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2015 Index of Economic Freedom

2015 Index of Economic Freedom

Why trade matters and how to unleash it.

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on Health Care

A Fresh Start for Health Care Reform

The need for health care reform has never been questioned by health care policy analysts. Read More

on Taxes

How Tax Reform Would Help American Families

There is widespread support for tax reform, yet Congress has failed to take serious action. Read More

on Budget and Spending

Eliminating Waste and Controlling Government Spending

Waste and inefficiency in the U.S. government are rampant. Read More

The 2014 Index of Culture and Opportunity

The Index of Culture and Opportunity tracks key social and economic indicators. Read More

2014 Federal Budget in Pictures

View, share, and embed the charts on your website. Read More

2014 Index of Economic Freedom

Find out how economically free we really are. Read More