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Rand Paul: 2014 Was A 'Repudiation' Of Hillary Clinton


"I think it's all good news. I think last night in Kentucky, we had a huge victory. And particularly in Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, this was not only a repudiation of the president, but I think really a repudiation of Hillary Clinton," he said. "Everybody thought 'Oh, hey, I'm going to be a Clinton Democrat.' Turns out that's not so popular in a lot of states either. And trying to separate this into Obama Democrats and Clinton Democrats really wasn't a successful strategy for the Democrats yesterday."

"The Clintons have long been represented as leaders of the Democrat Party," Paul continued. "She's said to be the front-runner for the nomination for their party. So really elections are about who the leadership is in a party and it’s about either accepting or rejecting those leaders. And, frankly, I think that yesterday was a repudiation of Hillary Clinton."

Paul also took to social media to brand the losing Democratic candidates for whom Clinton campaigned as #HillarysLosers.