Colorado's New GOP Senator Discusses Priorities Colorado's New GOP Senator Discusses Priorities

Cosmo Hails Historic Number of Women in Congress…After Rooting Against Victorious Female ConservativesCosmo Hails Historic Number of Women in Congress…After Rooting Against Victorious Female Conservatives


Sharpton Does Program Upside DownSharpton Does Program Upside Down

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Now, It's About Governing, Not Politics

It is real-life, high-stakes drama. In the 1970s, it was volunteers who would call in the vote tallies from the precincts. They would be written on the blackboard and the totals calculated as the votes were called in.

Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: A Democratic Waterloo

The Duke of Wellington said of his close-run victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo that the French "came on in the same old way, and we sent them back in the same old way."

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Wow! Just Wow!

Id almost forgotten to write this column. Im sitting here watching election returns, and I am just stunned.

Larry Elder Larry Elder: Jay Carney to GOP: Your Party Is Racist -- and 'You Know It'

Former Obama White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, now a political commentator for CNN, casually admitted that, yes, his party uses race to convince minorities that Republicans seek to oppress them.

Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Andrew Napolitano: More Culture Wars?

Because of the way the news business works, I am writing this column before the close of the polls in the so-called midterm elections, and hence as I write, I do not know their outcome.

Todd Starnes Todd Starnes: End Zone Prayer Earns Teen Unsportsmanlike Conduct Flag

Sam Turner had been waiting all season for this moment.

Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: Riding the Wave

A beautiful red tsunami swept across America Tuesday night.

Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Iran Nuclear Talks Like Bargaining With the Devil

Having missed a July deadline for reaching an agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the six world powers party to the talks -- the United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom and Germany -- have set November 24 as their new deadline.

Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: U-turn at America's Ballot Boxes

Tuesday was a beauteous night. Republicans won the Senate handily, picked up 14 House seats and won gubernatorial races in Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois. Good times.

Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: Lessons for the GOP for 2016

On Tuesday, Republicans won a historic electoral victory, sweeping away a Democratic Senate, replacing Democratic governors in blue states like Massachusetts, Maryland and Illinois, and reversing Democratic state legislatures in Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, Maine, West Virginia and New Hampshire.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: Notes on Another Swing of the Pendulum

Maybe our current president won't prove one of the great ones -- and there was no maybe about it the morning afterTuesday's midterm elections -- but that doesn't prevent him from seeing signs of greatness in others.

Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: The Elections and the Last Racists

WASHINGTON -- So what did you think of the 2014 election? Do I hear talk of a wave election? Is 2014 another 2010 election? I think it is, and that makes it more significant than any other recent election, as I shall explain in due course.

Rebecca Hagelin Rebecca Hagelin: The Challenge: The Hunt for Fulfillment

Where are you looking for your fulfillment? To simple pleasures? To hard work and success? To beauty and art or justice and honor?

Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: The U.S. Goes to War Without a Clue, Again

War, it's been said, is God's way of teaching Americans geography. Maybe we do learn how to locate the countries we invade or bomb on a map. But recent experience indicates how much we don't know about those societies and how slow we are at learning.

Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Updating the Counterfactual for the Fed's QE Policies

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014, the U.S. Federal Reserve released a statement that was considerably modified from its previous statements.

Ransom Notes Radio Ransom Notes Radio: Progressives Take Us Back to the 1920s

Republicans have seen a victory unlike anything since the 1920s But, thats kinda the consequence of Progressivism, right? Theyre always taking us backward.

D.W. Wilber D.W. Wilber: Iran Thirty-Five Years Later

President Jimmy Carter appeared staggered by the action and unable to respond, which only emboldened the Iranians. They ended up holding the Americans hostage for four hundred forty-four days. Only releasing them on the inauguration day of President Ronald Reagan.

Jerry Newcombe Jerry Newcombe: Misreading Jefferson on Church and State

Many elitists today interpret the First Amendment in such a way as to turn it into a search and destroy mission for any sneaky vestiges of religion left in the public square, as one Christian law professor put it. Thats what separation of church and state means nowadays.

Night Watch Night Watch: Kyiv Seems Clueless About What to do With Eastern Ukraine

The deployments show that the Kyiv authorities sense the need for defensive vigilance, but, beyond that, they have no idea what to do about the rebel regions.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Worst Election Performance by Sitting President's Party Since Truman

I watched the returns all evening from Start to finish, not that anything was much in doubt. I expected the Republicans would finish stronger than the polls suggested, and they did by a huge margin.

Peter Morici Peter Morici: Growth, Jobs and the GOP

Having won control of Congress, the GOP must now put forward a clear program to create jobs and govern reasonably, lest it give Democrats the upper hand for the 2016 presidential election.

Charles Payne Charles Payne: The Red America... The Real America

Looking at the new US congressional map, it is hard to argue that America isn't a red nation with pockets of elites that influence through control of the media with messages of fear and anger.

Michael Schaus Michael Schaus: Enviro Meltdown Over “Unpatriotic” and “Irrational” GOP Majority in Senate

Uh oh The evil, hate filled, GOP now has control of the US Senate. Clearly the world will soon end. (Lucky for me, I have stocked up on guns and ammo Unlike my liberal neighbor.)

Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Four Lessons from the Mid-Term Elections

Wow, Barack Obama and the Democrats suffered a thermonuclear butt kicking. This was 1994 and 2010 put together.

Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: An Obama Defeat? Well, Maybe Not...

The analysis begins. The overworked word for election evening was WAVE. Heard again and again and again on all political networks; left, right and even in the middle.

Robert Knight Robert Knight: Ignoring History’s Epidemic Lessons

There was little reporting on Ebola during the week before Tuesdays mid-term election, which turned into a Republican tsunami. Id like to think that no news is good news.

John Kass John Kass: Even in Defeat the President Remains Inscrutable

In "The Secret Life of Barack Obama," our story begins, as such stories often do, with our hero in a dream.

Thomas Miller Thomas Miller: Debunking the Myths of Fracking

Not one single report has implicated fracking for any damage to the environment, water tables, or the air. In fact, a recent report by the unbiased American Lung Association, gave North Dakota exceptional marks for its air quality.

Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: A Tough Night At MSNBC

After Tuesday night, Republicans main objective is clear: Convince Oregon Measure 88 to run for president.

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Is GOP Ready for Obama's Attorney General Fight?

Gird your loins, Beltway Republicans. Election Day is barely over, but the progressive left is locked and loaded for battle over President Obama's next U.S. attorney general.

Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Scholar-Athlete Charade

In more than three-quarters of the 56 Atlanta schools investigated, teachers changed student answers on academic achievement tests. Cheating orders came directly from school administrators. The cheating was brazen.

ROUNDUP: Marijuana Advocates Score Electoral Victories On Both Coasts   (25)  
It's Over: DSCC Pulls Ads For Mary Landrieu in Louisiana Run-Off   (133)  
Boehner: If Obama "Acts Unilaterally" on Immigration, He Will "Poison the Well"   (199)  
Wave, Continued: GOP Will Control 70 Percent of All State Legislative Chambers   (47)  
Obamacare Votes Prove Fatal For Senate Democrats   (44)  
NAACP Releases Statement On 2014 Elections, But No Mention Of Mia Love Or Tim Scott's Historic Wins   (106)  
Obama Has Called the GOP's Bluff. What Will the House Do Next?   (355)  
Amazing: Civil War Hero to Finally Receive Medal of Honor
Country Music Zings Democrats For Being Losers   (44)  
An Old Hatred Returns   (69)  
IRS Admits: We Haven't Bothered to Search For Lois Lerner's "Missing" Emails   (124)  
Welcome to the No Fun Left   (31)  
Sessions: Republicans Will Fight Obama's Executive Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Immigrants   (71)  
10 Things to Know for Today
Virginia Senate Race Still Too Close to Call   (30)  
NAACP Has No Comment on Historic Tim Scott Win   (117)  
Obama Waters Down Historic GOP Victory, Likes Hugs, Won't Reassess White House Agenda Moving Forward   (313)  
Welcome to the No Fun Left   (31)  
McConnell Previews Next Session: “We’re Going to Function”   (63)  
Republicans Win The Senate
Pro-Life Republican 18-Year-Old College Student Elected to WV State Legislature   (22)  
VIDEO: Republican Victory Speeches From Coast to Coast
Liberal Women Have a Terrible Election Night, Conservative Women Victorious   (113)  
Join Conservatives on FB!
Should there be Ebola quarantine protocols for anyone returning from countries impacted by the recent Ebola outbreak?
Liberal Civil War Begins: Harry Reid Slams Obama, HuffPo Headline Destroys   (261)  
Abortion Rights a Losing Message in the Midterms
10 Great Pictures from Election Day
On The Minimum Wage, Federalism Won
Foley Concedes, Connecticut Stays Blue
By the Way, That Guy Who Unseated Eric Cantor Also Won
Standby: Connecticut Governor’s Remains Uncalled
MSNBC Contributor: Y'all Know Those 'Old White People' Are Going To Die, Right?   (21)