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Power-crazed bosses are on the rise: Psychologist Oliver James explains why

 Power-crazed bosses are on the rise: Psychologist Oliver James explains why
Oliver James says bosses with triadic personality have been allowed to prosper (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)

Ever suspected your boss is a rampaging maniac? You may just be right, according to psychologist Oliver James.

In his book Office Politics he says studies show top executives are four times more likely to be psychopaths than the general public. If that isn’t frightening enough, apparently there are more people with narcissistic personality disorder in chief executive roles than in psychiatric hospitals.

The bad news is people with psychopathic, narcissistic or Machiavellian tendencies flourish in the workplace. ‘The vast majority of us work in service industries,’ says James. ‘In most service industries, there is no good objective metric to measure your contribution to the organisation.

‘The way in which you’re promoted is largely determined by your boss’s subjective evaluation of you, which depends on if they like you, how you’ve represented or misrepresented what you’ve done and how good you are at taking credit for work that isn’t yours and passing your mistakes off on to other people.’

Those who display signs of one of these personality types are likely to have all three in the ‘dark triad’. And, due to changes in the economy over the past 30 years, James claims there are three times more of these triadic types in the workplace than in the 1980s. ‘The number of triadic personality types has increased because those characteristics allow you to prosper,’ he explains.

James breaks down each of the personality types and suggests what you can do to protect yourself from them. Unfortunately, when dealing with a psychopath, their behaviour is usually so difficult to detect, you won’t know what they’re up to until it’s too late. With self-aggrandising narcissists, you should compliment them and reflect their own view of themselves back to them.

There are more complex strategies to adopt when dealing with a ‘Machiavel’ who thrives on manipulation. Triadic Machiavels ‘work out where the landmines are that will eliminate their enemies’, says James. ‘They spend their time pondering how to manipulate X to fall out with Y in the eyes of Z. This may be less to promote themselves than to feel powerful.’ Tips on how to deal with this type include assuming everything they say is a lie unless you have evidence to the contrary and not to expect reciprocity – if you do them a favour, they won’t return it.

Psychologist Oliver James's new book, Office Politics, offers tips on how not to be mug (Picture: Rex)
Psychologist Oliver James’s new book, Office Politics, offers tips on how not to be mug (Picture: Rex)

Having completed one of the personality tests in the book, I concluded I was a non-Machiavel. Hooray, I thought, this shows I’m a straight-talking, honest kinda person, right? No. ‘It shows you’re a mug,’ says James.

‘When I worked in television, I was terrible at office politics,’ he says. ‘I was a non-Machiavel, the most pious idiot you’ve ever seen. Don’t be like that – everyone else is doing it and you’re a mug if you’re a non-Machiavel. You need to present a face to people – if not, you will suffer.

‘There are decent people out there and you can get by but think of where you want to go in your career – if you don’t have particular ambitions, you at least need to pay the mortgage. To do that, you need to get out there and be nice to people you don’t necessarily like very much. You need to use ingratiatory tactics.’

James’s central advice is to be-come astute at reading people so you can spot ‘triadics’ and respond according to their expectations while simultaneously presenting ourselves in the best light. While most of us would like to think we are morally upright and would not indulge in workplace back-stabbing, James reckons that, in fact, we’re all at it anyway.

‘There’s a spectrum – at one end, the least psychopathic are primary school teachers, at the other end are chief executives – but everyone is on it,’ he says. ‘Anyone who says they don’t engage in office politics is lying to themselves. It’s the same as when you were a child and stitched up your siblings to get your parents to like you.

‘I’m not suggesting people should become triadic – if you aren’t triadic you can’t invent it – but you need to become more self-conscious about what you do in the office and go about it more deliberately and efficiently.’

The good news is that, when tested, no link has been found between intelligence or ‘general mental ability’ and office political skill – so once we swot up on understanding people and our ability to ingratiate ourselves with them, anyone can flourish in this arena. Yikes.

In his book, James includes a case study of a man who earned a fortune in financial services. He manipulated his colleagues to such an extent that the stress of manufacturing a workplace personality so at odds with how he actually felt resulted in a mental breakdown.

While James advises us to smarten up our political skills, we shouldn’t go over the top. Which, while it looks like a sensible tip on paper, sounds exhausting. Is working in an office a recipe for mental illness?

‘It puts you at risk,’ says James. ‘The fundamental causes of mental illness are industrialisation and urbanisation. People in rural communities and pre-industrial societies are much less likely to be mentally ill. Working in an office is potentially very bad for your mental health – but on the other hand, so is unemployment.’

Office Politics (Vermilion) is out now in paperback.

The Office Politics guide to dealing with triadic personality types

Office psychopaths are hard to spot, says Oliver James(Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)
Psychopaths are hard to spot, says Oliver James (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)


The classic list of psychopathic traits are: glibness and superficial charm, grandiosity, pathological lying, conning and manipulation, lack of remorse or guilt, superficial emotions, callous lack of empathy and failure to accept responsibility. One per cent of the population are psychopaths – meaning there are more than 600,000 in Britain.

One sign that you’ve been in the company of a psychopath is their habit of forcing their unwanted negative emotions on to others – which may leave you depressed.

Psychopaths manifest this behaviour in the workplace by bullying or humiliating colleagues. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to spot a psychopath as they’re generally adept at hiding their antisocial behaviour. Try to establish what this person says about you. Assume they will be telling astonishing untruths. Then there’s at least the chance you will be able to clear your name.

Manipulative Machiavels are sometimes given away by their vanity (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)
Machiavels are given away by their vanity (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)


Machiavels have a great desire and capacity to seek power over others through manipulation. They lack emotional commitment and expression in their dealings with intimates. They reject conventional morality, being largely free of ideologies or ethical belief systems. They are plausible and do not immediately appear to be conspicuously weird.

The easiest way to spot a Machiavel is in their reading of the motives of others. Their vanity prevents them keeping quiet when you ask about why a colleague behaves in a certain way. In offering convoluted and frequently fantastical accounts of what is going on, they reveal their Machiavellian mindset.

The best tactic is to keep off their radar and give them no reason to bother with you. Once you realise that a lot of what they are doing is pointless game-playing it starts to make a kind of sense, unlike psychopaths, where it’s harder to comprehend the level of their malice and extent of their routine deceits.

Easier to spot, a narcissist will court attention and respond to flattery (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)
Easier to spot, a narcissist will court attention (Picture: The Boy Fitz Hammond/NB Illustration)


Narcissism is an inflated self-estimation, imagining yourself to be cleverer or more attractive or more powerful and compelling than is truly the case. While often charming extroverts, such people are uncomfortable with warmth, intimacy and commitment.

They go to great lengths to boost their value in the eyes of others by ‘me, me, me’ attention-seeking, taking credit where it’s not due and courting high-status trophy partners and friends.

Compared with psychopaths and Machiavels, it is easier to manage a narcissistic triadic colleague. Apart from the fact they are easily identifiable, they respond well to flattery and other ingratiatory tactics, ones most of us are capable of executing more or less well.
