A street preacher sharing the gospel with passerby in Salem, Massachusetts, was in for a rude awakening last week when a little girl approached and began incessantly — and loudly — heckling him.

While the unnamed man was proclaiming the Christian gospel through a head microphone, the child continuously shouted him down, repeatedly telling him to “shut up.”

“Because all that matters tonight is where you stand before God before it’s too late,” the preacher said, with the little girl screaming, “Shut up. Shut it!” over his faith-based appeal.

Despite her very visible and vocal presence, the man calmly proceeded to explain the concept of sin. But the heckling continued.

“Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! … Stop talking. No one listens!” she added. “Shut it. Pie holes should be quiet!”

It’s unclear if her parents or guardians were with her when the incident unfolded, but no one is seen in a video of the incident trying to stop her from interjecting. It is also not known what the preacher was saying before and after the brief exchange was recorded.

As the man implored his audience to “turn to God before it’s too late,” the little girl told him that no one wants to hear him, seemingly yelling, “Jesus blah, blah, Jesus blah, blah!”

Watch the clip below:

The video was taken and posted to social media by a man named Robert Goss-Kennedy, who said that he regularly records street preachers in Salem around Halloween time each year.

“I’ve been recording their interactions with people for a couple of years now for a long running art project, and while this young guy was preaching, a little girl just ran up and started laying into him,” Goss-Kennedy wrote in description of the clip posted to LiveLeak.

The incident has been greeted with a variety of reactions. While atheist blogger Hemant Mehta called it the “greatest thing you’ll see all day,” a commenter named Suzanne Monte took to Goss-Kennedy’s website to say that the girl is the “worst behaved child ever.”

There’s always the potential that the clip could be staged as well.

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