
The Christian Right’s New GOTV Motivator

The Christian Right’s New GOTV Motivator

White evangelicals turned out in large numbers and voted overwhelmingly Republican in the 2014 midterms, and it wasn’t because their pastors told them who to vote for or because they were lured to the polls by ballot measures banning same-sex marr...

Same-sex marriage has lost its mojo, so the religious right has found a new motivator: Obama’s alleged attacks on religious freedom.

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We've Been on the Wrong Track Since 1972

We've Been on the Wrong Track Since 1972

“Seven out of ten Americans think America is heading in the wrong direction.” Most of us heard poll numbers along these lines this heading into Tuesday’s midterm elections. And the election results made it clear that voters blamed President Obama ...

Pundits pointed to the high “wrong track” answers as evidence of Obama’s shortcomings. In fact, it’s ever been thus.

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Iran’s Horrific Human-Rights Record

Iran’s Horrific Human-Rights Record

On October 25, 2014, days after President Obama reportedly sent a secret letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei offering regional security cooperation in return for Tehran’s acceptance of an elusive nuclear deal, Iran hanged Reyhaneh Jabbar...

America must do more to combat Tehran’s persecution of its citizens.

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The Christian Right’s New GOTV Motivator

The Christian Right’s New GOTV Motivator

White evangelicals turned out in large numbers and voted overwhelmingly Republican in the 2014 midterms, and it wasn’t because their pastors told them who to vote for or because they were lured to the polls by ballot measures banning same-sex marr...

Same-sex marriage has lost its mojo, so the religious right has found a new motivator: Obama’s alleged attacks on religious freedom.

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Red States’ Liberal Ballot Love

Red States’ Liberal Ballot Love

Voters be crazy.That’s at least the conclusion one might reasonably draw from Tuesday’s election results. After all, while voters largely chose to send Republicans to Congress and governor’s houses in a sweeping landslide nationwide, they simultan...

The big Republican gains on Tuesday didn’t happen because their agenda is more attractive. And if anything, it shows that they’ll have to moderate to stay alive.

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Who Can Possibly Lead the GOP?

Who Can Possibly Lead the GOP?

Not that long ago, in the grand scheme of things, America was still innocent and pro-corporate enough for adults to enthuse openly over the Disney brand. In 1994—the last time Republicans threw a midterm party even bigger than 2010’s —Americans we...

Republicans will be in a rush to find a 2016 leader. But what they really need is a good, invigorating, clarifying, drawn-out fight.

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Jeff Daniels Knows Aaron Sorkin and Poop

Jeff Daniels Knows Aaron Sorkin and Poop

“Well, crap!”Those were the first two words out of Jeff Daniels’s mouth when he won the Emmy in 2013 for his performance as cantankerous idealist newscaster Will McAvoy in Aaron Sorkin’s equally beloved and bemoaned HBO drama The Newsroom. Dressed...

In an almost absurd exercise in range, Jeff Daniels debuts the third season of ‘The Newsroom’ and ‘Dumber and Dumber To’ in the same week. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Musicians Who’ve Killed… Or Tried To

Musicians Who’ve Killed… Or Tried To

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was briefly charged with attempting to hire an assassin before he was exonerated. Sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll, and murder?

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was briefly charged with attempting to hire an assassin before he was exonerated. Sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll, and murder?

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Clueless Politicians Can’t Quit Bruce

Clueless Politicians Can’t Quit Bruce

On Tuesday night—widely considered a sweeping victory for Republican political candidates—I sat in my apartment, huddled around my TV, watching as election results rolled in. From my couch, as the local NBC affiliate called the Illinois gubernator...

Springsteen’s ‘Born in the U.S.A.’ is an indictment of the government, the military-industrial complex, and the way we treat soldiers. Not exactly an election night anthem.

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NSFW: Key & Peele Interpret Obama Speech

NSFW: Key & Peele Interpret Obama Speech

President Obama responded on Wednesday to his party’s resounding defeat in the midterm elections the night before. His attempt was to be calm and conciliatory to viewers and the new Republican majority in the Senate, much like the President Obama ...

What the President really said, according to his 'anger translator' Luther

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Musicians Who’ve Killed… Or Tried To

Musicians Who’ve Killed… Or Tried To

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was briefly charged with attempting to hire an assassin before he was exonerated. Sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll, and murder?

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was briefly charged with attempting to hire an assassin before he was exonerated. Sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll, and murder?

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Local News Anchor Dances At His Desk

Local News Anchor Dances At His Desk

Life can be tough in West Virginia, especially for the hardworking souls of coal country. It’s probably not easy for the team over at channel 59 News either, as they’ll have to hope that after a long day, men and women will venture deep into the r...

Dan Thorn boosts morale in the newsroom

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Why Has Downton Dog "Isis" Got Cancer?

Why Has Downton Dog "Isis" Got Cancer?

Islamic fundamentalism has not, so far, been an issue for the producers of Downton Abbey, and, according to Hugh Bonneville (aka Lord Robert Grantham in the hit costume drama) the rise of a certain militant group in Iraq and Syria is not behind th...

Hugh Bonneville denies claims dog is being killed off due to the unfortunate connotations of its name, "Isis".

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Watch Steve Earle Rant About GOP Victory

Watch Steve Earle Rant About GOP Victory

This past election night saw the return of the KGB Radio Hour at KGB Bar in New York City. Host Mark Jacobson brought together a panel that included former Congressman Anthony Weiner, music producer Danny Goldberg, and The Daily Beast’s own Michae...

Singer/actor/activist talks midterm elections and sings a song

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Local News Anchor Dances At His Desk

Local News Anchor Dances At His Desk

Life can be tough in West Virginia, especially for the hardworking souls of coal country. It’s probably not easy for the team over at channel 59 News either, as they’ll have to hope that after a long day, men and women will venture deep into the r...

Dan Thorn boosts morale in the newsroom

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World News

Priests Raped and Pillaged Chicago

Priests Raped and Pillaged Chicago

Some of the accusations against perverted priests are handwritten letters penned by worried mothers. Others are emails sent decades after the abuses occurred. There are letters so old the mimeographed typewriting is smudged and difficult to read. ...

In a disturbing document dump outlining lurid clerical abuse and a trail of coverups, retiring Cardinal Francis George tries to clear his conscience.

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Hawks’ War Plans for ISIS, Putin & Obama

Hawks’ War Plans for ISIS, Putin & Obama

The Republican victory in the 2014 midterms is less than 24 hours old. But already, the hawkish wing of the GOP is planning an ambitious battle plan to revamp American foreign policy: everything from arming Ukraine’s military to reviewing the ISIS...

Call it the neoconservatives’ revenge. But even the dovish side of the GOP now acknowledges the election was a win for their party’s hawks.

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Did Joran Van Der Sloot Stab Himself?

Did Joran Van Der Sloot Stab Himself?

LIMA, Peru — Joran van der Sloot, the 27-year-old Dutchman convicted for the 2010 murder of 21-year-old Peruvian Stephany Flores and under suspicion in the 2005 disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, just hates the place he’s doing time.Chall...

The last man to see Natalee Holloway alive says he’s a victim. But claims that Van der Sloot was shanked in Peru’s notorious Challapaca Prison don’t stand up.

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Inside the Islamic Police State

Inside the Islamic Police State

The gunmen lined them up—men, women, and children—in the village of Ras al-Maa west of Baghdad and unceremoniously slaughtered them all. That was the first in a wave of mass executions last week of tribal figures in Anbar province who dared to def...

Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot came before. The techniques of totalitarianism are not unique to ISIS. But here’s the scariest thing about them. They work.

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Hawks’ War Plans for ISIS, Putin & Obama

Hawks’ War Plans for ISIS, Putin & Obama

The Republican victory in the 2014 midterms is less than 24 hours old. But already, the hawkish wing of the GOP is planning an ambitious battle plan to revamp American foreign policy: everything from arming Ukraine’s military to reviewing the ISIS...

Call it the neoconservatives’ revenge. But even the dovish side of the GOP now acknowledges the election was a win for their party’s hawks.

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Libyan Troops Go Wild in England

Libyan Troops Go Wild in England

LONDON, England — The mantra that we need to train the forces of friendly governments and, for that matter, rebel groups, may have become a staple of every 21st century Western intervention in the Middle East, but sometimes things just go wrong. R...

They were supposed to be the ‘new’ Libyan army. Instead they allegedly went crazy in the streets of Cambridge, assaulting strangers and brutally raping one young man.

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Coach K: Obama Is Blowing the ISIS War

Coach K: Obama Is Blowing the ISIS War

Barack Obama is a bad coach in the U.S. military war against ISIS, according to legendary Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, because the President is advertising to America’s enemies that the U.S. won’t use ground forces, giving the other team...

The legendary Duke coach said Obama is foolishly telling ISIS what the U.S. team will or won’t do – a bad strategy in both war and basketball.

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Trans in the Holy Land

Trans in the Holy Land

As he was about to begin shooting his first-ever movie in November of 2012, Tal Kallai’s life couldn’t get any sweeter if it were covered in chocolate and dipped in caramel.After years of pounding the pavement, Kallai, a well-known Israeli drag pe...

Tal Kallai is a gay man who does drag, playing a coke-dealing and fast-talking transgender woman in ‘Marzipan Flowers.’ Don’t mind the bombing on set, that’s what happens when you fi...

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Libyan Troops Go Wild in England

Libyan Troops Go Wild in England

LONDON, England — The mantra that we need to train the forces of friendly governments and, for that matter, rebel groups, may have become a staple of every 21st century Western intervention in the Middle East, but sometimes things just go wrong. R...

They were supposed to be the ‘new’ Libyan army. Instead they allegedly went crazy in the streets of Cambridge, assaulting strangers and brutally raping one young man.

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U.S. News

Is Al Sharpton Running City Hall?

Is Al Sharpton Running City Hall?

Rev. Al Sharpton was striding into the West Wing of the White House for a meeting with President Obama on Wednesday when his cellphone rang.“Al?” the caller asked.“Yeah,” Sharpton said.“It’s Bill de Blasio.”That being the mayor of New York, who wa...

A power struggle with New York’s top brass? Sorry, says the civil-rights leader. He was too busy dealing with the White House and far bigger issues.

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From NFL Cheerleader to Mrs. Robinson

From NFL Cheerleader to Mrs. Robinson

Until she was indicted on multiple sex abuse charges on Wednesday, Baltimore socialite Molly Shattuck was practically perfect.In the '80s, Shattuck hit the trifecta of high school success: captain of the varsity cheerleading team, homecoming ...

Molly Shattuck was Baltimore’s answer to Martha Stewart until this week when she was charged with sexually assaulting a teenager.

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Did Murder Photos Sicken 4Chan’s Creeps?

Did Murder Photos Sicken 4Chan’s Creeps?

Maybe even the craven mutts who prowl 4Chan looking for stolen celebrity nudes and revenge pics of ex-girlfriends were sickened by the images of a freshly murdered woman. “Turns out its way harder to strangle someone to death than it looks on the...

They reveled in the stolen celebrity nude photos, but what did they think when David Kalac posted images of his girlfriend’s battered naked body? Even their stomachs might have turned.

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Is Al Sharpton Running City Hall?

Is Al Sharpton Running City Hall?

Rev. Al Sharpton was striding into the West Wing of the White House for a meeting with President Obama on Wednesday when his cellphone rang.“Al?” the caller asked.“Yeah,” Sharpton said.“It’s Bill de Blasio.”That being the mayor of New York, who wa...

A power struggle with New York’s top brass? Sorry, says the civil-rights leader. He was too busy dealing with the White House and far bigger issues.

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Was the Unabomber a Eugene O’Neill Fan?

Was the Unabomber a Eugene O’Neill Fan?

My mailman, David, is the sunny-faced sort who brightens my block each afternoon, no matter the weather, with a glowing smile. But one day in the spring of 2012, I couldn’t help wonder, when he took a singular letter from my outgoing mail slot, wh...

A biographer untangles the FBI’s 20-year-old theories about links between the Unabomber and the American playwright Eugene O’Neill.

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Amanda Knox, Cub Reporter

Amanda Knox, Cub Reporter

Amanda Knox traveled to Italy to study writing. A few weeks later, the American college student became a murder suspect. Now nearly a year after she was convicted in a second trial by an Italian court, Knox has returned to writing, as a journalist...

Nine months after an Italian court found her guilty of murder for the second time, Amanda Knox is freelancing for her neighborhood daily.

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Tech + Health

Taking On Twitter’s Harassment Problem

Taking On Twitter’s Harassment Problem

Someone’s finally doing something about Twitter’s gendered harassment problem. There’s just one problem: it isn’t Twitter. Yesterday, Women, Action & the Media (WAM!), a nonprofit group that addresses gender issues in the media, announced that...

Twitter made $312 million in second quarter earnings. So why isn’t it spending the money needed to tackle its ongoing gendered harassment problem?

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The Real Election Winner: Weed

The Real Election Winner: Weed

Four places in America just made pot legal, but D.C. is the one to watch.With narrow majorities in most, two states, one district, and one city passed legislation that makes marijuana legal. Washington, D.C. approved Initiative 71 by a margin of 6...

If Washington D.C.’s newly legalized ‘grow and give’ pot law works, it could be the turning point for marijuana legislation in the U.S.

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Starving With Ebola

Starving With Ebola

Ebola’s 15 minutes of fame in America increasingly appear to be up.Twitter has gone from more than 1,000 mentions per minute to just over 200. The national news has put away its chocolate-covered HAZMAT suits. In some ways, this is good news. Pani...

The virus is spreading faster than ever in Sierra Leone, and the country’s people are not only fighting the deadly disease but something equally as horrifying: starvation.

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Congress Can Now Get Stoned

Congress Can Now Get Stoned

The District of Columbia has voted overwhelmingly to legalize the possession and use of marijuana in the district, prompting an interesting question: Is Congress allowed to get stoned?The short answer is—yes. Initiative 71 will allow D.C. resident...

The District of Columbia has voted to legalize marijuana. So will lawmakers be able to toke legally? A green investigation.

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The Real Election Winner: Weed

The Real Election Winner: Weed

Four places in America just made pot legal, but D.C. is the one to watch.With narrow majorities in most, two states, one district, and one city passed legislation that makes marijuana legal. Washington, D.C. approved Initiative 71 by a margin of 6...

If Washington D.C.’s newly legalized ‘grow and give’ pot law works, it could be the turning point for marijuana legislation in the U.S.

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The Creep’s Guide to Being a Better Man

The Creep’s Guide to Being a Better Man

Now more than ever, women are documenting interaction online from men conveying inappropriate messages—from requesting sexual favors to sending unwanted pictures of part of their anatomy. Now, a new Instagram account called Bye Felipe posts the aw...

Guys, it’s time to wake up. ‘Creep’ should not be the status quo.

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The Blind-Deaf Lawyer Fighting TED Talks

The Blind-Deaf Lawyer Fighting TED Talks

Haben Girma starts our phone call with an explanation of how she will hear me. She begins most conversations like this, she says in a chipper voice, and she hasn’t yet grown tired of it. Girma is a 26-year-old Harvard Law School graduate—and she i...

Meet the incredible young woman whose talk on disability rights was a hit at TEDx—and who had to fight to get that talk accessible to her fellow blind and deaf.

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Judge Could Smash Marijuana Law

Judge Could Smash Marijuana Law

Three states, one district, and two cities will vote on various aspects of the nation’s drug laws on Tuesday but the most crucial marijuana decision being weighed in the coming days will be made by just one person. U.S. District Judge Kimberly J. ...

A judge in California is examining the legality of America’s marijuana laws, she may be on the verge of throwing the entire system into chaos.

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The Creep’s Guide to Being a Better Man

The Creep’s Guide to Being a Better Man

Now more than ever, women are documenting interaction online from men conveying inappropriate messages—from requesting sexual favors to sending unwanted pictures of part of their anatomy. Now, a new Instagram account called Bye Felipe posts the aw...

Guys, it’s time to wake up. ‘Creep’ should not be the status quo.

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Very Rich Should Divorce Very Quietly

Very Rich Should Divorce Very Quietly

Since the so-called “Wolf of Wall Street” divorce scandal broke, I’ve been studying photographs of Christina Kelly, the angry blonde housewife whose specific allegations might yet very well bring down not just her errant husband but a whole invest...

When you’re wealthy and your marriage breaks down, don’t exhale your anger all over the media. Discretion is classier—and may bring a better payday.

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Hollywood or Bust: a Midterms Drama

Hollywood or Bust: a Midterms Drama

The Democrats lost big in the 2014 midterms, and all that lefty Hollywood cash pumped into their coffers couldn’t save them.When you think of the heavy hitters in the Hollywood political money game, a few people immediately jump to mind. Eva Longo...

You might not know who Rick Rosenthal and Nancy Stephens are. But the director and actress are huge on the liberal-Hollywood money scene.

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NBC’s Today Show ‘Hires’ Pippa Middleton

NBC’s Today Show ‘Hires’ Pippa Middleton

NBC News, which has an expensive affection for royalty--whether British or American--is apparently on the cusp of hiring Pippa Middleton, who is both the sister-in-law and aunt of the future kings of Britain.         The Daily Beast confirmed repo...

After rumored courting by both ABC and NBC, Pippa Middleton is reportedly inking a deal to become a Today correspondent. Buckingham Palace may not be amused.

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The Tiniest Jackson Pollock

The Tiniest Jackson Pollock

At all of seven years old, Aelita Andre has already held the title of “child prodigy” for five years. She became an international sensation at the tender age of two—before she even started pre-school—for her abstract works of art. The New York Tim...

Aelita Andre has just wrapped up another major show of her abstract paintings and given interviews on her latest inspirations. And she’s just 7 years old.

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Hollywood or Bust: a Midterms Drama

Hollywood or Bust: a Midterms Drama

The Democrats lost big in the 2014 midterms, and all that lefty Hollywood cash pumped into their coffers couldn’t save them.When you think of the heavy hitters in the Hollywood political money game, a few people immediately jump to mind. Eva Longo...

You might not know who Rick Rosenthal and Nancy Stephens are. But the director and actress are huge on the liberal-Hollywood money scene.

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Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

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See ‘Klinghoffer’ First, Then Judge It

See ‘Klinghoffer’ First, Then Judge It

I don’t understand what all the meshugas is about.“Who could have imagined/Such a business/Such a meshugas?” cries Marilyn Klinghoffer, a passenger on the doomed Achille Lauro cruise ship coasting through the Mediterranean. Little does she know at...

After the demonstrations and demands for it to go unperformed, ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’ proves to be a stunning, and surprising, operatic experience.

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Attkisson: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Critics

Attkisson: ‘I Don’t Care’ About Critics

When investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson resigned from CBS News in March after months of tense negotiations and a year—and maybe a million dollars—remaining on her contract, she told her husband to consider the possibility that she would never...

The former CBS reporter believes her work computers were hacked by government operatives—and fiercely denies accusations of political bias.

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Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

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Women in the World

The Life of a Liberian Child with Ebola

The Life of a Liberian Child with Ebola

Additional reporting by Cody Shane Griggers in MonroviaShe called herself the “boss lady” and despite his name, her big brother, Sheriff, 11, didn’t doubt it. Anne Marie had an uncommon feistiness for a five-year-old, especially for one who had just lost her mother to Ebola, or so they said. Her father’s fate was unknown, although the caregivers at Hawa Massaquoi community care center outside Monrovia whispered discreetly that he too had probably succumbed to the...

UNICEF’s Chief of Crisis Communications chronicles six weeks in the life of a 5-year-old on the brink of Ebola.

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Q&A With Designer Rachel Roy

Q&A With Designer Rachel Roy

Known for her travel-inspired style and her striking, feminine pieces, iconic fashion designer Rachel Roy also constantly strives to assist women and children around the world.Roy has worked with organizations like Piece & Co., Born Free Afric...

On her new lip balm collection, what Tyra taught her and how being a mom inspires her management decisions.

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Sudan's Worsening Food Crisis

Sudan's Worsening Food Crisis

BENTIU, South Sudan — The vast majority of the more than two million people in South Sudan facing severe food insecurity – the worst food crisis in the world – are not living in camps. Major logistical issues and concerns about security continue t...

South Sudan faces the worst food crisis in the world – and it’s about to dramatically worsen. The need for aid is urgent and growing.

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Why I Removed the Veil

Why I Removed the Veil

No piece of cloth throughout history has sparked more controversy as the veil. Many Muslim women are forced to wear it daily. The hijab has a spectrum, of course, from its most radical embodiments, the niqab, which covers the entire face, to loose...

One of Saudi Arabia’s preeminent activists, who led the right-to-drive movement, describes her decision to take off the niqab.

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Q&A With Designer Rachel Roy

Q&A With Designer Rachel Roy

Known for her travel-inspired style and her striking, feminine pieces, iconic fashion designer Rachel Roy also constantly strives to assist women and children around the world.Roy has worked with organizations like Piece & Co., Born Free Afric...

On her new lip balm collection, what Tyra taught her and how being a mom inspires her management decisions.

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Hillary, Call Dilma

Hillary, Call Dilma

On Sunday, Dilma Rousseff won re-election to continue her service as president of the fifth largest country in the world. As Brazil’s first female president fought for re-election one thing was clear, the economy would be the focus of the race. As...

Rousseff won reelection as Brazil’s president because she championed economic policies that protected and advanced the economic security of women and children, not investors and markets

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Lone Star Leaders

Lone Star Leaders

America’s seventh largest city was the site of the latest meeting of Women in the World. A sold-out crowd of 800 (mostly) women packed the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre in San Antonio to take part in the event. “Your hearts are big, your wits ar...

Tina Brown’s signature event traveled to Texas to take on issues as vast as the Lone Star State: Ebola, honor killings, reproductive rights, the strains of military life, and peace t...

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What Iran Can Learn From Gwyneth Paltrow

What Iran Can Learn From Gwyneth Paltrow

I have some advice for Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani about his conflicts with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.It comes from an unlikely source. Normally I might look to Samantha Power or Madeleine Albright or Hillary Clinton for foreign po...

It’s time for Iran’s President Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei to take a page from Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin — and “consciously uncouple.”

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Hillary, Call Dilma

Hillary, Call Dilma

On Sunday, Dilma Rousseff won re-election to continue her service as president of the fifth largest country in the world. As Brazil’s first female president fought for re-election one thing was clear, the economy would be the focus of the race. As...

Rousseff won reelection as Brazil’s president because she championed economic policies that protected and advanced the economic security of women and children, not investors and markets

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Napoleon Was a Dynamite Dictator

Napoleon Was a Dynamite Dictator

Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821. More books have been written with his name in the subject line than the number of days that have passed since.So writing yet another biography about one of the most iconic and controversial statesman of 19th...

Biographer Andrew Roberts argues that history has maligned Napoleon by lumping him in with totalitarian thugs. He was a dictator, to be sure, but also an enlightened reformer.

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  • Why We Need Celebrity Scandals

    Why We Need Celebrity Scandals

    If nothing else, the Kardashian Empire shows us just how much celebrity culture has changed since the golden age of Hollywood. Anne-Marie Petersen, the author of a very popular column at the website The Hairpin on “celebrity scandals” has collecte...

    Harlow, Gable, Bogie and Bacall, Judy Garland, James Dean, and what our fascination with stars—especially stars who misbehave—tells us about ourselves.

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A Novel About a Novelist ‘Like’ Naipaul

A Novel About a Novelist ‘Like’ Naipaul

“Extreme biography,” says Harry Johnson’s “maverick editor,” Rob Deveraux, in the opening pages of The Last Word, as the pair travel by train to Somerset to meet Mamoon Azam, the subject of Harry’s next book: “That’s your job.” Mamoon is a revered...

Hanif Kureishi’s latest novel focuses on a fictional biographer’s attempt to write the life of an author who strongly resembles the notoriously highhanded V.S. Naipaul.

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What Lincoln Could Teach Fox News

What Lincoln Could Teach Fox News

So many books have been written about Abraham Lincoln—an estimated 16,000—that the Ford’s Theater Center for Education and Leadership in Washington has a 34-foot tower of Lincoln books that stretches three stories into the spiral staircase in the ...

To insure a newspaper’s allegiance, Honest Abe bought the paper. Lincoln expert Harold Holzer talks about the relationship between politicians and the press then and now.

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Was the Unabomber a Eugene O’Neill Fan?

Was the Unabomber a Eugene O’Neill Fan?

My mailman, David, is the sunny-faced sort who brightens my block each afternoon, no matter the weather, with a glowing smile. But one day in the spring of 2012, I couldn’t help wonder, when he took a singular letter from my outgoing mail slot, wh...

A biographer untangles the FBI’s 20-year-old theories about links between the Unabomber and the American playwright Eugene O’Neill.

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A Novel About a Novelist ‘Like’ Naipaul

A Novel About a Novelist ‘Like’ Naipaul

“Extreme biography,” says Harry Johnson’s “maverick editor,” Rob Deveraux, in the opening pages of The Last Word, as the pair travel by train to Somerset to meet Mamoon Azam, the subject of Harry’s next book: “That’s your job.” Mamoon is a revered...

Hanif Kureishi’s latest novel focuses on a fictional biographer’s attempt to write the life of an author who strongly resembles the notoriously highhanded V.S. Naipaul.

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Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

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Richard Ford’s Artful Survivalist Guide

Richard Ford’s Artful Survivalist Guide

Richard Ford’s Frank Bascombe is a survivor. After Ford’s third novel about him, the author said there would be no more. But Frank is back. If you don’t know Frank, one of the most subtly comic and unlikely likeable characters in contemporary fict...

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author has followed Frank Bascombe through four novels. In the latest, Frank is pushing 70 but he remains a fascinating emblem of his times.

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Colm Toibin Crafts a Quiet Masterpiece

Colm Toibin Crafts a Quiet Masterpiece

In the spring of 2000 Colm Toibin wrote two first chapters. One became The Master, a fictional account of a period in the middle of Henry James’s life. The other first chapter described a new widow in a small Irish town in the ’60s who is visited ...

The Irish author talks about circling the story in his latest novel for years, if not all his life, since some is true and some is fiction. Just don’t expect him to say which is which.

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Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

Polaroid Adonis: Jeremy Kost’s Nudes

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

The multi-exposure Polaroid photographs of Jeremy Kost feature handsome, naked men enjoying endless summer days spent in nature and by water. Good for them. Diet Coke break?

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