
The Road Ahead

Clean Energy is working to change the way North America fuels its vehicles.

Lowest-cost vapor barrier system for NGVs

Lowest-cost vapor barrier system for NGVs

More than 142,000 natural gas vehicles help move America’s goods, transport schoolchildren, haul garbage and keep our cities running.  According to NGVAmerica this number is on the rise as more communities and fleets take advantage of cleaner and more cost-effective natural gas fuel. Along with...

Renewable Fuel Possibilities for Public Transit Agencies

Renewable Fuel Possibilities for Public Transit Agencies

As part of the APTA Annual Meeting & Expo, Harrison Clay, president of Clean Energy’s renewable fuels division, shared his perspective on renewable fuel possibilities for public transit agencies. What role do you see transit playing in sustainable communities? Public transit is the backbone of...

3 Reasons Natural Gas Fuel Prices are Inexpensive and Predictable

3 Reasons Natural Gas Fuel Prices are Inexpensive and Predictable

One look at historical prices for natural gas vehicle fuel compared to gasoline, diesel and propane and two pronounced trends are immediately apparent: natural gas fuel prices are consistently less-expensive and less volatile. Three main reasons drive these trends. 1. The overwhelming abundance of natural...

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