The White House chief of staff says that President Obama is angry about the barnyard epithet that an unknown aide tossed at Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a magazine article.

"When I read it, I was quite angry," Chief of Staff Denis McDonough told MSNBC. "When the president read it, he was quite angry. So it didn't go over well."

An article in The Atlantic quoted an unnamed official as calling Netanyahu a "chicken----," more interested in his political position than in seeking peace with the Palestinians.

McDonough and other officials have said Obama does not feel that way, and that the administration is working with its ally Israel.

"We are not going to worry about particular unnamed quotes," McDonough told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell. "We are just going to roll up our sleeves and get to work, doing what we have done now over the course of this administration, which is to deepen and strengthen security cooperation with our friends in Israel."

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