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RSS Report answers
What is love don't hurt me
doing good my new semester starts next week
What up dude
nm, sitting on my deck, smoking a cigarette, drinking monster, fb msging my boss & the editor of a mag that im doing the web design for, u ?
Do loners make it?
make what
Most recent craziest sex story?
i ate the entire ass
1 person likes this
How can someone become less jealous and obsessive?
theres probably an infinite number of methods/possibilities, but i think the nearest thing to a practical answer is 'time'
Post a selfie!
Post a selfie!
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what are some 'little known' works (books, movies, music, etc) that you would recommend? what's your most recent regret? what's a time you remember your mom crying? what are some things you think about often, but think it's strange how often you think about those things? how many ppl are u in luv w?
1) i recommend my book 'treees', my movie 'dead midgets', & my album '#liquoraqua'
2) upsetting ppl & not knowing how to reconcile w them & shutting down/closing up in fear of hurting them more instead of endeavoring to find ways of better resolving what i did that hurt them in the 1st place
3) my mom cried briefly the last time i left for new york city (~1wk ago)
4) i feel surprised humans havent run out of resources almost constantly
5) im probably discernibly 'in-love' w 2-5 ppl rn but i cant be sure, i feel too sad to distinguish the love feelings from the sorrow feelings
How does one create alternative literature?
by producing something they consider 'literature' & either calling it 'alternative' or allowing others to designate it that title
Can u give a definition of alt lit?
not concisely no
What's ur favourite dog breed?
when i was younger i liked border collies
How do I get to sleep right NOW?
i suggest meditating on a single word or image while lying supine w all lights & electronics off until u fall asleep
What is yr favourite letter?
1 person likes this
Rose red
Poppy not rose
Black in America
Need crack
Who had the biggest influence on you as a kid?
my parents
WHat do u do when your best friend likes your crushp?  chaela butler
depends on a lot of factors, i feel
do u mean the person ive considered my 'best friend' since elementary school or just someone im close to ? by 'your crush' do u mean someone i just met or someone ive known for a while & either have or havent been hooking up w for a while ? has the person i have a crush on expressed interest in my friend ?
can u be more specific ?
Black dick or white dick
no discernible preference
Have you ever been stoned while communicating with Steve roggenbuck?