Michael Beckel

Reporter  The Center for Public Integrity

Michael Beckel joined the Center for Public Integrity as a politics reporter in February 2012, where his focus is on super PACs, politically active nonprofits and the influence of money on elections. He previously worked for three years as the money-in-politics reporter for the Center for Responsive Politics. Beckel's exploits have taken him inside the U.S. Supreme Court multiple times, including the oral arguments of the landmark campaign finance cases Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and McCutcheon v. FEC. Earlier, he completed a yearlong editorial fellowship with Mother Jones magazine, wrote for two alternative newsweeklies in Colorado and performed legislative research at Project Vote Smart. Beckel is a 2005 graduate of Colorado College.

Super PACs, nonprofits help fuel relentlessly negative messaging in U.S. Senate races.

Formerly modest nonprofit becomes deep-pocketed, dark money benefactor of Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell.

Battle for control determined in large part by big-spending super PACs and nonprofits.

Nonprofit Green Orchard Inc. is listed as the sole donor to new Prosperity for Pennsylvania super PAC.

Liberals aired more TV ads last week than their conservative foils in seven of the nine top Senate battlegrounds races.

Last week, North Carolina, Iowa residents saw three political ads focused on contentious Senate elections every five minutes.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee aired more TV ads in key Senate races last week than any other group.

Independent Senate candidate Greg Orman lures left-leaning donors despite uncertainty about whether he'll caucus with Democrats.

Super PAC acknowledges a $300,000 gift came from parents of GOP Senate candidate Dan Sullivan, not a wealth management firm.

Open-seat Senate battles in Iowa and Michigan have attracted a flurry of TV ads.

Kentucky’s embattled senior senator has aired roughly one campaign ad every five minutes since Labor Day.

How many TV ads have groups connected to the billionaire brothers aired in your state?

Nine big-money Senate races will determine whether Republicans control both chambers of Congress.

Patriot Majority USA raises millions from unknown sources to play attack dog in the South.

Ahead of high-stakes battle for the Senate, Democrats create massive fundraising group blessed by contentious 'McCutcheon' decision.

Washington, D.C.-based groups are dominating the airwaves in the Last Frontier, home to one of the nation's most contested Senate races.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington is asking the IRS to investigate the 60 Plus Association.

High-profile groups such as Crossroads GPS and Patriot Majority USA acknowledged mistakes after Center for Public Integrity inquiry.

The 60 Plus Association tells the IRS it barely spends money on politics — despite funding millions in candidate attack ads.

Priorities USA Action raised $8.4 million in 2012, the bulk of which came from four unnamed donors.

Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer's 'American Unity' super PAC received $53,000 from American Crossroads last year.

Only a slice of the Senate has opted to e-file campaign finance documents as members debate mandating the practice.

Georgia's GOP Senate primary has attracted big money from a super PAC funded by two nonprofit groups tied to an Ohio lobbyist.

Co-chairman of U.S. Senate candidate's finance committee also helps bankroll supportive super PAC.

NRCC creates second 'jumbo' joint fundraising committee in wake of Supreme Court 'McCutcheon' ruling.

GOP powerhouse American Crossroads got $50,000 from a limited liability company that shares its address with the Arizona Cardinals.

Tax agency rejects pro-Blanche Lincoln group's application for tax-exempt status, calling it too focused on influencing elections.

Lobbyists’ role in Senate GOP whip's campaign helped him avoid, in his own words, a “fair fight.”

Democrats have outraised their GOP counterparts in terms of money coming from lobbyists doubling as fundraisers.

Jane Hartley, a major Obama campaign bundler, nominated to be next U.S. ambassador to France.
