
Thursday October 30, 2014 – Port Ambrose LNG Facility Information & Organizing Community Meeting

Port Ambrose Meeting

When: Thursday 10/30/14 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Where: Bellmore Exempts Fire Hall, 228 Pettit Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710

Direction: Take Long Island Railroad to Bellmore. The fire hall is across the street from the Bellmore LIRR train station.

Liberty Natural Gas proposes to build Port Ambrose about 18 miles off the coast of Long Beach and Jones Beach and 28 miles off the coast of New Jersey for the stated purpose of importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to supply the Long Island area during peak demand. With abundant supply of natural gas coming from the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania, we believe Port Ambrose is really being built for exporting LNG to Europe and Asia where natural gas can be sold for much higher prices. LNG is natural gas super-chilled to -260 degrees to liquefy it for transportation. It is highly flammable and unsafe. Huge LNG tanker, which is as long as the Empire State building is tall, is a prime terrorist target. Port Ambrose will increase pollution to our water and air and exacerbate climate change since methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Since the public hearings were held in the summer of 2013 on the scoping of the project, the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Port Ambrose is expected to be released soon, perhaps close to or after the November election, followed by a short public comment period around the holidays. We need to ramp up our organizing effort now to spread the information and make sure everyone call Governor Cuomo to veto Port Ambrose LNG project: 518-474-8390.

People’s Climate March: a Day to Remember

On Sunday, September 21st an estimated 400,000 citizens came together and marched through the streets of Manhattan to demand serious action from world leaders, who were meeting that week at the UN Climate Summit.  Although there were a few politicians and celebrities in the ranks, the march truly lived up to its name and it was ordinary people from all walks of life who made the day special with their voices, their creativity and their passion to change the world for better.  United for Action friends and families were part of the beautiful medley.  Below are some of their experiences and thoughts about the march.  We thank them for sharing their words and photos and are also grateful to photographers such as Erik McGregor and videographers Charlie Olson, John Duffy and the rest of the Environment TV crew who are sharing their amazing work.  Continue reading…


Congratulations Staten Island! NYC’s 1st Net-Zero School

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P.S.62 will be the first net-zero energy school in New York City and one of the first of its kind worldwide. The 68,680-square-foot, two-story school will serve 444 pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students. When completed, the cutting-edge building will harvest as much energy from renewable on-site sources as it uses on an annual basis. More info and more beautiful renderings on the Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) website.

Watch the “Tankers and Turbines” Speakers

Our appreciation goes to Owen Crowley, who single-handedly filmed, edited (incorporating the speakers’ slides), and posted video of UFA’s Tankers & Turbines event.  If you missed the event at Rutgers Church, you can view the various parts of the evening by clicking on the photos below.  Please watch, share, and spread the word that we must get Governors Christie and Cuomo to veto Liberty Natural Gas’ deepwater port application.

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1. Sean Dixon from Clean Ocean Action (see their Port Ambrose fact-sheet here) spoke to the audience about Liberty Natural Gas’ proposed port, how it would bring in tankers as long as the Empire State Building is tall, carrying explosive cargo among the shipping lanes of one of the busiest ports in the country.  Read more of this post.

The TPP Fast-Track Train

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, is the biggest trade deal in U.S. history, and the most secretive one as well.  The anti-fracking community has been hearing about it for some time, because if what has been leaked is true, the TPP is an enormous threat to our efforts to stop the destruction being caused by oil and gas unconventional drilling.  Read more…


Venturing into the Heart of PA’s Gasland:  A Firsthand Account by Melodie Bryant

I write with some embarrassment. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the horrors of fracking. After all, I’d been at the NY City Council meeting (along with Josh Fox) where the truth of what was facing us first came to light (Christine Quinn was against it then).Photo #22I saw the rushes from Gasland on wrinkled bed sheets in loft spaces when we were all scrambling to get it together. I saw – and was blown away – by Gasland 2. I’ve been to countless rallies and meetings. I know about radon, failing well casings, SGEIS statements, methane flaring, silica dust, brine on roads, and polluted aquifer. So when I signed up to go on a “tour” of fracking sites in PA on July 27th, I almost felt foolish.

I knew nothing.  Continue reading…

Minisink Matters

Minisink, NY is a beautiful community an hour and a half from NYC.   Unfortunately it is directly in the path of the gas industry’s fracked gas infrastructure designs.  They have sited a giant compressor station just a mile away from people’s homes.  It isn’t fully running yet, but test emissions that the industry conducted already have caused horrible Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 3.01.39 PMsymptoms to many in the community.  Ironically, many of the towns residents are responders who worked during 9/11 who have respiratory conditions and moved to Minisink for the healthy air and environment.  The town is fighting with everything they’ve got to stop the compressor station but they need your help. Continued….

The LNG Liberty Port Ambrose Project

LNG Port

A deep water port to export liquefied natural gas (LNG), the “Liberty Port Ambrose” project, has been proposed for the waters offshore from Jones Beach.

Call Cuomo (518) 474-8390 Call Christie (609) 292-6000

Ask them to veto Port Ambrose!


Each governor has the authority to veto this project, and Governor Christie has already vetoed a very similar project when it was proposed once before in waters closer to New Jersey. Tell the governors why you don’t want a LNG port!

What is Fracking?

Hydraulic Fracturing or “Hydrofracking” is a toxic and hazardous process of natural gas extraction which has caused irreparable damage to the environment. It has caused sickness and death in humans and animals, and made farms, homes and large tracts of land uninhabitable. Read more…

More Information on Fracking in our RESOURCE SECTION

The Numbers around Fracking don’t add up:

Watch these hard-hitting presentations from our 2012 “Frackonomics” event on the microeconomics, macroeconomics and external costs of fracking:

More than just the numbers, the human angle also evaluated:

A study presentation by Dr. Simona Perry who did case studies in affected areas that show industrial strength drilling rips communities apart.  Essential viewing.

There are better alternatives:

These speakers at a Renew New York event talk about alternative heating technologies such as solar and biodiesel.


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to President Obama

to New York State Governor Cuomo


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