Tweets and Vines change Ferguson Coverage, Cameras in the Courtroom, and More

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Friday, August 15, 2014

How a virtual livestream of tweets and vines after the Michael Brown shooting changed coverage, remembering the first gavel-gavel coverage of a court case, and fact and fiction on Shark Week.

The View from "Fergustan"

Since the death of Michael Brown by on Saturday, all eyes have been on the protests being held in Ferguson, Missouri. Brooke talks with Trymaine Lee from Ferguson. 

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No, Ebola is NOT Coming to the U.S.

Contrary to what the media suggests, Ebola is not coming to the U.S. Bob talks with Dr. Daniel Bausch about what the media keeps missing. 

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Islamic State Imagery

Most of what we’ve seen of the Islamic State comes filtered through its own well-oiled media machine. Sebastian Meyer tells us about the images the I.S. wants us to see.

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Cameras in the Interrogation Room

A new Justice Department policy requires the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to videotape interrogations.  Jennifer Mnookin says the power of video can interfere with objectivity.

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Gavel to Gavel

Jeremiah Zagar, director of the documentary "Captivated: The Trials of Pamela Smart," speaks with Brooke about the role the media played in first trial to be covered gavel-to gavel. 


Tweeting Shark Week

Marine Biologist David Shiffman was enthralled by "Shark Week" almost from its start in 1988. Bob talks with Shiffman about how, lately, he's become a "Shark Week" critic on Twitter. 
