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ask me anything
RSS Report answers
where do you look on 4chan? the fashion one lol
i like you but are you racist?
hope not
link me to why you asked, preferably multiple links
thanks for liking me some, it means a lot
delicious treats with delicious company
ah, you can read and are my friend on facebook, i see
"stop snitchin'"? where is the line? cam said he wouldn't snitch on a serial killer? where does vic draw the line on snitchin'?
yeah in a 60 minutes anderson cooper thing right? idk, that shit is hard as hell! gets harder to understand every day! whats abuse! i love cam for what he said but in my position and situation i guess i think the legal system is cool and stuff im checkin my priv here this countrys infrastructure has sure done a lot for me in life idk. im always real happy in law and order svu when they catch the bad guy tbh
do you feel utz chips?
i actually have noticed that they have a better flavor than herr's sadly as who doesn't want to go local plus mr. herr even came to my elementary school one time
what are the last three books u read  chris dankland
uh this summer i finished a henry james... 'the awkward age'
cant remember, other than tha
any recs?
i love your ass. it is a great shaped ass. i mean, memorably good, unusually good. but am i being sexist in stating that?
probly what do i know wanna paypal me
is the kind of chips you were thinking about when you made vicky__chips ruffles sour cream?
it sure is my friend
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do you want to kill bugs when you see them? what bugs more than others if so? do you have a good method of killing fruit flies?
yes, the little.. ugh the.. the tiny.. ugh the.. brownish, fly things that are food related i feel and very small, are the worst. no good method i rarely kill them
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shame and modesty are beautiful qualities in white women and other women. do you feel your modesty and chastity are holy achievements?
fuck off mate
how does being raised christian influence your sex life?
i dont know im suppresed and scared to touch my self or be touched
What does it really mean...being Christian? Does it mean being like Jesus or hating yourself for your flaws? Or what? I don't get it.
tweet was wrt sex stuff
what traits would u have if u were a sim
if you give your address i'll mail you presents/craftprojects.... -stranerg
ill give u it if u email me
baruch ata adonai eloheinu
do the shmoney dance?
you're not jewish how do you know Baruch HaShem
i read it on bebe zevas moms twitter
do you wash dishes a lot
yes of late
specially at jess's house
"if you keep saying I know this isn’t good, I know this isn’t good, but you keep doing it, well, you’re lying to yourself, you don’t really know this isn’t good"—prof trott. are you going to go out with the guy the christians want you to go out with
did i say that, when, who is this, are you talking about my sister who is a professor, are you you on a mobile
it's a big debate, whether i'm doing that or not, i guess probably not
did anything nice go down at hickory run
yeah i liked the fire singing we did saturday night
will capitalism end by evolution or revolution
are you saying revolution is not evolution
im stupid
seems like it will take over 9000 years
do you like them on rye
oh honey you're a smooth talker
do you like chicken salad sandwiches
what's it like to date someone in law enforcement
are those shots i hear?
is someone firing shots?
happy labor day 2014 everyone!!
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why are you abusing someone
i just sympathize with wife-beaters a lot
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