
Should Voters Be Required to Show ID at the Polls?

Do Now | October 24, 2014 | 225 Comments

Should Voters Be Required to Show ID at the Polls?

You have to show an ID at the airport. You have to show it to buy alcohol. So what’s the big deal about showing it to vote? Should voters be required to show some form of identification when they show up to the polls?

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Where Do You Belong?

Do Now | October 17, 2014 | 276 Comments

Where Do You Belong?

Identifying where we belong has always been a part of growing up. This issue is becoming more challenging, particularly in urban areas where the cost of living has increased exponentially and families are being forced to relocate to other neighborhoods. Where do you belong?

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Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

Do Now | October 14, 2014 | 44 Comments

Is Project-Based Learning the Way to Go?

More than 5,000 schools nationwide have transitioned from traditional learning methods to project-based learning (PBL). Should all schools move in this direction and implement PBL in their science classes?

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Why Should You Vote in an Election?

Do Now | October 10, 2014 | 432 Comments

Why Should You Vote in an Election?

The upcoming midterm elections on Nov. 4 have drawn renewed attention to the importance of the youth vote as well as the challenges that youth voters face. Why is it important for young people to vote?

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When is a Remix Stealing from the Original?

Do Now | October 7, 2014 | 130 Comments

When is a Remix Stealing from the Original?

Appropriation is the intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images and objects. How do you determine what is considered artistic appropriation and what is considered “stealing?”

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Re-thinking Fast Fashion

Do Now | October 3, 2014 | 357 Comments

Re-thinking Fast Fashion

Fall is here, which means colder weather and, for some teens, a reason to buy new clothes. But purchasing a new wardrobe can be problematic if you’re looking to balance style, affordability, and ethics. How should teens balance affordability, style and ethics when it comes to buying clothing?

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How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

Do Now | October 1, 2014 | 55 Comments

How Do We Prioritize Protecting Species in the Face of Climate Change?

Plants and animals are responding to climate change in different ways, altering ecosystems all over the world. How do we balance protecting species with human interests in dealing with and adapting to climate change? What do we prioritize?

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Should the Members of a Police Force Reflect the Larger Population?

Do Now | September 26, 2014 | 574 Comments

Should the Members of a Police Force Reflect the Larger Population?

he issue of race and law enforcement was thrust into the national spotlight last month when a white police officer in Ferguson, MO shot and killed an unarmed black 18-year-old named Michael Brown. Is it important for police departments to be as racially diverse as the communities they work in?

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Is Studying the Arts in School Important?

Do Now | September 23, 2014 | 29 Comments

Is Studying the Arts in School Important?

In recent decades, American schools have been pressured to increase standardized test scores, causing them to make cuts to programs like visual art, music, dance and theater. Is arts education important to you?

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How Should We Address Illegal Immigration?

Do Now | September 19, 2014 | 637 Comments

How Should We Address Illegal Immigration?

The border between the United States and Mexico is about 2000 miles long. About a third of has fencing to prevent illegal immigration. Is this an effective strategy to address illegal immigration?

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