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In The News / Nov 6

Air pollution linked to children's attention problems.

New York City children exposed in the womb to high levels of pollutants in vehicle exhaust had a five times higher risk of attention problems at age 9, according to research by Columbia University scientists published Wednesday.

The study adds to earlier evidence that mothers' exposures to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are emitted by the burning of fossil fuels and other organic materials, are linked to children's behavioral problems associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


New shipping canal in Nicaragua faces questions and opposition.

Nicaragua is soon to begin construction on a new canal connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean. But even as up to 30,000 people face resettlement, details on the Chinese-funded mega-project remain sparse.

Only Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his closest advisors know how much money has already been invested, what will happen with the people living along the route and when the first construction workers from China arrive. Studies regarding the environmental and social impact of the undertaking don't exist.



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Midterm election: Chalk one up for the little guys.

Big Green tried to play with Big Oil in the midterms and lost big. The storyline was far different for a few hyper-local, grassroots green campaigns.


The Steyer story: Election coverage gone bad.

Hedge fund investor Tom Steyer's entrance into politics this election cycle may have revived the environment movement as a political force. But Steyer and Co. are still playing small ball in a big money game. That story got lost in the blitz of media coverage. A news analysis.


A vacuum cleaner for the Web's dusty corners.

Ah, if only it were possible for each one of us to suction away the carbon emissions we contribute to the overburdened atmosphere, much as we vacuum dirt from the carpet. Appliance maker Electrolux is promising to help us do exactly that, at least for one oft-neglected portion of our personal greenhouse gas output.


Good for the gander? As Alaska warms, a goose forgoes a 3,300-mile migration.

Virtually every Pacific black brant – about 160,000 birds – is gathered now in a remote corner of Alaska, feasting on the most extensive eelgrass beds on Earth. This was just a stopover in the brant's autumn journey to Mexico. But nature doesn't follow that predictable course anymore.



  • WHO Is responsible?

    If trust in public institutions is at a modern ebb, one reason is that their leaders fail so often but then blame someone else for their misadventures. Witness the portrait of unaccountability that is Margaret Chan, the director-general of the World Health Organization amid the Ebola crisis. more…

  • Why Democrats lost.

    For at least 14 years, national and state Democrats have been running from their successes. When it is time to explain to people what Democrats have to offer, instead they try to out-Republican the Republicans. Is it any wonder that approach doesn’t appeal to voters? more…


Media Notes

Notable media news and reviews

In The News: (CONTINUED) / Nov 6

More news from today

Many more stories today, including:

  • Colon cancer rates rising in younger people
  • Climate: Global warming and your pollen allergies; The latest climate change statement: Webcast your vasectomy; L.A.'s new e-highway
  • Moldy hotdogs, human hair prompt boycott of school lunches
  • Stories from: UK, India, New Zealand, Australia, Canada
  • US stories from: ME, NY, NJ, DE, WV, IN, MO, LA, TX, CA
  • Editorials: Let Oregon fuel standard law die; Protect the world's parks