Right now, we're in party mode. That's because, first of all, we are at SXSW, and these beers are delicious. Also, wow! It's the first birthday of Vimeo On Demand! Happy first birth anniversary! Live it up! And thirdsomely, we're introducing a bunch of wild new stuff related to the birthday kiddo:

Audience Development Program + 10 million smackers
Last week, we told people that we're pouring serious moolah into our new Audience Development Program. Here's how it works: We've got a shoebox at the office with $10 million in it. We'll use that money to support Vimeo On Demand titles (and creators) that have raised over $10,000 on select crowdfunding platforms or been accepted to certain film festivals. For those over-achieving titles, we'll make websites, do translating and subtitling, and generally ensure more people see them! Learn more and more >

New Vimeo On Demand for viewers
When you felt like watching something back in the day, you'd go to a special store and look at things arranged nicely on well-designed shelves. We took a cue from that real-life experience and built an all-new, all-nice way for viewers to browse and discover and check out and bond with Vimeo On Demand titles. Stroll around, why don't you >

Discover titles through collections
If you're an intrepid explorer and one of your hobbies includes discovery, you may be excited to hear that viewers can now check Vimeo On Demand titles in batches grouped by theme. We call them "collections" (because "batches grouped by theme" sounds goofy). We've already got a handful of collections ready for you, including SXSW and Slamdance favs, outstanding Oscilloscope goodness, and environmentally friendly flicks from Patagonia. Please review them now >

My Library
Vimeo On Demand viewers now have their own destination that provides stunning one-click access to rented, purchased, and previously watched titles. It's called "My Library" even though, technically, it's Your Library. You're welcome.

Thanks for helping us bring Vimeo On Demand into the world and for metaphorically changing all those digital diapers. Before we know it, it'll be a cranky teenager and need $20 for sushi. Kids these days.

+ More from the Staff Blog Archive


Daniel Hayek

Daniel Hayek Alum

I like to think that Brad is guarding the $10 million.

Aviad Elgez

Aviad Elgez Plus

Happy birthday VOD! A coincidence that I share the same birthday date as VOD? I think not... or... nah, just a coincidence most likely ;P - either way. happy b-day!


Amigachos Plus

Felicidades!!!! Vimeo on demand!!!! y que sean muchos más!!!!.

Saludos y mucho amor. ;-DD

At First Sight Films

At First Sight Films Plus

This is great, you guys. Love the effort and support of the filmmaking community. One, very small critique: trailers should open up and play in a much larger window. Being that, well, you have the best video player in the world - it'd be great to see the trailers showcased in a more visible way. Hats off to you all for creating On Demand!

Martin Tindall

Martin Tindall

Happy Birthday! Great video quality! I'm loving it :D



Happy Happy!! Happy Birthday!!! ^_^

Thomas Krueger

Thomas Krueger

Discovered On Demand through the newsletter.
Browsing by language would be fine, this is actually not possible - or am I wrong?

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