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Nov 07

Pursuing Freedom and Democracy: Lessons from the Fall of the Berlin Wall

FRIDAY 10:30AM The Heritage Foundation's Allison Auditorium
Co-hosted by On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. Two years later, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War came to an end. At stake during this war, which encompassed almost every nation, was whether the world would be dominated by the forces of totalitarianism led by the Soviet Union or inspired by the principles of economic, political, and religious freedom ...
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The finest trick of the devil, Baudelaire once wrote, is to persuade you that he does not exist. Modern liberalism, being far less devilish, has pulled a lesser, but still effective, trick: It has convinced Americans that conservatives don’t care. In fact, the left has made “caring” their exclusive prerogative and successfully framed most political debates as pitting ... Read more

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