Hackers used a vendor's stolen log-on credentials to penetrate Home Depot's computer network and install custom-built malware that stole customer payment-card data and e-mail addresses, the retailer announced Thursday.

The malware, which had not been seen in other data thefts, was installed on self-checkout registers that were hacked. The malware was designed to evade antivirus software and has since been eliminated, Home Depot officials said.

The company had announced in September that the massive data breach allowed criminals to harvest information from 56 million credit and debit cards in the United States and Canada.

The latest revelations Thursday arose from the company's investigation. Another 53 million e-mail addresses were added to the list of compromised data.

Home Deport said the e-mail addresses did not contain passwords, payment card information or other sensitive personal information. The company is notifyingaffected customers and offering credit monitoring, though it said, "In all likelihood this will not impact you."

Customers were warned to be alert for so-called phishing scams that try to dupe people into revealing personal information or clicking on links that may install malware on their computers. It reiterated common tips to guard against identity theft.

The breach, which has cost $62 million, began in April and went undetected for several months. Home Depot is offering customers free identity-protection services, including a year of credit monitoring.

"We apologize for the frustration and anxiety this causes our customers and we thank you for your patience and support as we work through this issue,' the company told customers.

Some shoppers -- those with Home Depot Project Loan cards -- have received a $50 store gift card to "show our appreciation for being a loyal customer." The company did not mention the gift cards in its public statements Thursday.

The company said personal data that may have been compromised included customers' name, credit card number, expiration date, cardholder "verification value" and "service code." The verification value is not the three- or four-digit security code on a card.

Home Deport added that "at this time" it does not believe check payments were affected, and that "while we continue to determine the full scope, scale and impact

of the breach," there was no evidence that PIN numbers were compromised.

In January, Target announced that hackers who also used a vendor's sign-in credentials to install malicious software and steal data on 40 million credit and debit cards, in addition to personal data for up to 70 million customers, including e-mail addresses.

Some of the malware code was in Russian.

The theft of e-mail addresses in both hacks is likely responsible for an increase in spam over the past few months.

"Hackers go through a certain number of well-established phases to infiltrate a company," Rik Ferguson, vice president for security research for Trend Micro, a computer security company. Hackers first study the company and gather intelligence so they can properly target their attacks, he said.

Similar to the Target breach, hackers initially infiltrated Home Depot's network by obtaining an outside vendor's system credentials. The hackers often use targeted phishing emails to trick an employee into giving out credentials. Once they've entered the system through a compromised computer, the hackers install malware that gathers information from the computer and sends it back electronically to the hacker.

Cyber criminals then use a variety of hacking tools to extract passwords and credentials until they have access to the entire system, Ferguson said. As they prowl the network, they install cyber "back doors" that allow them to reenter the system even if they are detected by computer security, he said.

Criminal hacking forums, many operating on underground sites hidden on the "Dark Web," offer sophisticated hacking and malware packages, including a security software checking services that will scan malware past every security software on the market to determine if it can remain undetected, he said. Such a service sells for 20 cents for a one-time check to $25 for a one-month subscription, he said.

"The sad truth is the financial barrier for entry into the cybercrime underground has steadily dropped," he said.

Studies of computer hacks have found the average time from infiltration until the security breach is detected is 229 days, Ferguson said. Company security should now include robust breach detection systems, he said.

"Most companies build their security with the goal of keeping attackers out," Ferguson said. Recent breaches show hackers can now outwit those systems. "Traditional security technology isn't up to the job."

Contributing: Donna Leinwand Leger

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