Steve Roggenbuck is creating videos

"my videos are similar to air bud"

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Milestone Goals
hail satan
$666 per video
seems obvious this had to be a funding goal !! this would be a lot of income for me i think (?), so at this point i'd start donating a percentage of funds to an org that's doing awesome work. i havent settled on the specifics yet tho! (help me decide)


poet + video artist . vegan . friend . full bio at


Brunswick, ME, USA

Steve Roggenbuck is Supporting

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hi cool frends, this page allows you to conveniently make recurring donations each time i post a new video on youtube . all the videos will remain free to watch, this is just a reallly nice way to support me back :)

- the donations are per-video on my main channel
- i'm aiming for weekly videos this summer (and beyond?)
- you can cap your total monthly donation, if needed.

if you've never seen my videos, here is my most popular and here is a recent one :)

please trust that i live frugally (i've lived out of my backpack for a year), and i don't want to be rich ever . i just want to pay the bills with what i love, pay off my student debt, and eventually have enough to provide for others . and i actually think patreon is a cooler financial model than anything else i've found, because it's donation-based, it's stable long-term, and it's based on what my viewers actually want most from me (more videos)

your patronage on here would feel veryyy special to me . it's such a direct form of support, not even cloaked in the guise of a purchase or offset by printing or travel expenses, only some small fees . this is you directly supporting me to make what i love and share it with the world . that would mean so so enormously much to me . thank u so much for considering a donation <3
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