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After Cancelled Ad Buys, Landrieu Campaign Says They Still Have 'Juice'

AP Photo / Melinda Deslatte

The statement came in response to to news that the DSCC had started canceling television advertising in major media markets in the state.

Here's the statement from the Landrieu campaign:

While the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee recalibrates, our campaign for Louisiana’s future still has a lot of juice, a lot of heart, and, most importantly, a strong and positive record to run on. Our campaign has never been about money or the party, but fighting for the people of Louisiana and delivering for them time and time again, despite the gridlock in Washington. We have the passion and energy necessary for victory on December 6, and are confident we will have the necessary resources from Louisiana voters to win.

The DSCC had reserved $1.8 million in advertising for the runoff. On Thursday news broke that the committee had begun canceling ad reservations in major media markets in Louisiana. DSCC officials stressed that it was still supporting Landrieu in her runoff race.

"Mary Landrieu is a proven runoff winner and we support her 100 percent," DSCC Communications Director Justin Barasky said. "We are going to make ongoing determinations on how best to invest in the race.