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Jobs Growth Is Great, Throw the Bums Out!

Some facts about today’s jobs report.

This is the 49th consecutive month of net job creation, the longest stretch since the 1930s. For nine straight months, employers have added 200,000 jobs or more, the longest stretch since 1995. We are on track to have the strongest year of jobs growth since the dot-com bubble burst 15 years go. 


NYPD Stepping Up Social-Media Monitoring to Keep an Eye on ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists

The ax attack on four police officers by a small-time, supposedly “self-radicalized terrorist” in Queens last month has led the NYPD to “significantly broaden” its internet tracking of potential criminals and “lone wolf terrorists,” Bloomberg News reports. “They’re trying to access sites that they’re going to find stimulating and try to make up for whatever deficits they have in their lives in terms of trying to find meaning or a cause,” said Commissioner Bill Bratton. The “slick, well-packaged,” extremist messages of, say, ISIS, are especially worrying, according to John Miller, the department’s deputy commissioner for intelligence and counterterrorism.


NYC’s First Wi-Fi Orchestra Sounds Better Than Your High-School Band

A group of filmmakers teamed up with composer Ljova and 11 of New York's best subway musicians to create the first-ever live piece of music conducted remotely using the MTA's (spotty) Wi-Fi. Each performer connected to Skype via Wi-Fi, and Ljova set up laptops on chairs in Bryant Park that each streamed a different musician's feed. The results are surprisingly pleasant, though perhaps a bit compromised by signal lag.

Reading Is Fundamental, Charles C.W. Cooke

Now that Republicans have gained control of the Senate along with the House, they can send their bills to President Obama to veto, thereby portraying him, not them, as the obstacle to progress. National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke has a column arguing that Democrats are now therefore the Party of “obstructionism.” Cooke further argues that I am a “hypocrite” because I was against obstructionism before, and now I am in favor of it.

Cooke is attempting to contrast a column I wrote this week with one I wrote last year. Remarkably, he manages to get the point in each of them not just wrong but completely backwards.


Things to Know About NYC’s New 25-Miles-Per-Hour Speed Limit

Last week, Mayor de Blasio signed a law lowering New York City’s 30-miles-per-hour speed limit to 25. The change is the centerpiece of de Blasio’s Vision Zero plan to drastically reduce New York City traffic deaths, which numbered 291 last year. (To compare: The city saw 333 murders during the same period.) The majority of those killed were on foot when they were struck by cars or other vehicles, and the new speed limit is explicitly intended to protect pedestrians (even — or perhaps especially — the jaywalkers.) "When drivers are driving below 25 miles an hour, it gives them much more time to avoid crashes, gives drivers and pedestrians more time to see each other, greatly intensifies the opportunity to save lives," said de Blasio at the signing, which took place at the Delancey Street intersection named after Dashane Santana, a 12-year-old killed by a minivan there in 2012.


Ebola Nurse Defends Flight: ‘I Would Not Take Ebola to My Family’

Now that Amber Vinson, the second Dallas nurse to contract Ebola, is disease-free, she's doing the media rounds, insisting that she did everything the CDC told her to. In an interview on Thursday night, she told CNN's Don Lemon that she has no idea how she contracted Ebola because she was always completely covered in protective gear. "I go through it almost daily in my mind: what happened, what went wrong," she said. "I followed the CDC protocol ... I never strayed."


Bin Laden’s Shooter Goes Public, But Fellow SEALs Dispute His Story

It's pretty obvious why Navy SEALs aren't supposed to talk about their work, but now we know one secondary reason that does not involve being targeted by evildoers out for revenge. For the past three years, the man who killed Osama bin Laden has been known only as an anonymous member of the Navy's SEAL Team Six. This week, Fox News announced they would identify the shooter, and the Daily Mail beat them to it, naming retired SEAL Robert O'Neill. On Thursday night, O'Neill confirmed the report in an interview with the Washington Post, but the mystery is far from over. Within hours, several SEALs were publicly squabbling about who actually fired the shot that killed the world's most notorious terrorist.


P.A. Governor Tom Corbett: Joe Paterno ‘Probably’ Shouldn’t Have Been Fired

Two days after he was voted out of office, partially due to his handling of the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia case, Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett mused that the late Penn State football coach Joe Paterno "probably" should not have been fired — though he reportedly pushed for his dismissal. "They probably should have suspended him," Corbett told the Philadelphia Inquirer. "He probably should have been given the last three games, not on the sideline." He said if the coach turned a blind eye to the abuse, he should have been punished, "But I'm not so sure it was clear to him." Corbett added, "technically, he complied with the law."

JetBlue JFK Terminal May Get Its Own High Line

This month JetBlue is opening its $200 million addition to Terminal 5 at JFK Airport, and in the next year it may get even swankier. The designer, Gensler, is hoping to transform the roof of the arrivals hall into a park accessible to all travelers. Architect Ty Osbaugh told the New York Times that the new space would look "a lot like the High Line, but not quite that industrial," and on a clear day it would offer views of the spire of 1 World Trade Center. It would also give Mayor de Blasio an opportunity to figure out what the High Line is without having to visit the Bloomberg-affiliated Chelsea park.

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