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The Baylor Lariat

Lariat Letters

    Lariat Letter” I’m black, and my actions don’t define my race

Lariat Letter” I’m black, and my actions don’t define my race

Monday night, Baylor screened the documentary “I’m not a Racist…am I?” There was a considerable student turnout. The documentary was insightful and relatable for a large portion of the audience. However, the conversation afterward disappointed me, probably because I’m not a part of the audience who could relate.

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    Lariat Letter: For once, think of the children (and mothers, too)

Lariat Letter: For once, think of the children (and mothers, too)

In an Oct. 15 article titled “Children Are People Too,” Vanessa Rasanen of The Federalist writes, “Society has stripped our children of their natural worth, instead morphing them into commodities to be weighed, planned, and shaped to conform with what we think is most convenient for us and our timelines.” The author was speaking about abortion, but her point carries over into the discussion over whether Apple and Facebook (and other companies like them) should pay for their female workers to freeze their eggs.

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    Lariat Letter: Take time to sit down with people, see beyond stereotypes

Lariat Letter: Take time to sit down with people, see beyond stereotypes

“Indeed, God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” I (choose to) believe we could all agree that in an ideal world, there would be no war in the Middle East. In the prayers of those close to me, peace is a common topic. But these prayers, from many in the United States, focus on the people whom we know; namely, Israel. As a Jew, I love the Jewish people and wish for peace in that nation. As a Christian, I realize I have a larger responsibility.

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    Lariat Letter: I’m not atheist, I’m nonreligious. And I’m a Baylor student.

Lariat Letter: I’m not atheist, I’m nonreligious. And I’m a Baylor student.

I am from a little city in the heart of Louisiana that is dominated by Baptists and Pentecostals. I was baptized Episcopal and attended church for years.

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    Lariat Letter: Be safe; wear a helmet when riding motorcycles, mopeds, bikes

Lariat Letter: Be safe; wear a helmet when riding motorcycles, mopeds, bikes

I’m not surprised the Lariat’s coverage of Monday’s moped/car accident made no mention of helmets, considering that Texans don’t appreciate being told what to do, even if it’s good for them.

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    Like Roger Williams, I’m a heretic. Of course, you could be, too.

Like Roger Williams, I’m a heretic. Of course, you could be, too.

I’d like to thank all of you who have expressed your support over the last week as I attempt to articulate my thoughts on the relationship between Christianity and Islam. There have been those who have applauded my efforts and have encouraged me to keep going. But the one person I would like to thank most is the anonymous email sent to me calling me a heretic.

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    Lariat Letter: I’m a Jew. I’m a Christian. Between them, I find harmony.

Lariat Letter: I’m a Jew. I’m a Christian. Between them, I find harmony.

My name is Micah Furlong, and I’m a Jewish Christian.

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Lariat Letters: Opposing responses to “Politically correct isn’t always right” column

To whom it may concern, I’m writing in regards to the editorial piece “Viewpoint: Politically correct isn’t always right” that was published on Oct.13. Myself, and I know many of the other students here at Baylor, feel that this piece is extremely bigoted and prejudiced against the Islamic faith. Never

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    Lariat Letters: Christians take their texts seriously, too

Lariat Letters: Christians take their texts seriously, too

In the Oct. 14 column “Politically correct isn’t always right,” Jeffrey Swindoll argues that the “politically correct narrative” of Islam as a peaceful religion promoted by our “incompetent … public figures” is in fact wrong, that in reality the vast majority of Muslims approve of violence because they take the Quran literally.

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    Lariat Letters: Tolerance can’t be seen along party lines

Lariat Letters: Tolerance can’t be seen along party lines

Starting off, I will say that I am a non-Muslim, tolerance defender getting on my soapbox. However, replace the “pseudo-intellect” part with actual history.

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