
Last week, Superchunk frontman Mac McCaughin fulfilled a Halloween tradition by sharing a solo cover of the Sisters Of Mercy’s “First And Last And Always.” This week, he’s assembled his full band to cover “Come Pick Me Up,” a classic from Ryan Adams’ 2000 album Heartbreaker and arguably the greatest song Adams has ever written. The cover is for While No One Was Looking, a new double-disc comp that celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Chicago roots-music indie Bloodshot Records. Superchunk’s version of the song is a triumphant, fired-up pop-punk anthem that contrasts nicely with the defeated tone of the lyrics. Of the cover, McCaughan says, “After going through probably a hundred songs from the Bloodshot catalog we decided to record ’Come Pick Me Up’ from Heartbreaker. It’s a song I’ve always wanted to cover AND Ryan claims the title came from our album of the same name, so it seemed fitting. Though he may have just been saying that to be nice.” Listen below.

(via Pitchfork)

While No One Was Looking is out 11/18 on Bloodshot.

Comments (1)
  1. rizzy  |   Posted on Nov 5th +1

    Bloodshot Records compilations are always worth every penny.

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