.

    Initially wasn’t enthusiastic about the fact that the meta boxes and menu disappeared, “oh, what’s going on?”. Was confused about how to get them to re-appear, erroneously clicked an unrelated button in the browser in an attempt to get the UI to reappear. After figuring out that the UI re-appears when you move your mouse or tab away, actually very much liked the behaviour.

    I mentioned that we were considering adding a feature pointer pointing to the DFW button. Jen said she thinks this will be important. User has no other idea of what’s going on otherwise.

    Couldn’t find where the user sessions may be listed. Mentioned that she is the only user on her site so she would have no interest in it. Expected it to be on the dashboard, or on the same screen as Jetpack analytics.

    Christen –  blogger

    “Create a new post” – First went to quick draft. When I sent her to the regular draft screen, it seemed natural to her. She liked the “Distraction free writing”. It felt natural to her. Once it was in place though, she didn’t really look for anything else on the page.

    Andre – Theme Builder. Design and build.

    Focus Was natural. Really liked and it seemed 100% natural to him.
    Author – Select two was a natural choice and he really likes it.
    Went to tools page to find sessions.

    Matt – developer and project manager

    Not enthusiastic about using the editor focus improvements himself, but said he would leave it enabled for his clients who write more long form content than he does. Suggested that some form of A/B testing may be desirable if we have the time. No other feedback.

    User session list will be of interest to him as a project/site manager, not so much use to his clients themselves. Suggested that we could implement a dashboard widget which displayed the “last accessed” time for the current user, or listed other current sessions if there is more than one. Also suggested adding an “active sessions” column to the user list screen, visible to site admins.

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