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Boehner: No Chance Of Immigration Reform If Obama Acts Unilaterally

QUESTION: Mr. Speaker, as the president moves forward on immigration and acts alone on immigration, is that going to poison the well for any type of cooperation between this new Republican majority and the White House? SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: You've all heard me say starting two years yesterday that our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. But I've made clear to the president that if he acts unilaterally on his own outside of......

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Glenn Beck: Falling Oil Prices & Obama-GOP Fight Make "Dangerous Time"

GLENN BECK: I think the other thing that you are right about, Bill, is the economy and what people aren't talking about yet, is gas prices have gone down. That's a really good thing for Americans. However, when it goes -- when the price of a barrel of oil goes to $77 and below, a sustained price of $75 a dollars a barrel is not good for Russia and Saudi Arabia. They will begin to do whatever they have to do to raise the price of oil, which...

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Katrina vanden Heuvel: Dems Lost Because They Distanced Themselves From Obama Too Much

KATRINA VANDEN HEUVEL, THE NATION: There was a really interesting story in August about President Obama. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi come to him and say, you've got to help us with this bill and this bill and he said it's yours. So, I think there's a lot of resentment in the party where the president hasn't stood with the party and fought the party battles. And also the president hasn't been somebody who is going to inculcate fear in some of...

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Tom Bevan on Chicago Tonight: Behind Bruce Rauner's Big Victory

Tom Bevan, executive editor of RealClearPolitics, political journalist Dave McKinney, and Amanda Vinicky from Illinois Public Radio join Chicago Tonight to discuss the results of Illinois Gov.-Elect Bruce Rauner's victory over Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn and how so many polls missed Rauner's big win. TOM BEVAN, REALCLEARPOLITICS: This was one of the races where we actually had a real divergence in the polls, we had two polls showing...

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Steve Hayes: Framers Rolling Over In Graves Over Obama's Executive Action Rhetoric

STEVE HAYES, WEEKLY STANDARD: This is the president as his most disingenuous. First he said he was willing to work the Republicans on it. Then he said when he announces executive action, not if, but when he announces executive action Republicans aren't going to like it. And then he finally says that Congress should just pass something that can override his executive action. And then the executive action stops, which at best, giving him the...

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Rachel Maddow: Liberal Ideas Won Big On State Ballots

RACHEL MADDOW: Last night, voters in the deep, deep red state of Nebraska had a chance to vote on whether to raise the minimum wage. They voted yes by an 18 point margin in Nebraska. In Alaska they voted to raise the minimum wage by a 38 point margin, it was on the ballot in Arkansas where it won by 32 points, even in South Dakota they voted for it by a double digit margin. Two states where the anti-abortion legislation, Joni Ernst in Iowa,...

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Did Democrats Overplay the War on Women?

Carl Cannon and Scott Conroy discuss cases where Democrats may have gone too far accusing their opponents of a "war on women."

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Midterm Election Postmortem

Carl M. Cannon and Scott Conroy discuss the big winners and losers of this year's midterm elections.

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CNN's Acosta to Obama: "It Is A Fact That Your Party Rejected You In These Midterms"

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: Thank you, Mr. President. I know you don’t want to read the tea leaves, but it is a fact that your party rejected you in these mid-terms. By and large, they did not want you out on the campaign trail in these key battleground states. How do you account for that? And your aides have said that this is the fourth quarter of your administration. But I don’t know if you saw the morning talk shows, but there were several...

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Krauthammer: Obama "Is Going To Hate Becoming Irrelevant"

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The National Weather Service has upgraded the election from tropical storm to tsunami, especially the results of the governorships. If you look at the bluest states in the country, Maryland, Illinois, Massachusetts, all gone Republican. Look, I think the president's reaction is going to be aggressive. He doesn't like being ignored as he was in the run-up and he's going to hate becoming irrelevant. I think he will do...

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Krauthammer: Obama Threatening Executive Action on Immigration Because "It Makes Him The Center Of The Universe Again"

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I think the president's threateninging this because he wants to do it and I think he's all the more anxious to go ahead and do this because it makes him relevant, it makes him the center of the universe again. He is not a happy man that he was asked for a year by his own Democrats to stay away and be invisible. This is a guy who doesn't enjoy being invisible and, look, what are we talking about tonight? A little bit on the...

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Rangel: Opponents of Emancipation Proclamation Became Republicans And Now Are Tea Party People

CNN's Wolf Blitzer asks Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) to explain remarks he made last week at a rally for Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) where he said some Republicans "believe that slavery isn't over." REP. RANGEL: I meant that -- they used to call themselves Dixiecrats. These were slave-holding states. They've been frustrated with the Emancipation Proclamation. They turned over and became Republicans, then they became tea party people....

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Bernie Sanders: People Voted For An Agenda "Very Different Than What They Want And Need"

SANDERS: I think perhaps they have just voted for some folks whose agenda is very different than what they want and need.

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Obama: The American People Sent A Message And I Heard It

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: On Friday, I look forward to hosting the entire Republican and Democratic leadership at the White House to chart a new course forward. Obviously, Republicans had a good night, and they deserve credit for running good campaigns. Beyond that I'll leave it to all of you and the professional pundits to pick through the results. What stands out to me thought, is the American people sent a message, one they've sent for...

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Obama on ISIS: "Too Early To Say Whether We Are Winning"

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: Thank you, Mr. President. I haven’t heard you -- I haven’t heard you say a specific thing during this news conference that you would do differently. You’ve been asked it a few different ways. I understand you’re going to reach out, but you’ve talked about doing that before. It’s almost like you’re doubling down on the same policies and approach you’ve had for six years. And so, my question is,...

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Eugene Robinson: "This Is Shellacking, The Sequel"

EUGENE ROBINSON, WASHINGTON POST: This whole evening really is shellacking, the sequel. I said earlier on NBC when before all these numbers came in that I wasn't sure it was a wave. No, this is a wave. You lose the Maryland governor's race, you lose in states where you shouldn't be losing. And so it's more than just I think the referendum that Republicans wanted on President Obama or on the way you feel about things right now because the...

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