Julian Casablancas + The Voidz at House of Blues, 10/31/14

Photos by Francisco Montes
Julian Casablancas + The Voidz, Team Spirit
House of Blues
October 31, 2014

Julian Casablancas is arguably one of the biggest rock stars of his generation. Though he's best known as the lead singer of the Strokes, there's something more to him that often gets glossed over and unappreciated. But everything he is seemed to resonate the loudest when he performed at House of Blues on Halloween night with his newest band, the Voidz.

Doors and curtains rolled a little over an hour later than fans were expecting, likely stemming from the band's appearance at Cactus Records earlier in the day. Even so, it gave it that familiar rock and roll feeling, when you're not entirely sure what to expect.

It was the first time in recent memory that Casablancas was on a non-festival stage, backed by a new band with new music. And for the first time, it felt like he was taking a step away from the Julian Casablancas we've come to know.

After an eclectic blend of world music, the Voidz took the stage around 10:30 p.m. just as fans seemed to get restless, shouting for the band to appear. Of course, it all became background noise once Casablancas followed his band onstage, strolling out in his signature jean vest over a retro Astros baseball jersey.

As the group launched into "Dare I Care," Casablancas began strolling around the stage before jumping head-first into "M.utually A.ssured D.estruction," a track from their debut album Tyranny, which was dripping with prog-rock and metal influence.

"How are you guys doing up there on the balcony?" Casablancas asked with his signature cheeky grin. The joke, of course, was that the show was standing room only.

But aside from amusing himself, it was crazy to realize how small this show was, especially considering the fact that Casablancas' only real touring experience as of late means hitting up different international music festivals to headline. That said, House of Blues is no small room, and he somehow managed to turn the show into one of the most intimate I've ever been to there.

It's easy to attribute this to the laid-back, familiar demeanor in which Casablancas carries himself, but it still doesn't hurt that the five men known as the Voidz have got the talent and guts to take the concept they've presented and execute it without a hitch.

Drummer Alex Carapetis brought a familiar face to the band from his time spent working with Nine Inch Nails, as well as Casablancas while touring his debut solo album, Phrazes for the Young. Then there's Jeramy Gritter, former Whitestarr guitarist, whose big hair and personality make his live performance that much more enthralling.

After an 11-minute performance of their track "Human Sadness," they treated the crowd to a cover of The Misfits' "Halloween."

It wasn't until later, however, that Casablancas made reference to the fact that it was Halloween, stating that the band almost dressed as the Strokes but thought better of it. Instead, the group covered yet another song -- this time, the Strokes' own "Ize of the World."

Story continues on the next page.

Location Info

House of Blues

1204 Caroline, Houston, TX

Category: Music


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Oscar Santander
Oscar Santander

He was badass, and the crowd was like 90% females :)

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