We Get it, Greg Abbott: Your Wife's Latina

Categories: Politics

Greg Abbott has made it clear: He is not using his Latina wife as some sort of "prop" to woo Latino voters, and he's outraged that a Lubbock City Council member may have suggested otherwise. Never mind that the only verification of the councilman's comment came from an anonymous source quoted by a conservative blogger. Abbott is outraged. See:

For a politician who swears he isn't using his wife as a prop, however, Abbott sure is using her a lot like -- well, a prop.

This morning, Abbott sat down with his Blackberry and MacBook for a Facebook Q&A. (Millennials: It's like a Reddit AMA but on that social network from The Social Network.) Mostly, he fielded softballs and gave incredibly unspecific answers.

Plans for the first year in office? "I will attract more jobs, improve our schools, build more roads make our communities safer." Will he fight to protect gun rights? "I will EXPAND your gun rights in Texas!" Will he work to repeal Obamacare in Texas? "Yes."

Abbott did, however, field a couple of interesting questions about Latino outreach. He'll have to win a sizable chunk of their vote to fend off the challenge from Democrat Wendy Davis, a fact his campaign is keenly aware of, so his answers would signal his strategy

See also: Chuck Norris Just Endorsed Greg Abbott, So the Governor's Race is Over Now, Right?

Here's one guy concerned about the GOP's future:

I don't think Texas will stay red if we don't improve our Hispanic outreach. How do you propose reaching out to the Hispanic community and helping them see that the Texas GOP is the way to go?

And here's Abbott's answer:

I reach out to the Hispanic community each morning when I hug my wife. My wife will be the first Latina First Lady in Texas. Additionally, I am taking my campaign to heavily hispanic populated areas explaining how I will grow jobs, improve schools and keep communities safe.

Here's a woman expressing a similar worry:

I'm a Hispanic conservative from the Rio Grande Valley. I just want to thank you for making me feel like I'm part of the Republican party again. What advice can you give to candidates who use divisive rhetoric when talking about immigration?

See also: Greg Abbott Is in a Wheelchair. Can We Move On Now?

Abbott gives a similar answer:

As the husband of a Latina for 32 years I know the genuine connection between the Hispanic community and Republican values. We will talk about inclusiveness and how we are all one family -- We are TEXANS.

Surely, Abbott's Hispanic outreach strategy is more nuanced and sophisticated than repeating "Hey, my wife's Hispanic." It'd better be.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

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Shitty white-guilt libtard propaganda, created to be consumed by naive white-guilt-ridden libtards.  


Hispanics must realize Abbott will take their children for a buck. Abbott claims to love to sue the Fed but the Fed is one of his main revenue streams. He commodifies children and extorts fathers in the sanctimonious name of monetary child 'support'. He does nothing to assure that same child will ever have a relationship with its father behind this intrusion. Where is the respect for EQUALITY Greg?


We get it, Eric: Your in the tank for Wendy Davis.  Nothing unexpected here.  How many Greg Abbott farts and Wendy Davis has the vapors articles will there be until the election?

Montemalone topcommenter

Is anybody else getting the banner ad asking if you suffer from schizophrenia because you may be eligible for a study?

It would appear the advertising department knows their market.


Imagine if Abbot doesn't mention his wife.  Eric's headline is:  "Greg Abbot is ashamed of his Latina wife".


The Abbotts are an interracial couple with traditional family values, a conservative patriot politic and a genuine Christian world view. This has just got to drive smart liberals like Erich Nicholson bat shit crazy.

They could be in the governor's mansion even longer than Rick Perry.     

Montemalone topcommenter

I just wanna know if Abbott's wheels are made in Mareka or imported from some socialist European country or worse COMMUNIST CHINA?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Ummm, Eric,  wouldn't including a picture of Mrs. Abbott be appropriate for this story?

I'm sure Mr. Abbott was probably waiting until the general election to play this card anyway.


Are we still acting as if someone other than Greg Abbott might be governor? No one anywhere else is.


"In the Democratic Primary in Texas in 2014, Wendy Davis somehow managed to get fewer votes than any Democratic gubernatorial nominee since 1998. She got fewer votes than the Democrats’ nominee in 2002, 2006, and 2010.

Wendy Davis is the only Democratic nominee to lose any Rio Grande Valley counties in twenty years. She received fewer votes there than any Democrat in twenty years despite a 33.47% population growth in that area. Along the Texas-Mexico border, Davis was beaten pretty consistently by a primary opponent who spent no money. She lost counties Barack Obama had won.

For all the alleged growth of the Democratic Party in Texas and the inspiration that is the pink shoe clad kid killing proponent, Davis could not get the Democrats to turn out for her primary.

It was objectively a disaster. Top Democrats know it."

mavdog topcommenter


There's a litany of positions to criticize Greg Abbott for, but the fact that as AG he went after deadbeat parents who failed to pay their mandated child support is certainly NOT one of them.

In fact, that is the one thing to congratulate Greg Abbott for...

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Robert541 You're a little bit out of whack.  The State of Texas will tell a mother that even if a 'father' is years behind on child support, she cannot bar him from seeing the children.  That is an abortion of justice if ever there was one.  

Personally, I can't imagine a father needing the state to tell him to pay support.  Those are his kids, for chrissake.  He should be clamoring to do everything possible for them and be as big a part of their lives as he can.



Robert has a somewhat valid point. The Child Support division is mostly incentivized by the 1% matching federal intake on all payments that come through the system. This is a good thing because Texas has lead the nation in child support payments to custodial parents for the last 6 years.

It is a bad thing because the Child Support agency is pathetically slow in considering/addressing any other issues not related to revenue collection. They are short staffed and everyone is focused on their monthly numbers.


@Robert541  Nice to know you think that making deadbeat dads pay up is "extort[ing] fathers in the sanctimonious name of monetary child 'support'."  Really, THAT'S the thing you are going to attack Abbot for?  How much money do YOU owe in child support?



Have you googled anything related to schizophrenia lately? They have their ways in this interconnected world, ya know.

mavdog topcommenter


I haven't seen it, but let me ask my other self if he has...



Great, now the anti-semitism rears it's ugly head.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Catbird When you say 'christian world view', do you mean the world according to the Christian Church (which would be a pretty diverse view indeed) or the world as Christ would see it?  I think the two are very different.

**cue PosterformerlyknownasPaul**

mavdog topcommenter


hmm, where to begin?

first, the Abbott's are both anglo, so no they are not "interracial". "Hispanic" is not a race, it is an ethnicity.

second, what would a "genuine Christian world view" be exactly? A "Christian world view" as seen by a Quaker? or a Methodist? or a Catholic? or a Southern Baptist? or a Mormon? or a Jehovahs Witness? so eager to hear about this "Christian world view" you refer to.....



I don't know Monte, but American manufacturers don't make a lot of things any more that might lead to product liability lawsuits.



I noticed they're not mud treads. Can he make it in politics?


@Voot I know it's not nice to say this, but this sort of voting response pretty clearly indicates that Democrats, like both of Davis' ex-husbands, know damaged goods when they see them.

I'm sure Davis initially seemed like a good idea at the time, just like Barack Obama once did. Nothing wrong with that. It's the only way to finally learn.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@Voot  And?  Texans who vote for him will get just what they deserve, like they got from Oops.


@RTGolden1 @Robert541And this is all according to her the so called 'mother'? In my case if the mother had been told that the father were going to be given the opportunity to have the subject child six months of it s life at a time I would be willing to bet that 'my' child would have never either been conceived or born in the first place. Your views are rather sexist.


@bvckvs Seriously?

Fifth paragraph following "Democrat"

There aren't that many words in the piece.  I'm sure you should be able to find two of them.


@bvckvs @WhiteWhaleHe doesn't have to directly given that the race is between Abbot and Davis.  There already have been a number of bad Abbot and fawning Davis articles as is to be expected.  Is your mental acuity always this limited? 

Montemalone topcommenter

@ruddski Nothing related, but my searches may lead someone to think I'm schizo. I have a wide variety of interests.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


I think that should be, "Zey haff zeir vays in zis interrrr-connected vorld, you know."

Montemalone topcommenter

@James080 @MontemaloneBut Greg protects them from being sued by stupid citizens that don't know it's their own fault no matter what it is because business must be free from the constraints and shackles of government interference.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@Voot  But, remember.  You people said Obama would NEVER be elected.  No, NEVER.  He was elected as President of the United States... TWICE.  Suck on that.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bvckvs @RTGolden1@Robert541He's not paying for the privilege of seeing his children, that's his right.  It his obligation to provide for the feeding, clothing, sheltering, health care and educational needs of his children.  That is my point.  Any father who fails to do so to the best of his ability is not making it a family in the first place.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Robert541 @RTGolden1No, they're not.  I am a divorced father as well.  Had I wished, since my divorce took place in Texas, when my ex was offered a higher position out of state, she had to get my permission to take it, or risk losing custody of the children.  The case illustrated in my comment was not mine, but the case of a co-worker of mine, who is also a non-custodial father.

The issue you're describing seems more like an issue between you and the mother, not you and the State.  I am well-aware of the inequality present in divorce cases, and took steps in my own divorce to keep the State as far from being an influence over the lives of my children as I could.  I also chose an extremely capable, intelligent and compassionate woman to have children with, which made doing so much easier.  You seem to have chosen not so wisely.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bvckvs @WhiteWhale@Myrna.Minkoff-KatzIt is the signature characteristic of both major political parties.  They are against each other and for remaining in power.  There really isn't that much difference between the two.  Someone as smart as you supposedly are should be able to figure that out.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @WhiteWhaleSomeone got off the wrong side of the litter box today.  So if Greg wins you will be angry, pissy and sarcastic and if Wendy wins you will be angry, pissy and sarcastic.  There is no pleasing you.  Too much cat nip



To write something positive about Abbot you would have to go beyond metal acuity into the realm of fiction. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@WhiteWhale  Apply for the open position at DMO.  Then you can extol the virtues of Abbott until Election Day.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@ruddski I see what you did there.  even if you may not.



I don't speak German, I know nothink!



First a German reference, now India. What gives?

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Catbird @RTGolden1Christ isn't my enemy, I'm a believer.  The church on the other hand, that's another story altogether and the reason I don't attend one.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Everybody's buildin' ships and boats - When Quinn the Eskimo gets here - Everybody's gonna' wanna' dose.



Yeah, the Eskimo.



Tammy Faye was actually a maanequin, now she's a zombie. Still looks the same tho

mavdog topcommenter


when some lady starts with the "Bless your heart.." you know she is about to lay a lecture on you about something you are doing totally wrong. 



I'll let you know if your assumption is correct.


@ruddski  If you knocked on them, it would make a sound like knocking on an aluminum canoe. That's craftsmanship, Jack!



You're familiar with the pic of the GW Bush "Miss Me Yet?" Image popular on the net?

Now circulating is the same theme but with Jimmah Carter.

Now THAT's funny.



Well, in a way, that's exactly what I would like to do, in a manner of speaking. I like it when they can "stand up and speak for themselves", an would have no objection to her filibustering, it shows admirable stamina.

I simply love the woman, I'm smitten, I'd vote for her two, three times if I were a Texas voter.


@ruddski  Her "upfront assets" look like you could bust a two-by-four over them and she wouldn't even flinch. 


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I'm never sure how to respond to someone who addresses others as "you people", and I'm amazed you think you have any idea who I voted for.

But as I suck on the fact that he was elected TWICE, I'm still open to hearing a list of all the things he has accomplished for those who voted for him.

Pick any area of modern American life you want, and take all the time you need.

I do think his aiming for, securing, and thoroughly relishing the perqs of "having been the first African-American president" is one achievement obviously beyond dispute, albeit largely for himself and his family.

But beyond that?



Hon, when it's all over and you've lost, remember that you'll always have Ruddski, who has sung the praise of your up-front assets from the git-go. And you know I'm pro-choice, so you'll have all the reproductive freedom you need. Two, three times a day, whatever it takes.

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