Kim TallBear

Kim TallBear

Alondra Nelson

Alondra Nelson

Sally Haslanger

Sally Haslanger

Charles H.F. Davis III

Charles H.F. Davis III

Shamsul AB

Shamsul AB

Andrew Wilkins

Andrew Wilkins

Sociology, Cultural Theory, Social Policy, Governance, and 66 moreedit
Tahir Abbas

Tahir Abbas

Anthropology, Sociology, Religion, Political Sociology, and 53 moreedit
E. Wayne Ross

E. Wayne Ross

Walter Edward Hart

Walter Edward Hart

S65 no pic

Todd Platts

Simona Sanchirico

Simona Sanchirico

History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, and 48 moreedit
David Leonard

David Leonard

Nezar Patria

Nezar Patria

Carlos López Beltrán

Carlos López Beltrán

Gabriele Cifani

Gabriele Cifani

Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and 59 moreedit
Boris James

Boris James

History, Military History, Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, and 38 moreedit
Aparecida De Jesus Ferreira

Aparecida De Jesus Ferreira

Nando Sigona

Nando Sigona

Rusi Jaspal

Rusi Jaspal

Ibrahim Sirkeci

Ibrahim Sirkeci

Marketing, Migration Studies, Marketing Strategy, Transnationalism, and 42 moreedit
George Ciccariello-Maher

George Ciccariello-Maher

Modood Tariq

Modood Tariq

William Nericcio

William Nericcio

Film Studies, Graphic Narrative, Graphic Design, Ethnic Studies, and 88 moreedit
Scott MacEachern

Scott MacEachern

Jessica Baltmanas

Jessica Baltmanas

Danijel Dzino

Danijel Dzino

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Archaeology, Historical Archaeology. Medieval Archaeology, Anthropology, Social Identities, Material Culture, Artefact Studies, Diaspora Studies, Trade and Exchange, Archaeology of Identity, History of the Adriatic, and 78 moreedit

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