TPM News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats' campaign committee on Thursday began canceling plans for television ads in Louisiana's major markets to help Sen. Mary Landrieu's runoff campaign against Republican Bill Cassidy, making her re-election bid an even steeper challenge.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee initially had reserved $1.8 million in television advertising for after Tuesday's first round of voting. On Thursday, the DSCC dumped the bookings in the state's big cities. A spokesman for the debt-laden committee said officials still back Landrieu, who has twice before prevailed during runoff elections, and would keep an eye on the race.

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Artie Lange, a comedian formerly associated with Howard Stern, found himself facing criticism and cancelations this week after posting a series of tweets describing a racist sexual fantasy about ESPN host Cari Champion.

Lange posted the tweets on Tuesday and was met with swift reaction. In some of the posts, Lange, who is white, wrote as if he was Thomas Jefferson, and Champion, who is black and the host of "First Take," was one of his slaves.

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Updated: 3:48 p.m. ET

In their victory lap after taking over the Senate on Tuesday, Republicans are poking some fun at Democrats for their candidates' laborious efforts to distance themselves from President Barack Obama: Thanks a lot, guys!

National Republican Senatorial Committee executive director Rob Collins needled his opponents on Thursday, saying that Democrats had "sidelined their best messenger" by avoiding Obama.

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